>growing up as a black kid
>like video games but the playable are always white, occasionally Asian
>play Tekken
>always choose Eddy because I thought he was cool and looked like me
>learn about his fighting style
>learn that it's an African dance and martial art
>learn more about my own people
>have pride in being black and our cultures and history
>annoy racist white people because it upsets them when non white people love themselves
Thank you, Tekken
Growing up as a black kid
But Eddy is brazilian, not african. His fighting stlye "Capoeira" is also brazilian.
You're appropriating brazilian culture, not connecting with your african american culture.
i'm not upset with you 'cause you love your people
i'm upset because you're in my fucking country
Op is gay
eddy is such a fraud character fucking kill yourself op
I would kind of like to see some ethnic fantasy games. Most fantasy games are based on European history, with monsters and stuff based on European fairy tales.
It's 100% fine to "love yourself" as a non white. Gotta say, I'm glad I'm not white right now though
not black but this sounds good
expand the lore
anyway capoeira was created by Brazilians slaves, it's Brazilian with African roots
sounds good but i still don't like faggots like you
people like you are the kind of assholes that add nigs to LOTR because muh diversity
>I'd like to copy European cultural stuff, but replace Europeans with my race
>Don't do that to my stuff though or its racist
Did you know black children often can't recognize themselves in a mirror?
I'm like him and i don't want that.
If someone would absolutely want nigs on Arda, just make a non canon spin off story way south of Gondor, it could be interesting and creative.
I hate when people destroy an original story to further their agenda.
T. Black user.
you mean where ungoliant lurks? theres blacks there i think
It still has nothing to do with african american slaves. Aftican brazilian slaves history/culture is very different from african american slaves. Jusy because they came from the same continent doesn't mean they're the same thing.
I mean where the setting is completely based on whatever culture. Quests and monsters are based on legends from that ethnic group. I'm not talking about a medieval fantasy with black people. I'm talking about like an african fantasy, or a native american fantasy, or something.
pillars of eternity has black characters
Well, where Ungoliant used to lurk has quite changed since those days (and she ded).
But i was thinking of something like Far Harad.
Maybe a story about a nice guy who see his people getting corrupted by Sauron and then dying. I'm fond of tragedies.
Eddy is Afro Brazilian, meaning he's black. Capoeira is an Afro Brazilian martial art based on African martial arts. I am an African descendant person, so there's the connection. I'm not appropriating Brazilian culture, I'm saying this black Brazilian character kickstarted me becoming educated on my own history pre slavery and the cultures of other African descended people.
I didn't ask to be in this country user, my ancestors were invited here. Don't be mad at me for living here.
It's not that different. American slaves and Brazilian slaves and Cuban slaves and Haitian slaves all came from the same regions, kingdoms and tribes. You can ask a person from Louisiana, Haiti, Cuba or Brazil who Eleggua is and you'll get the same answer.
"fantasy" as a literary concept is from European cultural history. Actually, "literary concept" as a literary concept is also likely European by implication. I probably know more about "african fantasy" than you do. If you're so interested in your own people, why don't you do a little studying, instead of complaining that whites don't cater enough to you?
>be black and like age of empires 2
>had to make do with mesoamerican civilizations
>african kingdoms comes out
>malians is now my favorite civ
>act like an african in-game and say ooga booga every time i invade bases with elite gbetos
>white boys always say "goddam nigger monkeys" when they lose
poe gave black nerds a crucial character , a paladin.
also in diablo 2 the paladin is black.
Most black people don't want to add blacks to LOTR. Most blacks don't give a fuck about LOTR. It's an incredibly INCREDIBLY white series and non whites would be out of place in it. It's als set in a fantasy version of ancient Europe. Not many non whites lived in ancient Europe.
>"fantasy" is a European concept
>whites were the only people in the world to come up with stories
everquest, erudites are black
zasalamel is black in soul calibur
it is, magic fantasy is European, theres no debate. even so the creators try to incorporate non white races into it. thats nice of them
and fuggin TYRAEL is black.
White people do add black characters
Zasalamel is from Sumeria, he's Middle Eastern.
ye bro totally not black
You seem to either be twisting the meaning of my words intentionally, or have failed to grasp them. I was pretty clear.
He has gray eyes, which is near non-existent among blacks.
Near non existent among europeans, too! kek although I'll give it to you that they/we have them, very, very rarely. Surely you can let that one slide?
and he has black skin, which is non-existent among Whites.
but the main point is - magic fantasy is an European creation. non europeans will never get want they want - to be White and supplant Whites in their own fantasy creations.
you wouldnt watch a tv show about vampires without Whites. you wouldnt watch a LOTR with asians and blacks and no Whites.
which is why Whites must be preserved, for the good of all non-whites.
take the storm pill
>Actually pal, geography is a European invention, so Africa wouldnt even exist without white people.
its true, it wouldnt exist as africa. it would exist as *click click nntonga*
But you would watch a movie about zombies without blacks even though it's black culture.
>i wouldnt watch a movie about zombies without blacks
thats where you are wrong. ive seen and enjoyed Train to Busan.
yes its black voodoo culture true.
