Why don't women pay any attention to us, average guys? We want to be loved too.
Why don't women pay any attention to us, average guys? We want to be loved too
Why don't you give them something to pay attention to?
imagine the absolute state of the guy that makes all the Redpill comics
Okay now you guys are just reaching.
user I bet hundreds of unattractive and ugly women have gave you attention but you do the same this women is doing here. Is just human nature to go after those who you find attractive.
You sound like an absolute beta you cuck. Take the blackpill and forgot gfs and relationships. No kids, no divorces, no wastage of money. Become a wizard
And why don't women give me something to pay attention to besides their vagina?
I'm 2 years away from "attaining my ascent into wizardry," and this is my first impression of such obviously bias men vs. women horsecrap.
As if men do not likewise become tunnel vision focused when sexually attractive females come into play. Please.
Sage goes in options field
I hate these comics, all they do is enforce toxic world views. They don't help you, they don't make you feel better. They just reinforce what your vulnerable mind wants to think. You will find love user, she'll be everything you want in life.
If you want to exterminate your bloodline and leave more women and resources out there for me and mine, be my guest you idiot.
>You will find love user, she'll be everything you want in life.
This is a class of horseshit that is also akin to the OP. Sometimes you just have to find somebody and WORK with that person to build a trusting partnership. "Love" is an emotional delusion for children
he hates himself more than any of us could ever fathom
I'm being general. Of course love is a journey not a static object. I'm saying he will find someone he cares about, someone he can share the world with.
>I hate these comics, all they do is enforce toxic world views. They don't help you, they don't make you feel better. They just reinforce what your vulnerable mind wants to think.
I know, user, I know. I just can't seem to help myself. I'm in a really bad place and I need this.
>You will find love user, she'll be everything you want in life.
Thank you for your kind words. The foreseeable future seems bleak, but thank you nevertheless.
Do you want to talk about it? Or at least get your thoughts out there? I'm here if you need motherly advice
It's literally biology. They're programmed to only pay attention to men who offer them resources that would benefit them and their offspring. Those resources can either be genetic material (good looks, physical superiority, etc.) or practical attributes such as money, social status, security or pleasure (either sexual or emotional). Basically, men only exist in the eyes of women if they offer something of immediate or potential value.
Quads of truth have spoken
And they were more original than I was
>Why don't women pay any attention to us, average guys?
that is a very good thing and you should be celebrating. Attractive guys who get attention are the first to get the knife by women.
and men are the same, how many men want to fuck and love a fat 50 year old woman?
It's true, but men tend to appreciate more women based on personal traits whereas women almost univewsally view men in terms of what they provide.
Any idea where can I look for single girls who are about 20, and who are desperate?
They pay attention to you if you try. If you try harder you will do it, You just have to believe that you can get her.
>And why don't women give me something to pay attention to besides their vagina?
They're entitled.
> quads of wisdom
Holy shit, you really are a real wizard!
What is there to talk about? I'm a 21-year-old handholdless, kissless virgin who has never texted a woman about anything ouside of school/work (then again, me texting a woman is a rare occurence in itself). I only have a few male acquaintances I meet up with from time to time (usually every three months or so) and that's it. My social life is almost non-existent and I'm virtually inivisible to women.
The only thing I have going for me right now is that I'm a med student but I've lost all motivation. As a result my grades have been falling rapidly over the last year. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up for. The loneliness is crushing.
How fucking retarded are you? There is no reason for men in their 20s and 30s want girls in their 20s and 30s, not some used up menopausal whore old enough to be their mom.
However most men in that age range have plenty to offer but the girls in that age range don't want it unless it comes attached to a 6' tall giant or a male model.
My brother will continue my bloodline. I have taken the blackpill and will not be convinced otherwise. I advise you to take the blackpill as well good sir
Well let's start out with your age. You're only 21, you've literally got your whole life ahead of you. You don't need to be steady right now. But I understand how hard lonlieness can be. How do you treat yourself normally? Keep up hygiene? Eating normally? Remember that the winter months are hard on a lot of people, you're not alone. Even I'm struggling with my depression lately.
feels good not falling for the jew system and saving money.
>If you want to exterminate your bloodline
women control reproduction not men. women can cheat on you and now you are raising a kid that is not yours unknowingly.
