I hate society so goddamned much for lying to me. It doesn't matter how hard you try and how successful you are...

I hate society so goddamned much for lying to me. It doesn't matter how hard you try and how successful you are, if you are an ugly manlet women will never want to date you.

They will ask you for free money like a fucking panhandler though.

Attached: hFeUQWf.jpg (923x1600, 302K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Despite the memes on this site, men are also extremely callous and superficial when it comes to women. You might be an exception, because of desperation, but if you had options, wouldn't you, also, want an attractive partner for purely superficial reasons related to appearances and sex appeal? I can't imagine you are truly the noble and pure hearted victim you, and all your ilk, imply yourselves to be. The bitter, petulant anger indicates otherwise.

It's strange that so many have been convinced that this is a male vs. female issue, when the real conspiracy is one of physical appearance above and beyond all else, in magnitudes.

You are retarded as fuck. No, I have never been shallow, I have always valued the qualities that I thought would make a good wife/mother far before I even begin thinking about physical looks.

Women are far shallower than men. Clearly I am being baited by a stupid roastie whore.

I don't care about roasties at all.
I'm just tired of it all.
I just want to leave this place and make a cabin in the wilderness.
But they'll stop me, already happened to someone in my country.

These comics are still wrong and still don't help you.

Yes, yes, despite your vicious tantrum you are, indeed, a righteous SAINT who is completely victimized to the extent that every hateful word you utter and every brutal compulsion you have is fully and entirely justified. How convenient for you. I am convinced of your benign nature

Not being a shallow, solipistic animal fucking anything with tits = saint?

Calling you retarded was wrong. It was an insult to actual retards. You are far, far stupider than even them.

Not OP or anyone else in this thread but I hate myself so much for this. I feel sick to my stomach whenever I reject ugly girls on dating apps. And I'm not particularly handsome myself. Jesus.

Quite the original comeback there, junior.

Putting such petty nonsense aside, I find it hard to believe you were born in the world without at least some extent of the aesthetic preferences that pretty much everyone but the most desperate and the blind(kind of) have.

You'd REALLY choose a deformed girl over a beautiful one because of her personality? Please! You are a whiny hypocrite who's looking for excuses to project his frustrations onto other things.

You are not only aware of it, but have the confidence and resolution to tell others about it. This speaks well of your character.

It's been a miserable twenty years. Any time outside work is spent ruminating on my pathetic existence and old friends slowly drifting away from me. Loneliness fucking kills.

As long as the deformity isn't something that can be passed to my children of course I would, but I am not a shallow shit headed roastie momster LARPing as a human, so because I am not scum I see people differently than you.

This is a common trait among men. Tons of examples of men dating deformed women.

GTFO of this thread whore.

Attached: XE2PmOy_d.jpg (488x572, 32K)

Depends on the woman. A lot of women nowadays are crap, much like how a lot of guys are. It's rare to find that wholesome Aggy gf, but with the internet it can be easier.

>With the internet it can be easier

Why did this thread suddenly become retard bait?

You forget the backstory behind this image

The woman pictured rejected a fellow autistic man for the Chad she is dating now

>willingly go out with two whores based on looks alone
>criticize those women for being shallow
>get upset when they won't give you the sex you want

The author lacks self awareness.

Try online dating. You can sort through incompatible Stacies then go with Aggies that you can connect to.

>the author
No (you) lack self awareness. All women are like this

If they cant marry Chad, they will settle for beta bux and then pretend like their past is behind them

I guess all women are whores, but those are (your) words not mine

>All women are like this

There are women who say the same about men.

>If they cant marry Chad, they will settle for beta bux and then pretend like their past is behind them

It's the fault of the pathetic men who fall for them as well.

>I guess all women are whores, but those are (your) words not mine

When did I say this?

Damn, I knew that fucking picture was coming. Should have called it out ahead of time. You're a pretty pathetic guy, dude, and while there is a point to be made about women having it easier, you're still full of shit, and delusional. You have my pity, and my gratitude that you've been cursed with your condition, and that I have not. Consider a therapist or enjoy that effeminate hysteria, if you are not already. Adieu!

Lol this is why there is literary nothing wrong going out with 14-16 year olds ten to 15 years younger than you. Truthfully you would be the cream if the crop. The problem is men age like wine and women like flowers. If you could earn as much money as you could now at the age of 16 bitches would suck your dick every morning for breakfast. But becuase it took you ten years the women your age have already been fucking the cream of men. The only way to show your value to women when at a young age is to be chad though.

Basically ignore society and get a cute jk gf

>say the same about men
No. Women only complain about men who pump and dump them, which is Chad. How can all men be the problem when only 20% of those men are doing the pumping and dumping?

