So what exactly is a robot?

So what exactly is a robot?

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me apparently



I'm Chad I guess so fuck you

would've gotten around 20 but I gave myself some points that other people would say I earned




A lot better than around the same time last year. I'll be chad soon enough

I am quite impressed with myself.

that's about right

this was not original


>inb4 get off my board reeee

Nice link oregeno

feels kinda bad because i kinda relate to the cyborg text

I dislike normies

not that bad, I guess.

>i was being generous
will i ever make it lads

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dat half n half lifestyle

79, and the description seems accurate. What is the name of this science?

gonna be less soon though, since I'm about to get kicked out of school


i still have chances, i guess

Down to 32 now

wizard lol. i thoght i was normalfag but no


my score in that table


i made it boys

just being rich in college makes you chad tier according to this, apparently ... as long as you have 1 (one) romantic partner, with no vices like drinking or smoking.

84, so I don't fit with robots, cyborgs, or normies. Why live

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I mean i have things pretty great in my life, but depression and anxiety is making it hard.

Who knows but I've progressed from slightly strange to normalfag over the past year and that's a hell of a feelsgoodman.

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about a year ago i did this and got about 70, but going to uni has really benefited me. I probably go on Jow Forums about once every 2 weeks now as opposed to daily
The best thing any of you an do for yourself is to get off this site

> 114

Actually that's being generous. I didn't award points for "attended higher education" even though I want to college but didn't graduate, or "have an attractive face" even though women have told me I do. Trying to lowball here.

58 so I can call myself a robot and not a pathetic normalfag.

Depending on how I answer it ranges from 81-85. If it wasn't for the fact that I've had (1) relationship before that I went all the way with I'd be firmly in the Cyborg category though. Either way still worse than I thought.

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118, fuck yeah I MADE IT, see ya fags later while im banging your oneitis

66 at worst and 75 at best, will i ever make it? i think i still have a shot at life.

anyone above 30 should leave

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I got like 10 points by just being in school but lost at least 16 by being in school

A robot is nothing more than someone who self-identifies with a sub-culture centred around social ostracisation, alienation, and loneliness.

Done, see ya.

Where my fello Cyborgs?


some of the questions were weird

>all these 100+

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A cyborg , like last year .

38 here
>ur commen waznt orignal


Let's create our own community

Went from a cyborg to slightly strange after dating a bpd camgirl for a couple months. Almost wish I had stayed a khhv

87 here. I'm a young, intelligent, relatively engaged and happy guy. However, absolutely no relationship shit whatsoever. I swear women just fucking hate me or something.

i got 87

>bonus round

christ my mental is trash

which makes a lot of sense because I can fit in if I try but I always feel like an outsider and like there's something wrong with me, I only relate to people on r9k and even then I still hate you all

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>tfw years ago I was in the Wizard part
I am coming up lads

Got a 44...

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I got 70 as well very nice

>on the border of slightly strange and normalfag
life is suffering and all I can do is laugh

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why the fuck you all have high notes, this board isn't supposed to be for normies

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Well r9k is fucked I guess

>96 score
>almost got 0 points on the social aspect
At least I'm independent

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idk but definitely not me, basically most normies would score this with ease, as it says on the title, its only good for determining if youre a robot, but really useful to determine how successful someone is.

holy fuck i remember this.
my score last time was 38 and now its 29, what the fuck happened to me