Do you miss her, user?

Do you miss her, user?

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Who the fuck are you referring to faggot

I've never met her, so no

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the one girl everybody has met in life and then disappeared

no, fuck her, she'll come back one day. They always do, and when that day comes I'll tell her to eat shit and die

no shes a fucking cunt and i hope she rots in a shitty marriage like her mother

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More than anything. Its been 6 years and it still hurts the same. The girls since her have done nothing to feel the void she left.

I would shatter the sky to give her the stars

i don't even know who i miss anymore...

Recently she messaged me about how she missed me but I don't know for myself... I don't think I missed her or will ever miss her.

Yeah kinda but we meet on Saturday again so it's not that bad.

How can I miss what Ive never had lol

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I miss her even though we spoke just a few minutes ago

I don't, actually. We were very young and became attached kind of by chance (me much more so than her, of course)

I feel no ill will and I wish her the best, but I don't particularly want to see or talk to her ever again

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She was a lying cunt who had bf before even starting to talk with me and she strung me along despite fully knowing my feels.
I bet if she even remembers me anymore, she laughs her ass off at me before sucking that bi-fag off.
And I did it all to myself, because I trusted her and had hopes.
And yet I still want her more than my life. I hate having feelings for her. I tried forgetting, I tried hating, nothing works. I hate having feelings, period. I want them all to go away and to never feel anything again

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Every fucking day ever since she an-hero'ed. I fucking miss them so much.

no, fuck that cheating cunt. Only thing I miss is the feel, the person behind it turned to be a two faced liar

Yes. I had a girlfriend and a dog then the girlfriend took my dog and left and now she's fucking several Chads a week.
Such is life for me and guys like me.

yes but we're way too different to be compatible anymore and she hates my guts and i'm terrified of her.
>tfw she dated some dude with my name for 2 weeks and left him because he was too autistic

Sometimes, but really I miss being with anyone, she was a massive hypocrite and we clearly weren't right for each other in the long run, should have broken up like a year before

I haven't met a girl that I've liked yet

she lives on a farm and is waiting for me to get my degrees, maintaining her innocence.

I don't, but it hurts so much. I didn't love her or really like her for the last 6 months of our relationship, I was miserable every time I saw her, and when we finally called it quits I thought I would be so relieved.

Instead I hate the thought of her but can't stop thinking about her. Everytime I think I've moved on something reminds me of her and I'm back to feelings of love and hate. It feels like the world is moving on and I am stuck.

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We were supposed to see each other today... I guess she wasn't as excited about that as I was...

My head says no, she left you when you needed her the most and all of what happened was a big lie
But my heart says yes there'll be always a place for her if she'll ever want to come back

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