Happy Holidays from the based timeline.
Happy Holidays from the based timeline
I unironically love this picture
why can't I be one of the girls in the window
The girls are drawn Japanese style but the man and the boy are drawn Western tumblr style with that ridiculous nose. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
ultimate final cringe, yikes
Well yeah if you go to the store next door, you see a japanese drawn guy with his son glancing at the western style cute blondes and redheads for sale
I wish this was real. Why did they outlaw slavery?
>bowler hat
>pin-stripped trousers
>fruity shirt
He's british. Those girls were shipped over and are being sold in london.
This was what globalism was supposed to be about.
Globalism would be more popular in this case.
instead we get ugly mudslimes.
>Why did they outlaw slavery?
If you were truly based you would have said Merry Christmas
It's not Christmas yet.
>literal normal
Don't let your dremas be dreams, user.
Yeah but I'm not the cute asian girl on the far right, soooo this meme is just gonna have to stay a dream
>on the far right
Why that one in particular? They all look the same.
she's got cute hair and I like her body language.
My second choice would be 3rd from left, with her leg chained up...like she's nervous and hoping to get picked, but didn't so she couldn't hold still and let the customers properly view her or something idk
This nigga got this bitch in a gym bag
>buying your boy some cheap chinese shit for Christmas
Bad dad.
This is pretty fucked up man.
Slavery is probably the most normalshit tier concept imaginable
>others exist at your convenience
Yeah, pretty normaltier
when non-castrated males are slaves they often rise up and kill their owners.
It's also no tenable long-term. If not for the triangle trade mass breeding throngs of brown people and scattering them about the Americas and south pacific, we'd have a lot more nice white countries. When you try slavery you eventually end up cucking yourself.
>from the based timeline.
Send care package plz! Asian, XX, sticc.
sry m8, only signals can pass between the boundaries between the worlds, not matter
I can't imagine how she must suffer in that pose.
The punisment for breaking her pose must be really cruel.
It would be better if men were brought and sold as sexual property to women instead, can I be injected into that timeline?