Hey guys, I just wanted to post something on here that made me RAGE so fucking hard
My university has an anonymous confessions page, where you submit a confession and it gets posted and students comment react to it
Usually, its just retarded posts like "oh i failed my exam" or "i hate my roomates'
but today some kid posted about how hes tired of asian girls exclusively dating white guys on campus, and the normie shit show in the comments exploded
this in particular made me fucking RAGE "you still have 25% of women to pursue' FUCK that Thats literally the 80/20 rule and these fucking roasties are aware of it Jesus Christ I hate this gay earth
Oof. Imagine being Asian. It's like if all the memes about white girls with black guys was actually true. Shit's fucked bro.
Wyatt Hughes
>trying to stop asian women from riding that mythical White Dragon
shits fucked
Isaac Walker
Asian girls overwhelmingly date Asian guys, you are looking at Westerner Asian girls who are already a minority, and you are looking at those same girls at a Western university, which is a minority within a minority, of course they tend to be sluts who fuck white guys because they are simply outnumbered by them.
In China and Japan it's near >99% Asian girls with Asian guys.
Christian Russell
Well obviously, China and Japan are >99% Asian.
Alexander Hughes
maybe just get over it? You're not at school to get a gf, you're there to get an education. So go get your education, have fun with your bros, work out and flirt with girls of any race. Shake the salt out, your aggressive entitlement isn't doing you any favors.
Cooper Turner
asian masculinity cuck detected.
no shit thats because there are only asian guys to date in asia, weetahd.
I'm white. I just feel sympathy for Asians dealing with this obviously blatant false bullshit from an extremely small but extremely vocal minority telling them that their women prefer another race. Reminds me of cuckolds of my own race.
Gavin Lopez
nothing wrong with that word. desu, asian guys feel entitled to asian women. fact
Grayson Morgan
What makes me mad is the OP image, the girls themselves defend that bullshit as if its 'muh strong independent woman' shit
Adrian Phillips
nah. they probably like it desu
Justin Wright
>thinking you're somehow entitled to finding a mate what the fuck am I reading
both males and females have always acted like that, it's not about 'everyone having someone waiting for them somewhere', that shit's a fucking fairy tale and no grown ass adult should believe in it, what the fuck user do you also believe in santa?
no, you get what you deserve, if you want a good mate then work hard enough, you got unlucky at the genetic lottery? well tough shit, baby, guess you'll have to work extra hard, but expecting society to lower its standards because of your own ass? just get bent, why don't you fall for the trap meme already or something
Samuel Richardson
What's funny is that this pisses of white roasties as much or even more than asian men, but only if it's a handsome man
Dominic Martin
l m a o You're the same type of betabux guy from this comic
The point isn't about getting a girlfriend, its the fact that normal guys (like the ones on this site) get fucking scraps while Chad gets all the prime cuts of meat he wants
>It's like if all the memes about white girls with black guys was actually true. It's because black guys are on average shorter than white guys and have pretty much exactly the same average dick size, possibly even slightly less. But asians really do on average have small ass dicks, and a big dick on an asian is legitimately rare as fuck. When an asian girl fucks a white guy, in combination with western views on penis size, she becomes permanently ruined for them They don't go back
Brandon Williams
They're utterly brainwashed into the liberal female empowerment bullshit. It's a result of going to a Western university. It's an indoctrination camp.
Ryder Murphy
asian men absolutely toasted
Henry Nguyen
you're mad that asian girls are dating white guys. you think that because you're asian, that it's right for them to prefer you instead. You haven't done anything to earn a girl's preference over anyone else, or if you have, you're not mentioning that, but you're leaning on your race.
How is that not entitlement?
>everyone who criticizes my personality uses the same word >it's just a spook and a meme and doesn't mean anything >it can't be I actually have a shitty attitude that turns women's faces sour whenever they hear me talk or read anything I write to them.
Jason Peterson
this. asian men are NOT entitled to asian women. and asian women are riding that Big Blue Eyes White Dick. gg nerds, at least mom's basement is comfy.
Luke Kelly
after watching the subway video. i agree. they HATE asian women lol.
