What's stopping you from scoring some sweet puss?

What's stopping you from scoring some sweet puss?

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It's been a while and I forgot how. I fell for the "work hard and good things will come to you" meme. Now I have some money but no girls. Should've just leeched off my parents like I used to.

>I forgot how
How to sex?

my lack of effort

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Crippling social anxiety

Crippling social anxiety, scored one pussy 2 months ago while travelling alone, trying to put myself out of my comfort zone, but I was really fucking drunk.

I quit my town's edgy junkie teen subculture since I was spiralling further down to addiction and ultimately didn't even enjoy being fucked every other day anymore. Art hoes who munch on MDMA like cereals stop being desirable really fast and I haven't learned how to approach other types of women yet.

Because its a fucking hassle dating women?

I also did some vile shit while on benzos and alienated a big part of my friend group, don't see people much now.

>dating women
user I...

Oh so you meet her up and straight away has sex with her without talking, like to automatons right got it m8

Nice trips, you take them out on the best first date of their lives and fuck them at the end of it.
Transaction completed.

I just told you taht dating is a hassle for some mediocre pussy, not worth the time, thats what I feel at least.

>first date
You haven't started officially dating at this point.

what makes you say that?

Original niggaroos

>"Crippling social anxiety"
>Had no prob getting laid a couple of months ago bro"

Why do normalfags love pretending to have anxiety so much?

Well if I decide to take a girl out we're not dating yet and I can just pump and dump.

Why are you simplifying things so much? You literally know nothing about me and ur making such stupid claims?

Because you're a larping normalshit. The people I know with actual social anxiety (and they don't say le crippling" would never be able to hold a conversation with a female much less have sex with one.

Didn't happen to notice the fine print of me being "really fucking drunk"?

Not to put all this on my height, nut I'm 5'7 and the only women that I can get with are fat slobs so why even bother.

I have PE and I have Peyronie's disease which left me with chronic pain in the groin area, making it hard to keep erections and I suffer from post serotonin sexual disorder.

I'm fucked.

You have pulmonary embolism?

Premature Ejaculation my dude.

Sex isn't worth it if I'm not in love, feels better just to masturbate to depraved fetishes.

No way to get out

The fact that my face repels all women. I am 36 years old and no young, single woman has ever shown interest in me. Ever. Now I'm at the end of my rope. The only thing I have to look forward to is finally exacting my revenge on the gender that ruined my fucking life!

Women will not get away with rejecting me for 25 years since I reached puberty. I will make them pay. I will make them suffer like they made me suffer. Justice will be served on the streets and sidewalks in the near future!

Because I've been rejected or friend-zoned by literally every woman I've pursued.

After a while I just stopped even bothering and instead get an escort twice a year for my sexual needs. I've been doing that for the past four years.

That seems unfair and unjustified, user.
Would you reject someone you didn't want?

No it's perfectly justified for the way they have treated me my entire life. It's like, I had no fucking control over the facial features I was born with. It's not like my face was customizable. But they don't care. They still discriminate against me over something I cannot control and are completely heartless about it.

I wouldn't lose my virginity outside the context of a relationship:
Every time I try to get in a relationship with a girl, she's already in one:
I get hit with the "ur SOOO smart and good-looking, IDK Y! u've never gotten laid" card, every.fucking.time:
These bitches (who I care about and feel connected to way too much) don't know that their unavailability is the cause:
If I tell them I wanna fuck. they ignore me because they're "loyal" to their boyfriend (aka NOT INTERESTED):
If I don't tell them I wanna fuck, they just cut at my self esteem without even knowing it (OH haha buddy, get how deep Chad's cock went down my throat last night, am I right :D?!)

People are lucky I am medicated and relatively stable right now because I am one insane, sexually frustrated loser.

Consider that in all probability you'd be taking out your "vengeance" on people who've never met or judged you yet?
Maybe there is something you could do that would not cause other people to judge others like you even more harshly by associating them with crazed mass murderers?

I have come across enough women to know that AWALT when it comes to how they regard me. The only women who have ever been nice to me are older women and/or "taken" women. Young (meaning under 40) SINGLE woman have always been repulsed by me and go out of their way to let me know how inferior they consider me. A quarter-century of true forced loneliness would drive anybody insane.

31 year old virgin with a small dick and ugly face and body.

i've given up. even though i never put any effort into getting laid, i really wanted it throughout my highschool and college years. at this point i don't think i'd even be able to get it up for a girl, the thought of me being naked and intimate with another person is just so alien and bizarre to me. i'm usually too drunk and/or high to get a boner anyway these days, i only fap like twice a month. i'm over it.

does this book tell you how to estimate the number of dicks a vagina has taken?

Wait, that's a meme? Ah fuck am doing it wrong aren't I?

I don't know how to genuinely show interest in a girl because I can't decide if I actually want to form a partnership with her, or if I'm just a lonely robot trying to get his dick wet. For some reason the second of those two options is unacceptable to me. Something to do with the stoic and ascetic life that I tell myself I should live.

Oof man, I feel sorry for you.

Look for an asexual / seldom-sexual girl. If you're upfront about it you'd be surprised how many there are. And they're all sick of having sex as an expectation too. I think even tinder would lead to some success for you if you find a non-offputting way of including that specification in your bio.

Because I don`t go out and the only good thing about me is that I look halfway decent.

Because I only want to have sex with someone I'm in a relationship with. And here comes the reasons I don't have a gf:
I am overweight; I have a baby face, but at the same time I get some teenager pimples and I grow neckbeards. My personality is lolsorandom and soi genki when I am in a good mood, and a whiny smartass the rest of the time; in a certain way I am less mature and sophisticated than my peers. I don't have money, nor the interest to give something to a relatioship. I exsude spaghetti, or at least I don't have the confident charisma of a Chad. My interests aren't that interesting to other people, I don't even know if I have interests per se. I don't go out of my house when I don't need to and I am an introvert, I only talk with women in the context of college. I am friendly with them, so I have a lot of girl friends. Also I leech off of my parents as I don't have a job. My attitude is very likely the thing that undermines my possibilities, as I only want a relationship to have something that I never had, instead of something that I need.

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the only thing stoping my is not having 2 grams of seroquel and a blender

i have to wait to get my refills or they will remember what i look like

when it comes to rape remember remember 8 grams will kill them
but if you use under 1 gram they will remember what you did

This is really retarded. Why do you guys never shut the fuck up? Stop talking about sex. Stop making threads about sex. It's predictable and boring. Robots deserve better stuff to talk about then this bullshit.

good advice
also Clonodine will stop them from waking up to soon or before you drop them off

consensual non violent sex cant even arouse me

I dont try to interact with women, and I doubt that I would be able to get one without expending more effort than I am willing to.

last girl i had my way with shes gone now

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Why are robots so obsessed with sex? As someone who's done it before I can tell you it's massively overrated. It literally just feels like filling the bath tub with warm water and dipping your dick in, and there's not much more to it. It won't suddenly improve your life, make you stop been a neet and make you attractive, it's just a slightly more advanced version of jacking off

Yeah dude, show those thots who rules

Because people tend to want what they can't have. And once you finally do get what you want the desire dies down considerably to the point where you don't know how you were ever that crazy.

Personally getting an escort twice a year is enough to curb my sexual appetite but everyone's different. Before I started doing that I used to obsess pretty much all day every day about sex.

Vaginas are disgusting and make me ill when I see them, i'm starting to think i could be gay...