Its happening again, boys

Its happening again, boys.
Columnine 2.0 is going down.

Attached: 20181213_124522.jpg (1080x1694, 693K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>When they reboot a neat movie from the 90s but now it sucks

I wonder what politically convenient patsy it will be this time? One thing's for sure, every time this happens the social noose slips a little tighter around our necks.

Attached: Elliot Roger Idolization.png (1801x614, 129K)

I just searched on YouTube and there's nothing current. What are you going on about?

Google for news.

All schools in Columbine, Chatfield, & Dakota Ridge areas have been placed in lockout due to a suspicious person in the Columbine area. Will update when we have more. Lockout means students remain inside; entry/exit are restricted

I'll spoil the ending for you lads

it'll be an "incel" who is actually decent looking and probably even had a gf before

Its breaking news. Wont be on youtube for a little bit.

Wow, way to make everything about you. I bet you're white and middle class too

>inb4 its just some faggy edgelord who thinks he is cool wearing a leather trenchcoat and a "humanity is overrated" shirt around that school

Some retard who wants Christmas break to start early, but in turn is gonna get his life ruined when he gets caught. Nothing to see here.

Attached: 001 (18).jpg (640x521, 71K)

Kek Most schools last day is tomorrow. It would be pure autism to do that at this point.

>i have to share a planet with the person who wrote that post
fucking christ

>it'll be an "incel" who is actually decent looking and probably even had a gf before
What is wrong with today's shooters or is it just normies just bandwagonning something they heard is popular?

Looks like it's nothing

>reeee I didn't like what he said and I hate whites who have comfortable lives DX
Quality content guys.

looks like the lockdown put a stop to it before it even started

I bet this dude would suck the cum outta Elliots dick if he had the chance, too.
>"Oh Elliot. They dont understand us. We're complicated beings of a higher caliber than them. But uh... I can... fix our problem..."

ROUND 2 !!ROUND 2 !!ROUND 2 !!

>A-a well worded and thoughtful post that I disagree with!??
>What can be done about this??

Bravo good sir!

My best friend lives in Commerce City (5min outside of Denver), trying to see if he knows anything.

What makes you think he's white? What does any of that have to do with whites? Go back to tumblr you bitter bigot

Do you think theyll get the high score this time?!?

Even the columbine shooters had gfs. The only incel shooters are Elliot and Cho

No. Im just not autistic and can see social ques. It was far beyond normal affection. This dude would have cock rode elliot.
Why are you so obsessed with defending said post?

lol that screencap is the gayest thing I have ever read

Why are you so obsessed with gay sex?

>he's a murderer, pure and simple

this is based

Im not. It was just fucking gay.
You wrote that post, didnt you?
Come on. Admit it.


This was your response to the OP. Wallow in it and be ashamed of your literal faggotry. You deserve it.

I was so happy for a second because I was so enraged yesterday that when I woke up and saw this today I thought this was a sign that my rage could somehow magically make people do shootings, but it's just a lockdown and everyone's safe.

I'm upset bros.

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fucking original you cunts

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