White women are way more and aggressive about this than asian men, who just take it laying down crying about it online.
Kevin Gonzalez
then become a chad oh, you can't? then get enough skills or money to compensate for it, faggot
you got no excuses and you will always lose this debate, and you know it
Austin Morales
I'm not asian but I'll reply Its not that they're demanding "I"M ASIAN DATE ME" Its the fact that the system is utterly stacked against minority men And you can buy into your bullshit of 'just work hard b urself man' But at the end of the day its a shitty system that allows white guys to just tower over everyone in the dating field Nobody is claiming that they want socieity's standards to lower Its just an observation (and a dissapointment) at seeing how the world currently operates
>>it can't be I actually have a shitty attitude that turns women's faces sour whenever they hear me talk or read anything I write to them.
nigga, the thing is, the only reason they have shitty attitudes is becuase of the women If women weren't out there getting railed by 3 guys in one night and instead were traditional and modest this shit wouldn't fucking happen
things are the way they are, and there is no way to change it
but your responses are hella faggy you should kill yourself betaboi
Charles Perry
stop bloting out her name and doxx her, she's being literally racist and is unapologetic about it.
shut the fuck up you dumb fuck racist beauty norms are not equivalent to "preferences". 75% of asian women acting in a blatantly socialized racist way is not "preferences". yes, society and prejudiced people are the ones who are forced to change, not the victims of the prejudice.
Cooper Brown
What subway video? Is it that video of the asian guy who live streamed his tinder date? I was fucking RAGING at that video and I'm not even Asian
Owen White
>racist get fucking bent already lmao
women aren't going to start loving your flabs or your disgusting acne ridden face just because you're sad get over it
Asher Miller
>scraps >prime cuts of meat
you know, i'm kinda onboard with the whole fucked up state of sexuality in the modern world, and i think there are a lot of incentives that drive women into non-committal sex with the biggest hunks, and plenty of systems that protect them from the negative consequences of that. It does suck that the world is like this right now.
But it's unlikely that things are going to change while we're in our youth, so you gotta live in the world as it is and try to find happiness with someone. Thinking of the opposite sex as cuts of meat is a pretty awful way of thinking about it, and is the other side of the coin that makes the relationship between the sexes as fucked as it is today.
Asher Edwards
>nobody is ever allowed to complain about anything Just fuck off. You don't apply that retarded standard to anything else. You fags are in every one of these threads.
Isaiah Ross
Bro you're the fucking neckbeard faggot loser you think you're cool just cause you're white? you're a fucking loser man stop larping as a chad cause you're not
Nicholas Evans
I'm not fat nor do I have acne dumb fuck, I'm not even asian I'm a white guy. I"m talking about racist eurocentric beauty norms. if you can't understand this you're low IQ. Also, yes, society is actually moving in the direction I"M talking about, not you. so get over it or face the wrath of the angry mob that sees you as the racist entitled prejudiced fuck you currently are.
>waaah the evil womyn are racist because I'm fat and ugly and I can't do anything about it :'(((
Blake Cook
No one's talking about fatness, that's a personality trait that is within your control that you have an obligation not to be. We're talking about RACE, a thing that is socialized to be seen as better/worse than something else and that is not in anyone's control. Again, if you don't understand this, you're low IQ.
Caleb Cox
no it aint. minority men are just ugly
Jordan Watson
the race argument here is completely irrelevant, faggot no one but virtue signaling leftists and self-loathing robots care about races, if you're a good enough mate, you'll find a good enough mate, that's how society works, that's how it always worked
>but I'm asian and this girl said she didn't want an asian mate not my problem, nigger
Luke Perez
wtf why is she so hostile towards the asian chick cause white guys like her more?
Jace Torres
youre not even White. stop lying lmao.