I think that would be spelled xhntonga. That's a South African way of speaking though, no one else clicks.
>Be lightskinned/mixed
>Black characters are *always* dark as chocolate
Annoying as fuck, I always have to roll with the damn spanish dude.
the sandstorm Ekko skin is pretty lightskinned
"Desgraciadamente para ti, hoy tengo un mal dia"
>born white
>be told that I am the devil and that I steal all culture and I have no culture of my own
for that one you can legit blame our cuckt government officials
Poor baby, you're so oppressed. Those Buzzfeed articles are on the same level as being enslaved, being the victim of a genocide, moved onto reservations and certain areas of the city, being hanged and barbecued, beaten and shot by police, being beaten for speaking the language of your ancestors, not being called back for a job because your name is Bill, having the government push life ruining drugs into your community and then admitting it 20 years later, having experiments done on your people under the guise of free vaccinations and a ton of other things. Yeah, I think that Netflix show titled "Dear White People" makes things even.
How the fuck can you love yourself when you main Eddie?
Literally all those things happened to other minorities including white minorities yet blacks are the only ones who need to be reminded of it every day
oh shut the fuck up. none of us experienced any of those. dont marginalize his emotions because of some liberal crackpot pity party.
You're probably being facetious but it's okay I might be a "le evil white devil" but I like hip hop music so I can identify with black culture.
>magic fantasy is an European creation.
How do you seriously come to this conclusion? You actually believe the idea of magic comes from white people? You don't think any other culture had mythology?
of course other cultures have mythology, but the western sword and magic fantasy that is widespread is an european creation. are you going to deny that?
based and redpilled
black people culture was invented by white men LMAO
The game makes them look kinda normal but Erudites are supposed to have ayylien sized heads. Still black, but possibly something superhuman as well.
Good for you OP, but Eddy is a cheapass capoeira cunt if I do say so myself. Faggots who play as him are worse than Law with their gay mix up game.
If by sword and magic you mean "rescue the princess to win her heart" then yes. White people came up with the sort of themes you see in conventional fantasy stories. That's why a fantasy story set outside of Europe would be interesting. It would be an exception that proves the rule.
>it's okay to have pride in being black
>it's not okay when white people have pride in being white, that's racism
Pretty retarded way of thinking desu. Why would one group of people be allowed to feel pride but the others not?
>be you
>be black
>make white country worse
Haha you got us bro can't wait til white people are gone.
Zasalamel is different every time he reincarnates. Apparently he's been a woman before as well, but not in game.
Louis CK is unironically responsible for a lot of black movies and comedians. Chris Rock, Chappelle, and Kevin Hart all have jokes and movies he made. We mock him but he's basically rules over blacks.
Dark blue yoshi is black
Who is Eddy talking about when he wins, looks up at the sky, and says "Master..." Is he talking about Ogre?
>not using Hwoarang
Who said whites aren't allowed to feel pride? Whites openly feel pride all the time. Irish, Italians, Greeks, Southerners, etc. The only reason general white pride is socially frowned upon is because genocide usually comes along with general white pride.
Exactly, which is why I included genocide, reservations and experiments
>nothing bad has ever happened to me personally therefore it doesn't happen to anyone
Please explain to me how the crack epidemic, which the cia admitted to having a huge part in, doesn't effect me or you
That's cool. I could probably kick your ass with Yoshimitsu though.
Also, I remember how much everyone in my family hated Eddy Gordo when I was younger. lol
I don't think white people are evil, I just find it annoying when white people read a few articles on a feminist blog or tweets from nobodies and act like they're being oppressed.
>Exactly, which is why I included genocide, reservations and experiments
... which were done by non-whites. That was the point. Blacks are not special in their historical struggles and neither are whites the only people that inflict it on them and other minorities.
but they are being oppressed, by uncouth non whites like you
>genocide of white farmers in south africa
Mate, I think that applies to other ethnicities too.
Proof that the CIA admitted to anything?
>niggers are so stupid they think making crack from cocaine could only be accomplished by smart ass white bois in suits n shiett
In the context of America, it doesn't. This is America.
Look it up stupid boy. Just look it up on YouTube and you'll see actual cia members admitting to it. There are tv shows and movies about it. It's a pretty well known fact. It's not about accomplishing anything, it's about the cia working with South American drug cartels.
Non whites put native Americans on reservations? Non whites attempted to eradicate the natives? I guess it was all those black people in the American government who were conducting experiments on blacks in the rural South and Indians in Guatemala.
No they're not. Stupid being pussy.
Capoeira is fucking badass regardless. That and Silat are two fighting styles that I'm really itching to learn but can't because I'm a fat half-gook fuck living in Indiana.
It is. And the best part about it to me is that Africans in the United States came up with an almost identical dance style called breaking. The dance has no connection to capoeira other than African Americans and Afro Brazilians both descending from the same region in Africa.
They were very different, only shows your ignorance to say that. I'm brazilian myself, and in school we had an entire week of history classes about all the different ethnicities of africans in this continent. The africans in the U.S. were not the same as the ones in Brazil. I'm honestly always surprised at how little black people know about their own ancestors
So genocide is okay when non americans do it?