>its the mans fault for falling for it
Leave it to the roastie to actually use victim shaming as an argument

>when did I say this?
Right here >willingly go out with two whores
>they wont have sex
If women are whores but dont have sex with anyone, why even call them whores?

Nah, ive never been shallow. All of the girls ive been interested in have been becuase they were nice or cute. Cute doesn't mean attractive as most roasties think it does by the way. Cute is personslity

>If women are whores but dont have sex with anyone, why even call them whores?

I was referring to the two women in the comic.

Holy shit. You are so ass hurt. I think its time to stop browsing Jow Forums sweetheart. Its really getting to you

>, but if you had options, wouldn't you, also, want an attractive partner for purely superficial reasons related to appearances and sex appeal?
No you retard.

>I was referring to the comic
I know you were. But whats the point of calling these women whores if there are some men they wont fuck? That makes them not whores, right?

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Yeah. The one ass hurt is not the one posting these retarded comics blaming all woman despite all the evidence the whole wide world going against him just so he can make himself a victim but the one that argues with him. Nice one dude.

The difference is a girl just has to NOT BE FAT and she can practically fuck an guy she wants. OP is labeled as unattractive by like 75% of women for something he has no control over

What the fuck are you even talking about? Is this the newest plebbit lingo?

On the internet, people lie.

You're a triggered faggot than he is
>durr your mad

Citation needed for that. From my experience woman have the same problems with getting a partner as a man does.

The only reason they do this is because they can. Game companies keep producing trash as people buy it, if you stopped putting women on a pedestal they wouldn't be on it.

>That makes them not whores, right?

Well,l they're not prostitutes just like how not everyone who is a faggot is gay. I didn't expect you to take me literally.

But the way they're portrayed as promiscuous, for example bragging about sex, cheating on their future spouses, is not obviously not positive and I can't imagine why any guy would marry, let alone go out, with such women then complain about it.

Holy shit. Your jimmies are rustled friend.
>go on to internet
>go to nasty website
>get ass hurt when people are nasty
>get angry becuase a person stated he is unhappy with society

No a girl just has to install tinder and she has hundreds to choose from. Youre just a shallow cunt so only 6ft turbo chad counts for you.

Making people angry is an art. Calling them sweety makes them especially triggered. Im merely drawing his anger out more. Maybe you should lurk moar

I have not shown a single sign of being triggered. I actually find this whole thing kind of funny.
It's highly likely though that you are very angry right now because you know you won't be able to win this argument. That is if you are smart enough to realize that. If you are not you will just throw more feels based arguments in my face and after you will think you won. Let's see how this one goes.

And this is why you never get married in current year.



I am thankful every single day that I was born non white and into a social conservative culture where this shit it non existent. Those times are fast approaching to an end however and it's all thanks to America's number one export: it's degenerate culture.

Where you from lad?

Also checked

Becuase men are lied to and told having a slut gf doesn't mean she will cheat which is statistically not true. You see society lied to them. Aka the point of the thread you seem to have missed. They are still sluts regardless of the fact that they don't sleep with their husbsnds. A slut is a woman who sleeps with more than a couple partners. If she has ever had a one night stand she is a slut. She doesn't sleep with everyone, just people shes attracted or wants attention from. She doesn't wasn't attention from her husband she wanted his money and security. She knows she can get this and treat him like shit as long as she throws him a bone every once in a while. Its disgusting and happens very often with women.

You're clearly angry. You haven't provided a single argument and instead resort to name calling and pseudo-pschological projection on to the user base.

wouldn't you, also, want an attractive partner for purely superficial reasons related to appearances and sex appeal?
While a valid point you forget that we fall outside of the norms. Most of us have very unconventional definitions of attractiveness. I have very little interest in a girl who is conventionally attractive unless she has other features that balance it out.

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How much porn do you guys watch in a week? Be honest lel. Hentai is also porn btw

>Making people angry is an art.
Shitting yourself and eating is also art

Don't give anything to women unless you recieve something back, that shoul'd be a given

But at the same time you're entitled to NOTHING by virtue of being born, only that which your genes have allowed you to take

I don't know, 15-20 minutes per day, why? What about you?

From personal experience it's people with shitty attitude and personality that can't get a partner, not looks

If you're allowed to inherit superior or inferior genetics from your parents, why shouldn't you be allowed to inherit what they worked their whole lives to give to THEIR children?

Fuck man, that pic hits too close to home

>go out with girl for a month
>the entire time the most she's ever done is make out with me or let me finger her once
>always tells me to stop rushing things when i ask her for a blowjob or to fuck
>eventually got sick of it so i dumped her
>find out later one of my coworkers fucked her up the ass literally the first time he met her

Attached: 1476904809518.png (218x160, 5K)

Of course you're allowed to enherit wealth, that's due to the fact you share genes though.

