Are you wearing your panties and plug today like a good girl, sissy?
/Sissy/ General - Sissy Bride Edition
gosh sissies are so cringe, you give such a bad name to actual transwomen
>actual Transwomen
your a dude in a dress at least sissies actually admit they'll never be a real women.
Your below a fucking sissy in self awareness you stupid nigger.
I wonder why 90% of the images in these threads are anime
Animes cute and the janitors don't let us post pics of ourselves anymore you stupid faggot.
I guess they've decided to man a few guys on Jow Forums. That's an improvement. You all should be kicked to /lgbt/ where you belong, really.
You've got to work on your act, as well! That's not very feminine of you lol
theres a difference between being un-self aware and just being cynical
They might want to relocate to /soc/ or /lgbt/ where such things are allowed. But who am I to judge? old Jow Forums is already long dead, much in part thanks to these wonderfully sexually confused residents!
Imagine sexualizing marriage past that of consummating after it.
This is why I don't take faggots who are into this stuff seriously.
Tfw no proper bf who isn't a dumb slut
Who else is a /headpatslut/ desu
Not a sissy myself, but this is hot. I don't want to dominate a sissy tho, I want to have passionate sex with one, I want to make them feel loved.
I want to pay soft bellies more then heads.
>Getting someone else's jizz on your hand
I seriously don't understand how people can say traps aren't gay
I want it in my mouth user desu
A sissy doesnt concern themselves over that or not, only in pleasing their man.
Just your mouth?
A-and my pussy daddy~
don't understand this gimmick really. I see it's super popular on many discord channels, but people just spam /headpat/ over and over and it's just weird..
I'm no daddy, I'm a cock hungry sissy too.
Not talking about the sissy I'm talking about the man
You disgust me
It's fun how every time I cum I feel ashamed and disgusted but 15 minutes later I'm already jerking off to sissy stuff
You'll have to earn it, sissy.
>tfw no qt white sissy to fuck with my BBC
why even live
>ywn be seduced by a cute, dominant trans girl and be feminised into her bimbo gf (male)
why live desu
doubt you're even black desu, so many racebaiters on here
I know they ruined it for actual black people.
fucking cuck posters : (
Well, what are you looking for in a qt sissy?
>tfw no strong daddy to pound my white little boipussy on our wedding night. Little drops of sissy juice dripping from my caged clitty and onto my frilly wedding dress as he makes me his property.
let me suck your bbc! I'll be your qt white sissy
Would you rather snowball daddys cum with another sissy or eat a creampie from her tight ass? :3
thats hot as long as I can fuck your tight ass while your tied up and precum leaks out of your caged clitty (:
a sissy who isn't afraid to get tied up and fucked for hours on end and doesn't mind being choked while I fill up their tight sissy ass
you guys never look good in this stuff take your pills.
Show me 1 feminine sissy, I dear ya
>thats hot as long as I can fuck your tight ass while your tied up and precum leaks out of your caged clitty (:
Of course! I've actually never been properly tied up but I want to do it soooo badly. Pretty much what started me on this whole thing haha.
and I'd definitely need to be caged, and I'd for sure be leaking pre as you fuck my tight ass :o
I want to eat your creampie out of her ass while you degrade me daddy~
I'm just a dumb sissy slut who needs to be told what to do!
Guess we need to find us a daddy then...
I do need a daddy! I need someone to train me to be a good girl so I can be an obedient sissy slave to my master and make him feel good~
Would you ever play with a sissy sister? :)
I'd love to play with a fellow sissy! Playing with our little clitties or sucking on each other would be so hot! Our cute little dresses hiked up as we 69~
YES! We could play dress up and you could do my make-up, we could shopping and clubbing and I'd eat your ass! .
>tfw tumblr is kill and so are all the sissy caption blogs
>all these sissies
>none post discords
Fuck off larping 30 year old obese men I want a trap gf not a faggot
>letting some wannabe beta daddybot off of r9k dom you
a lot of those were pretty cringey but occasionally you'd find really hot stuff.
I see a lot of it on fetlife though
>sissy has to talk back online, always makes threads, never follows through
coward sissy is the least attractive. Won't even try to rebel irl. Doesn't even fight off daddy rape.
You are the sissy below the sissy, something I call, trash.
Am I the only one upset over all the sissy captions that will be lost on Dec 17th?
Post your favorite caption!
how is fetlife is it worth signing up to?
When I've been edging my brain really doesn't care about whether or not something is cringy, it just responds to that shit, despite being dumb. If I look at it when I'm not horny it all just seems retarded and silly. But when I'm horny it fucking feels so right.
>imagine being such a beta you have to go online and try and tame r9k sissies to feel powerful only for them to tell you to fuck off.
>trash is still giving me (You's)
off to shitpost on the next thread
A lot of sissies on here do cringy erp on purpose I think because it's humiliating to them and therefore turns them on.
Bye you beta bitch, maybe come back and take the pink pill, because your hardly a real man faggot. Let's suck cock together sometime!
Kinda depends on what you're looking for and where you live. If you're in a large area it's fine, if you're a grill you'll have tons of people talking to you. If you're a cute sissy you'll have tons of guys talking to you as well, but most just say "hey cutie" or something dumb.
There's lots of porn though so that's interesting.
This is true, I definitely do edge a lot and get googoo over things I would normally not like haha
Humiliation is one of my biggest turn ons so you're probably right.