Jesus fucking christ what is wrong with you?
This is stupid to say. Either your class taught you wrong or you learned wrong. Do you think the Europeans cared to separate the Africans by ethnicity? Do you think they sat around saying "the Yoruba will go to Virginia. The Hausa will go to Colombia"
No, dumbass. They gathered as many Africans as they could from West and central Africa and sold them all up and down America. You're a fucking fool.
Stop being a fucking retard, we're talking about America you clown. No other country is relevant to our conversation. In American history, white pride results in genocide.
no it doesnt, thats extremely racist.
The slaves that would be traded to Brazil and the caribbean were not the same tribes as the ones in the U.S., not because Europeans would separate them by ethnicities, but because there were different slave traders that traded with different warlords that fought different tribes. You can even tell african-americans in the U.S. and Brazil apart by their facial features. Eddy is based on an black U.S. citizen, that might be part of the reason you think they are the same, but if you were to come to northeastern Brazil, you would clearly see that black brazilians don't even look like you.
>But Eddy is brazilian, not africa
>Start up world of africa
>equip the starting gear of loincloth and simple wooden spear
>Immediately hit gear ceiling
Yes, non-whites did put natives in reservations and attempt to eradicate them, Brazilians for example, Paraguayans, Japanese and the Ainu. Chinese and the Uyghurs. Haitians and Algerians massacring French whites. I know it shatters your perception that nonwhites are innocent dindu nuffings but it's reality.
>I studied something for a week in school this makes me an expert
I studied it for years
>African Americans are descended from various ethnic groups, mostly from western and central Africa, including the Sahel. A smaller number came from eastern and southeastern Africa. The major ethnic groups that the enslaved Africans belonged to included the Hausa, Bakongo, Igbo, Mande, Wolof, Akan, Fon, Yoruba, and Makua, among many others.
>The Africans brought to Brazil belonged to two major groups: the West African and the Bantu people. The West African people (previously known as Sudanese, and without connection with Sudan) were sent in large scale to Bahia. They mostly belong to the Ga-Adangbe, Yoruba, Igbo, Fon, Ashanti, Ewe, Mandinka, and other West African groups native to Guinea, Ghana, Benin, Guinea-Bissau and Nigeria. The Bantus were brought from Angola, Congo region and Mozambique and sent in large scale to Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, and the Northeastern Brazil.
Hmm. Really makes your fucking noodle move, huh?
All I get are black conspiracy theories with not a single shred of evidence, and Freeway Rick Ross's interview. Where's your CIA members admitting it? You have no source. It's just bullshit and another attempt to blame black drug dealers' profit-seeking on evil whiteboys.
>CIA working with South American drug cartels
An entirely different prospect. They worked with reactionary groups in South America, who did deal drugs, to stop the spread of communist revolutionaries, who also dealt drugs.
I never claimed to be an expert, in fact I'm not even interested in african history. What I'm very good at though is identifying facial features, and i never forgot the images they showed us, might be only the media from the U.S. that doesn't portray accurately the ethnicities of the black communities of the country, but most of the black people here look very different from those in the U.S.
That's why Brazilians, Caribbeans and African Americans all have some form of the Ifa religion, right? What do you call it down there, Candomble? In Cuba it's Santeria, in Haiti and the States, it's voodoo? We call him Legba, Haitians call him Papa Legba, Cubans call him Echu Elegua, Brazilians call him Exu, Nigerian call him Esu Eleggua. Weird fucking coincidence that we all have similar religions with similar deities with similar names. It's as.if we all descend from the same tribes.
Black Brazilians don't look any different than African Americans.
We're talking about the United States, keep up.
He literally said the opposite you dumb fuck
The US isn't the only country in the world where nonwhites interact with one another. You're selectively limiting the scope of the discussion to benefit an opinion you hold about all white people.
Brazilians probably look different because they're mixed with different shit. Have you not thought about that one? African Americans don't even have one uniform look. My sister often gets asked if she's Ethiopian because she looks habesha. I, on the other hand, look like a lighter skinned west African. Our mother's family is barely even black, they all have nearly white skin and light brown eyes.
Aboriginals have tons of stories involving magic so do Africans....with no involvement of white people don't go full retarded.
I agree with you on that point, the religions developed in the regions were almost the same. But then again, religion isn't the same as ethnicities. The entirety of Europe is Christian, but you wouldn't say that they are one ethnicity.
You're projecting your buzzfeed anger onto me. A guy asked why black pride is ok but white pride isn't. I explained that certain kinds of white pride are ok. There's nothing wrong with being proud of being Irish or Italian or Southern or Greek. The issue arises when you say white pride because the people who run around screaming about white pride tend to be the same people who run around in ghost outfits, hanging people and racists continue to make white pride look bad because they go and shoot up churches and run people over at protests and walk around with tiki torches, screaming about shit like a lynch mob.
The difference between Christianity and Ifa/vodun is that Christianity was worldwide. It stretched from Asia to Africa to Europe. Ifa and vodun was always contained to one small region of West Africa until slavery, where it started popping up all over the Americas.
It's like Greek and Roman mythology. They're deeply connected to two very specific groups of people, unlike Christianity or Islam.