I'm merely saying that the feeling of entitlement, especially when it comes to sex, is still something almost inherent to men, and all bitterness and misery stems from that, especially since times have changed completely

Men wouldn't feel so entitled to sex if so much of our paychecks wasn't forced to feed the single mother welfare state.

"Entitlement" only goes one way I guess?

>is still something almost inherent to men
Right, because a womyn would never feel entitled to sex in this day and age

My point is that women have won. It's over for the foreseeable future. The power dynamic has changed completely for the common man and women are avenging a history of opression on him. That's what this is. That's why you should lose that visceral feeling of entitlement and adapt. For most people on this board sex will always be a fantasy. At least real sex, as in being desired. That's just the way it is and you should just cope with that tbqh

This face makes me lose my shit with laughter every time i see it.

Attached: oh.png (371x375, 34K)

Holy shit,why is this place filled with normies? I dont get it.

Yeah. I don't like it but I'm the kind of guy a girl doesn't want to kiss even when they say they think I'm attractive. Quite frankly, I'd rather be asexual at this point.

What kind of simplified, irrelevant bait is this?

Attached: 38B6A13A-8014-4964-BC2E-18C6E05AD123.jpg (1051x893, 185K)

Reality my man

How does being able to choose who they have sex with means women have won?

As it seems, they chose Chad to pump and dump them and end up living a life as a single mother.

If this is winning to you, then your standard for living is extremely underwhelming

Attached: 384F2399-2CE1-48B8-A05F-6B5A7B57CF4C.gif (446x251, 726K)

Women have been unshackled from the societal/cultural constraints that limit their sexuality ( for the greater good of course) and now dominate the common man. It's not a complete victory as of yet since chads and psychopaths still rule the world, but the average man is way worse off. Simply look at how many men commit suicide, how many are harassed at work, don't even dare to compliment a women or be courteous for fear of being socially ousted as a creep. You can scream MGTOW all you want but that's only a really tiny minority of men, most are pussy whipped to the max, at home, at work, everywhere in society

>Simply look at how many men commit suicide
Or simply look at how many women are committing suicide too


Do a little research before you post your shitty bait

I'm not saying women aren't suffering under their own liberation you brainlet. But if you think sexual freedom isn't a huge win for women and a great loss for the stability of society you should open your eyes to reality

The average women has way more chances at romance and hapiness than the average man. Most men need the goal of intimacy and/or sex in order to be motivated to contribute to society. In order to feel fulfillment.

This is not simply a problem that affects social rejects on 4chins, every normie knows and experiences this too on some level

>But if you think sexual freedom isnt a huge win for women
It isnt. Like I said before, most women use their sexual liberation to get fucked by Chad and mother his offspring alone. How are they winning when they have to live the rest of their lives as a single mother?

At the end of the day, no one is winning unless you have a shit ton of money

Except even as a singe mother the average women still has a horde of simps to chose from
Yes their entitlement gets too them sometimes and they end up alone and embittered. And that's sweet revenge. But it's voluntary.
The common man is still way more fucked when it comes to options

cringe and roastpill'd

Men have preferences, women have requirements.
Men won't last being in a relationship with a 10/10 if she's fucking void inside, annoying, bitchy and overall a bad person.
Obviously the best would be a hot chick who's also a awesome person, but a plain jane who isn't obese and cares for her health while being a wholesome person is the avg man's dream, even chad often marries one, which is also the reason these janes loathe sub8 men, they can score chads and feel entitled to them if they don't, as thee are not enough chads for all women.

>a plain jane who is fat while being a wholesome person is the avg man's dream
Fixed for my dream.

>the pic is literally me
I wanna kill myself 2bh. If you're a robot stay away from this, once you're used to a whore you can't live without her even though I feel like the biggest cuck in the universe and hate myself.

I do with my money w/e I want, just like you can do with your life as you want.
I can however over look a slut If she has a career.
Means she actually made something out out herself without just relying on her pussy.

Shitty meme tho.

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>a girl just has to NOT BE FAT and she can practically fuck an guy she wants.
we dont' talk about this enough. Are there ugly skinny grils? sure but the overwhelming majority of nazty women are fat .
meanwhile, they pick based on height, jaw etc, that men have literally zero control over. the doublethink is amazing

pic related is probably bait but so good had to poast in this bread

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Would you wanna date you?

If I was a girl, then yes? If you're asking if I'd date a female version of myself as a guy, FUCK YES, it's literally my perfect woman.

Or society doesn't pretend that men aren't shallow and tells ugly women that, if they just work hard, people will look past their looks and love them for their personality. No, man are normally seen as shallow and superficial, while women are said to care more about a man's "personality".

I realise that I am a gross, unattractive male, and that because of that I could at best get a gross, unattractive woman who knows she can't get anything better. This is why I have given up. The game was rigged from the start.

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