>leave more women and resources
no you will have less finical resources because your money is her money and her money is hers.
>be my guest you idiot
no you are the thirsty idiot that thinks with his dick.
>Keep up hygiene?
>Eating normally?
Yes, I've been steadily losing weight for the last few months (173 cm @ 80 kg currently, slightly chubby).
>Remember that the winter months are hard on a lot of people, you're not alone. Even I'm struggling with my depression lately.
Good luck, user. Hopefully it gets better for the both of us.
Then you have more going for you than you think hun. You're going into a good job, you put effort into yourself. Keep your head up, you're worth more than you think. Try online dating, look around your town's subreddit for events coming up. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there, you might get shot down but that doesn't mean it's over. And thanks sweetheart~ I'm trying to remind myself I'm a good person too
>They pay attention to you if you try.
Negative attention at best
>You just have to believe that you can get her.
pic related
I know this is a LARP but the level of retardation in people who seriously think like this seriously pisses me off.
I was kicked out of my cities subreddit for saying a woman in a relationship shouldn't spend time with another man alone in his house.
80kg at 1,73 lol you are fat as fuck dude. Im a 1,73 sad Manlet too and i couldnt get this weight even if I tried. Imagine being a Manlet and not being a cute twink, dude cant even be gay
I'm just trying to be a kind voice for people... What makes you mad about it?
Because you are a retard spouting normie shit advice like "try online dating", the difference being you know full well the 80/20 rule is in full effect, and is even worse in online dating.
Then referring someone to the cesspool of cucked, woman worshipping misanderist filth that is Reddit?
KYS stupid faggot. The only thing shittier than your "advice" is this pathetic attempt at a LARP
Did it make you feel better telling me off? Did it cheer you up?
It would make me feel better if you died and took a bunch of your fellow basedboy cucks with you.
>Just think happy thoughts and everything will be alright
Your "kindness" is giving false hopes, which are the cornerstone for more painful disappointments.
They are actually VERY counterproductive too, odd enough.
Males who stopped hoping and just care for their own stuff are more likely to raise a womans attention then the ones hoping and looking for the fulfillment of that hope. Don't know why, it works out that way.
Less desperation to smell, I suppose
You're welcome to keep going if it makes you feel better. What would you like for ammo?
This. Wait for sexbots to make them obsolete.
I'm definitely not "fat as fuck". Like I said, I'm only slightly chubby.
if you pass your incel genes on, the cycle just repeats, rise up, play vidya, stay in your room, remain on Jow Forums and when its all just too much to handle, become an hero
either i die a virgin or live a chad
A video link to your suicide. If you won't provide that GTFO and leave me alone you fucking jackass.
Now I know why you guys are always so sad. Whenever I come to try and cheer you up I always end up feeling worse myself haha
They do pay attention to average guys, shame no one on here is one.
>They do pay attention to average guys
No, they don't.
>shame no one on here is one
>everyone on Jow Forums is a hideous, unhygienic, dumb NEET
You could easily make the same comic with a bunch of average girls and the one 8/10 standing out to some onlooker.
Here is the fucking point. The reason you're incel fucking losers is because you're LAZY COWARDS who can't be fucked to get off your ass and do anything and then use your cowardice as an excuse. There is plenty of advice in this thread, go try workshops, go join do classes in something, join the autismo central that is improv groups. Try to improve yourself a little bit, get regular haircuts, take an interest in fashion, go to events you will enjoy, go out to bars or clubs or gigs that play the music you enjoy (there are music scenes for literally every fucking genre of music).
You can go on any Incel forum and see that the vast, VAST majority of incels are actually quite normal or even good looking people, they're just lazy pieces of shit that can't engage in any level of actual POSITIVE SELF CRITICISM and join a community filled with nihilistic sociopaths that think because their hair is the wrong shade or they have slightly the wrong skull shape or they're below 6'3 it's impossible for them to get laid or have any sort of healthy social life.
Incel shit is the most toxic fucking garbage there is. Most of you if you put in any fucking effort at all over a period longer than a week, could actually get laid and see improvements in your lives. The problem is, not that you've lost the "genetic lottery" (funny that 5'3, 130kg balls of lard still end up with tall hot women) it's that you're just lazy.
Amazing. Every single word in that sad, pathetic rant is wrong.