whats your excuse for not having a big tiddy asian gf?
Whats your excuse for not having a big tiddy asian gf?
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I'm half way there. Asians have such small tits though
Here is the fucking point. The reason you're incel fucking losers is because you're LAZY COWARDS who can't be fucked to get off your ass and do anything and then use your cowardice as an excuse. There is plenty of advice in this thread, go try workshops, go join do classes in something, join the autismo central that is improv groups. Try to improve yourself a little bit, get regular haircuts, take an interest in fashion, go to events you will enjoy, go out to bars or clubs or gigs that play the music you enjoy (there are music scenes for literally every fucking genre of music).
You can go on any Incel forum and see that the vast, VAST majority of incels are actually quite normal or even good looking people, they're just lazy pieces of shit that can't engage in any level of actual POSITIVE SELF CRITICISM and join a community filled with nihilistic sociopaths that think because their hair is the wrong shade or they have slightly the wrong skull shape or they're below 6'3 it's impossible for them to get laid or have any sort of healthy social life.
Incel shit is the most toxic fucking garbage there is. Most of you if you put in any fucking effort at all over a period longer than a week, could actually get laid and see improvements in your lives. The problem is, not that you've lost the "genetic lottery" (funny that 5'2, 120kg balls of lard still end up with tall hot women) it's that you're just lazy.
Same excuse i have for not having any kind of gf
This guy is right. Incel forums are driven by people who unironically believe that if you have the "wrong" shape of skull you are not human. Are any of you honestly surprised that if you spend time around these people you wont become completely mentally deranged and as a result naturally repel people?
But Asian men have tiny penises so you'd be able to compete easily.
Could've posted a better example. That one looks like a rat.
I like girls with a cute rat face
I used to but they weren't quite that big. I miss her.
and balls. you guys always forget about the balls. step up r9k
you cant talk unless you have the Chad skull, you garbage subhuman.
>incels are sjws
>sjws a shit
Wow my autism is cured I know how to talk to people now
i bet this guy doesn't have a gf lmao
>having any feminine features at all
nice try
obviously youve not seen the men. dam btfo
Post your type of asian
ideal asian gf*
holy shit this hit me pretty hard because it describes me so accuratly. Thanks user I really needed this. This will also be my last post one here goodbye faggots
>This will also be my last post one here goodbye faggots
see you soon bitch
momo without a doubt, she is objectively the best girl on this planet
see you tomorrow
I do, she has h cup tits.
I don't know where to meet one. And if I met one I don't know what to say to them.
My life feels like complete shit because I don't have one.
>h cup tits
Prove it
I'd have to either impregnate or fatten up my small tiddy Asian gf to get that, which are respectively not a good idea at the moment and not entirely desirable.
>Inb4 tfw no chubby Asian gf
She really doesn't have the genetics to be pleasantly plump if she gained weight.
chinks don't really have big boobs tho, its a tiny percentage of them, and most of the big titted ones don't have pretty faces, so its a rare find.
most of the big titted ones are SEA
Well go book a plane ticket and bring one home with you, this is not some dark and esoteric science, budget airlines + tinder = no excuse for virginity.
yeah no fuck that shit SEA asians are kinda like beaners, i'd rather just keep to my own kind in the states if i really wanted big tits.
yeah, the plan is to go to japan and be swimming in asian tiddies until i die
wish me ganbatte
if you are too ugly for Japan try china, if you are too ugly for china go toward Vietnam.
GOAT asian girls though
you should try china or korea before japan, the japs aren't as keen into plastic surgery for some reason, and even tho JAV bitches are hot, the average jap is ugly as shit and have the worst teeth, the fucking japs think its cute to have bad teeth. like what the fuck you stupid chinks, anyway just my 2 cents and experience living in asia.
fong xi mao ling
you know i'm not going to post my gf's tits on Jow Forums why did you even ask, retard?
>i'm not going to post my gf's tits on Jow Forums
pussy. i do it all the time
southeast asians > northeast asians
Asians are trash that I don't have to settle for.
then you're not in a relationship, she's just a prostitute to you
found the viet kong. no do please enlighten us how you are better, chinks are annoying as shit but at least their country is strong, so is japan and korea.
>not a prostitute
you really think your gf isn't getting her brains fucked out by other guys when you aren't there? the sooner you realize all women are whores the better
>he writes this as if we aren't all aware of it already
i cant fucking find them
I want a big muscle Asian gf
I got one but having big tiddy turned her into a sugar baby slut with no personality. We could have really great sex and then when it was over there was just so little there.
this is so true. big tiddy girls are used to getting easy validation and they tend not to have real personalities or interests. it seems like their lives are always something dumb like watching netflix and smoking weed until they get another dick.
I wish it werent such a hard and fast rule but Ive experienced it probably seven times now.