Gavin Lewis
lmao you say that yet every single white woman on earth is wiling to get railed by big black tyrone even listen to their music nonstop
you're just compensating fragile little white boi even european women are importing refugees for the sake of getting masculine dick and american women support mexicans cause they want exotic penis like canelo alvarez's
kill yourself loser
Chase Cox
No they aren't. There is the same percentage of ugly and attractive men of all races. From the age they can walk, girls are blasted from all media sources with the same patriarchal european looking dude from disney and action movies and television shows etc. directly influences sexuality to like tall white dudes. WOW such a mystery. Race is insanely relevant. You have no idea what you're talking about. yes, I am in fact a white man.
Thomas Reed
Nigger. There, I said it. Now fuck off back to whatever safe space you previously occupied before you slithered your way here. PS: Whites are the most sought after race in terms of attactiveness on the face of the earth, so kill yourself.
Liam Watson
I feel bad for Asian guys and black girls. It's like they're the least wanted groups of people.
Carter Miller
You absolute low IQ moron, I AM A WHITE MAN I am talking about the massively supported theory and data that shows how powerful an effect media has on people's sexuality. This. It's BLATANT racism and it has no reason to continue to exist. Allowing people to perpetuate it isn't going to be tolerated much longer
Lincoln Collins
>You have no idea what you're talking about. >trust me I post racebait shit on Jow Forums asian girls prefer white men because they're overall better lovers, asian culture is all about perfecting your skills and working 70h/week to get a high earning job, turns out women like the idea of having their man at home to cuddle with and take care of the kids from time to time
if you don't understand that, and don't understand that it's completely in any asian male's power to become that 'white male' equivalent, then that's on you, faggot
Brody Gonzalez
You literally have nothing else going for you in your life except being White so you cling to it as hard as you can
You're a fucking failure and you deserve to kill yourself A waste of life and a waste of space All you have going for you is the pigment of your skin Fucking loser LMAO
Nicholas Jones
How am I posting racebait shit you fucking idiot. I'm arguing AGAINST racism and racist preferences fucking retard. Asian women, like all women, rate white men the best because the united states has been pumping out pro-white-man media and eurocentric beauty norms for literally decades now.
Luis Phillips
You're an absolute fucking retard and you have literally no idea what I'm talking about and no idea what side you're even on. I am arguing against eurocentric beauty norms you low IQ retard. Read posts before you respond to them
Bentley Adams
>asian girls prefer white men because they're overall better lovers >turns out women like the idea of having their man at home to cuddle with and take care of the kids from time to time
Imagine actually being this fucking delusional and mentally retarded
>you're mad that asian girls are dating white guys. you think that because you're asian, that it's right for them to prefer you instead Where's the part where you refute that Asian girls are dating purely based on race
James Stewart
desu i think she just wanted to be manhandled by an alpha male. unfortunately there were only beta chinkmen around, enough to drive any red-blooded alpha female mad.
Joseph Campbell
im actually asian though.
yes they are. no u arent
Isaiah Myers
sorry asian """men""", but every asian woman has taken Big White Couk.
cry about it from mommy's basement lmao
Hunter King
>every single white woman on earth is wiling to get railed by big black tyrone there it is opinion disregarded
this. asian men are so used to getting their way like pampered brats, that they cry over anything not going their way especially over asian women dating White men.
Cameron Price
>Haha yeah bro just be urself girls don't care about height, race or face. Those are just the minority of girls right haha c'mon Pajeet let's go hit the clubs
if black dick is so good, then how come they stopped railing??
btfo nigganon
Henry Turner
You are fucking retarded LOL If you unironically believe that you are deluded Go look at the top 200 radio songs tell me how many are by niggers how many teenage girls and women dance and hoe it out to these songs?
jesus christ they are attracted to the men they have their fun with the cock carousel and then settle down with some sucker a sucker like you
Colton Hall
THATs your great evidence? well you got me beat, fella.
nigga dick is too good, we cant compete.
Kevin Hernandez
Shut up liberal faggot, you got no sympathy for whites who are incel because of niggers stealing the white women, you are just an ethnic worshipping cuck faggot.
David Ramirez
it's mostly gay white men who want to be BLACKED
David Roberts
This thread basically proves white people cant be robots. Only asian dudes and HAPA dudes can be real robots.
Blake Murphy
if youre white with only asian gfs youre still technically an incel