Do girls sit down to pee?
Do girls sit down to pee?
what a stupid ass question, fuck off retard
I usually piss standing up cause its annoying to piss sitting. little droplets of pee always get back up on my thighs and its disgusting
I would lick them up for you.
idk maybe
This is the definition of an ENFP girlfriend.
really? prove it
i would eat ya ass
if i'm in a public toilet i sort of hover over the seat because it's disgusting, at home i sit down
That is probably because you're a tranny.
Sitting down is the most comfortable position but they also can just squat over the toilet when the toilet seat is dirty like in a public bathroom.
I'm not that user, but please be my gf, thanks. I'll do whatever you want.
don't be stupid user girls don't pee
>Hover over the seat
That's why the women's bathroom is always more disgusting than the men's, they end up hover shitting I the seat.
Fembot here
I wiII usuaIIy sit down to pee but when I'm feeIing Iazy or tired because it's earIy in the morning or Iate at night, I just can't be bothered so I'II just stand up and point my penis at the toiIet
Why not just point your penis at me instead?
How do you even piss standing up with a vagina? Straddling the toilet bowl?
that only happens to fat people
>point my penis at the toiIet
Girls can piss while standing quite fine
Problem is they can't aim for shit until after the stream is going
Yes, and?
Wow, you ignored my post. I'm pretty mad about this. I just want femdick.
As long as the penis is feminine
hmm i dont have one though
okay post your discord
I can pee standing up too but it isn't as easy as guys can.
My discord is MoeMofo#3035
Thank you for the add, you are the best ;_;
that sounds unsanitary user
im a man and i often do it
1, lazy when at home
2, at work if no urinal, good change will have collateral pee on my pants if the stream forks
There's now way this shit worked.
Are you LARPing with yourself user?
So far I am larping. If anything changes I'll let you know.
all good boys sit down to pee 'w'
Fuck you user! It worked! We literally exchanged 3 sentences!
I think that:s the extent tho
Am i really that effeminate? All of these things "good boys" do i already do, fuck why do fall into this catagorie, i said i cryed a news article once and everyone wanted to fuck me
Don't be upset about it, it's cute and kinda innocent.
>Do girls sit down to pee?
Yes you seem pretty effeminate give me your discord
im a girl user, give me your discord
I don't believe you but here geo#7619
ugh we need to exterminate japan, europe and usa
maybe china
Pee isn't real
Can you add me on discord too further up in the thread, please, thanks