I'm looking to fuck a sissy not get fucked. I'm guessing the ratio is not in my favor.
lol retard tldr
So I'm the only faggot here that likes this?
Probably not, but if you put a decent profile and send messages that are more than just "hey" you'll be ahead of most guys.
It's free too, so if it doesn't work out then you've not lost anything.
hot AF. Here's a bbc one
The caption stuff really turns me on further when I'm in the mood.
>losing the argument so bad you have nothing to respond with but a spelling correction
>literally not even worth a sissies time, bye fag.
I really like comparison pics like that ;s
don't have any saved though
>anime post
>said bye now twice
if you reply to me, I win.
If you don't, I win.
You are already dead.
It really is hot. This one doesn't have a caption, but I can't not post it when you mention the size comparison.
Well to be fair, that one doesn't need a caption. It speaks for itself
>tfw getting locked up in chastity soon
>cute outfit and panties on the way
>going to get fucked by my master and have him slap and spit on my face and fuck me while he records it all
it feels so nice being so pent up and horny all the time. I think of my masters cock so much
very true
one more without a caption
Absolutely fuckn based good sir
>tfw no femdom gf to adopt me as her pet cuck beta male
You should be a good sissy and just start mass saving the good sites :p
>tfw bbc to make deep thrusts into my boipussi
really want a bbc to fugg me like this desu
Holy fuck that's hot what a good sissy girl desu
yeah such a good, obedient sissy!! really impressive
Should sissies stay limp or is it okay for a sissy to get a stiffy?
realistically, they should probably stay locked up.
You're right, actually. I love cages, they look so sexy.
fucking annoying trap threads, like shut the fuck up. Go to /lgbt/ and stop ruining the board reputation you slimy faggot
photo is bobbibuttons on tumblr, btw. I highly recommend going through her blog before tumblr nukes it all, she has some incredibly high res photography worth saving.
Us sissies should always be locked, plugged, and collared to truly show our place in life and the acceptance of our feminization. But of course our master may order us otherwise!
>hurr i hate trap threads so I'm gonna go browse it and get a rock hard boner, instead of filtering the thread and never seeing all these cute sissies
I want to fuck a locked sissy.
>have peak delusion sissy fetish
>spend hundreds of dollars on clothes, make up, chastity cage, wigs, nail polish, jewelry, heels, dildos etc
>6'2" broad shoulders manbod
>would be happy as a man but I have this degenerate fetish
Just gonna accept I will never get fucked. Even if I had the guts to which I'm scared because many of these grindr black guys have STDs
I wish I owned a sissy.
Feel you there. I've spent far too much money on this...I even threw everything out once and swore I was done for good. Obviously it didn't work.
I don't think I would use grindr though just seems too scary
im actually black user but im more of an anti-social NEET rather than a thug but i do have a 8' dick
This shit is retarded lmao. I don't feel any sexuality emitting from this, just weakness. You're all weak cowards. Too afraid to be somebody. Your manhood defines your life because you're overly sexual, and it's probably just average sized manhood, not incapably small or overly large. Even if it was a single centimeter or the size of an elephants fucking trunk, there's no excuse to abuse yourself like this. You're worth more than the size of your dick for christ sake, anyone worth their shit won't belittle you for the size of your dick. I don't care what size it is actually, really just shut the fuck up you abusive, psy ops assholes. Leave robots alone. Shitty cult tactics. Perverse, degenerate pieces of shit taking advantage of r obots just far away enough to belittle robots without any consequences. LISTEN UP, STOP LISTENING TO THESE TOOLS! STOP SACRIFICING SELF WORTH TO SEXUALITY! Once you fap to this trash you'll just hurt yourself more. Robots, stop fapping to the trash these subhumans serve you. They are trying to hurt you, degrade you and far worse. If you want that? I care too much to let that happen to you. Me and some other people care about you more than some piece of trash that wants to abuse you and hurt your mind. Get the FUCK out of this cesspool, no matter what it takes. This is not NORMAL! You don't need to be normal, but you don't need to hurt yourself either. These people are taking advantage of the vulnerable robot mind and trying to turn it into this TRASH. You are not TRASH. You have much more potential than falling for this garbage. Trust me. Get out of here right fucking NOW. The fact that this garbage is allowed to fester is an insult to the human mind. Fuck all of you cowards.
That's ok, we can be anti-social together just with cutie things and lots of lewdness.
any videos of white guys fucking the sissies?
I want to dominate one desu but I cant sef-insert when there's a nigger where i belong
Sure there's plenty of that, too!
are you a qt passable sissy or trap or something?
yeah I'm pretty cute, I get lots of compliments normally only thing is I'm 6' tall so not everybody loves that understandably
headpats arent even that good though
there are other things that are better
nice, post your load please
Own and train me daddy desu
it's pretty easy to find desu
i dont mind the height diff but im shorter than you that would be a dealbreaker for you prob nd im not a beta but im not much of a dom ive been told im very laid back and calm and collected. if youre not offput id like to talk if not good luck
Congratulations on disappointing your parents
nah I don't mind the height thing at all. laid back is perfect as long as you're the top of course haha. do you have a discord or anything?
I'm 6'2''
post contact, tall traps are elegant
this shit you posted is horrendous. any amateur stuff ? I usually go to /gif/ traps s