Tfw no shy introvert skinny 6/10 gf

>tfw no shy introvert skinny 6/10 gf

Attached: afjn345ggd54.jpg (1280x957, 165K)

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I think a 7/10 would be the lowest I could go, since I am objectively 7/10.

Rei posters are as cringy as their favourite character..

Attached: 03.gif (963x900, 276K)

>chaotic clone
yikes from me

>tfw no tall 7/10 extrovert bf

Rei posters are cute. Lain posters are pretentious teens

Attached: image.png (414x413, 215K)

TFW no kinky daughter

Attached: HammerPepe.jpg (957x621, 90K)

Well hey I've been approached before a day sometimes have a girl eye ball me but i can't even get a 5.5/10 skeleton girl to reply to me on tinder.

Feels bad man
You again. I'll stick my tongue out for you.


Rei Posters are greasy fatties that keep clutching their stained Rei daki all day. I wouldn't call that cute..

Attached: 33.gif (700x704, 295K)

I'm a skinny boy with cute emo hair and Skinny black jeans.

Fight Me.
I wash my hair everyday to have it fluffy and beautiful.
Want a kiss user?

Attached: afjn345ggd580.jpg (640x480, 93K)

>when you see two generic grill posters arguing

Attached: Full-Metal-Panic.Teletha-Tessa-Testarossa.320x480.jpg (320x480, 71K)

We all know this look alike is best girl.

Attached: afjn345ggd994.png (1920x1080, 1.45M)

ajjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj this is now a waifu battle thread boiks

Attached: riz.jpg (500x500, 66K)

Your waifu is trash and you know it.

Quality of the image tells it all.

Attached: 7d069cb68d24272b5feff0ca7b3f7a90.jpg (540x748, 116K)

say whaaat nigguh

Attached: bet yo bitch ass waifu cant do this.gif (500x281, 1020K)

>tfw no shy introvert skinny 6/10 bf

Attached: 86b50cf2ac01682c8bd2a40e0541abb3.jpg (236x343, 12K)

Kids and their waifus these days

Attached: Yoruichi_42.jpg (1143x1600, 118K)

Personality matters.
I knew a girl I thought was ugly, over time I started to think she looks better just because I started liking her on a personal level.

>posting Rei so probably into whites too
A skinny white girl would be very old if six out of ten, objectively.

>liking SEL
>no plot the anime
>pedo computer user dissociative disorder the anime


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Are you a girl (female)?


Attached: The place beyond the pine 16.gif (540x400, 1.08M)

7/10 here. Would unironically date a 2/10, I'm just craving for love rn


Are you fucking blind or just retarded?

Same homie, feels good being small

Attached: Petunia_Rhubarb.png (791x1555, 790K)


I'm 5'10

Attached: 6b50d5938337ac6386fbf3b09b202e29.jpg (605x750, 94K)