how come White men never write love songs about asian women? they only write love songs about White women.
WHY. asian women need love too.
how come White men never write love songs about asian women? they only write love songs about White women.
WHY. asian women need love too.
whats wrong with love songs written by asian men?
i dunno. why are you trying to change the subject?? you butthurt asian masculinity male
I'm not changing the subject I'm directly addressing it.
I'm a white man, not asian. Stop fetishizing white dudes it's pathetic and the eurocentric beauty norm must die
Take a break, storm. I think you need it.
lmao. yes im sure youre a "white" man. k bye
Here's a picture of my blue green European eyes and white skin you stupid racist bitch
Youre pathetic and your race fetish is pathetic
that could be anybody, you actually expect me to take this at face value, nice one you non-white trash.
>literally post a picture I just took proving my race
>stupid racist dumb bitch just denies and and doubles down on racist
You're a pathetic racist scumbag who literally cant even accept evidence right in front of you LMAO
If you want your answer, this is why we dont write love songs about you. You're pathetic fetishistic race traitors.
oh okay. bye then
I'm not going anywhere until you accept your racism isn't acceptable and change
aren't most love songs generic and could be about anyone? what are you listening to? country music?
I don't remember any love song that would be explicitly about white women. Most of them are universal.
And don't say never:
what racism? werent you the one that called me a "race traitor bitch"? looks like im not the racist here.
>could be about anyone
ok now non whites are stealing the White man's love songs..
I called you a racist scumbag because this whole thread you're talking shit about non white men and saying they're trash and worth less
NO. My friends who are black and asian and other races are not worse than me just because of race. Stop fetishizing white men.
so im racist bcuz i prfr White men? maybe youre the racist that cant accept my right to pursue happiness. k bye
its bait
>im racist bcuz i prfr White men?
2/10 pretty funny satire tho
im white
They make generic love songs that could be about anyone because that makes more money.
Have you never heard of Weezer?
Yes you are racist because you have a racist preference.
Preferences are not immune from being racist and you are not entitled to them.
It's true that niggers took over the music industry and most of the songs are now about "dem big ass hoes twerking", sex, drugs, money, etc. Sad thing is that girls actually seem to like this music. I hope this trend will pass soon.
Also, I make a distinction between niggers and black people. White people can be niggers too.
ya ok im sure this song was written about a non white woman.
your definition of racism doesnt trump my right to pursue happiness, sorry not sorry. if i want to only date White men its not racism.
>your definition of racism doesnt trump my right to pursue happiness, sorry not sorry. if i want to only date White men its not racism.
It is racism and it wont be socially acceptable for much longer. People are getting fed up with racist and heightist discrimination in dating.
Your "right" to be racist is not a right and you are not entitled to practice racism. If you refuse to get over it, we in society will make your life very difficult (remove job opportunities, kick you out of public places, etc). Your right to "pursue happiness" can not be by spreading racism. You do not have that right.
its coming VERY soon.
i do have this right. people like you are just extremely butthurt by my PERSONAL choice, one mirrored by many others. thats y u arent a White man but a butthurt asian """male"""".
gi cry on asian masculinity.
OP there are lots of love songs about Asian women you retard
> the eurocentric beauty norm must die
it never will white people have a stranglehold on the beauty and the entertainment industry.
meanwhile white people will complain about "ze gews"
racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
its the literal definition of racism, your not a nazi but your still discriminating against your own race
own it and get on your knees for yt coq
You don't have the right if we as a society decide that you dont. Performing racist acts is literally the definition of practicing racism. Its not excusable.
I already proved my race, your denial of that is just coping. And yes, people are getting very tired of people like you practicing racism and heightism and discrimination and we aren't going to accept it for much longer. That's why twitter and reddit and youtube comments and forums all over have millions of people beginning to call this shit out. It's only going to become more common and start getting into real life.
Repent now. There is nothing wrong with any race of men. I don't like racism against blacks even though I'm not black.
You WILL end your racism or you will suffer the consequences of your behavior. You are not entitled to racist preferences or opinions.
>one's own race
ummm wouldnt it be racist to not date White men? k thx buddy it turns out that asian women who date White men only are the least racist people on earth. bye
ok guy. yes i am entitled to personal preferences, sorry not sorry. maybe in your next life you wont be a White larping ricecel.
It's racist to ONLY date one race. By your literal own logic it's racist to not date asian men which is what you're saying. You're literally calling yourself racist here, because you are.
No you're not entitled, and I've already proven my race. Personal preferences are what racism is, just saying "it's my personal preference to be racist" doesn't mean we will allow you to be racist.
Get over it.
youre definitely not White. nice try, stay incel.
I know this is bait but i know people out there truly do hold your feelings.
If you zoom in to one race/exclude others for a reason related to race is racist by definition because your discriminating against a race.
The exception is only when the reason you choose the race is not entirely related to their race.
African going after other races to get to different country- unscrupulous sure but not racist
Asain going after whites because "they have bigger dicks uwu"- racist
Indian going after indians because "they are submissive"- racist
I would like to know about your "preference"
what do you like about white people in particular?
Are you retarded? This isn't how a woman type, you retarded incel sperg. This guy is literally Storm again acting crazy. You can tell because it's his same low effort, minimal posting vs triggered aspies who type long paragraphs to him.
hehe now i know what u are. its none of your business desu.
I literally posted my eye lmao
You also realize you literally saying asian dudes should be virgins just because they're asian
I can't fucking wait until we finally you racists out and freeze your assets and fire you and destroy you
i never said all love songs are generic and for anyone.
ofc there are songs for specific people (or races ect)
lmao youre a triggered ricecel, thats not your eye.
its implied in love songs made by White men that the person of their affections is a White woman.
or is that racist?
it's storm you fucking tard
>cant argue against their point
>they must be a non-white
>obviously a non-white who is salty i wont give up my yellow poon
You win user everyone on Jow Forums who does not agree with you is just another greasy non-white incel who will die alone
Women do not type like this i'm surprised mouth breathers still fall for your bait
omg u incels are the real racists desu
>your an incel for pointing out racism
>your an incel and a racist
explain your point user
Actually you're not an incel for pointing out racism, you're an incel for not being to tell obvious bait and talking to an asian man the entire time fucking with you.
i knew you were some kind of shitskin.
But asian women write songs about white men
Even if one person who holds "preferences"
reads anything in this thread and reconsiders i will consider my time well spent.
i mean i don't think its implied, for all i know the singer only dated black or smth
thats a stretch aint it.
Lmao your a darkie arent you
how dare you shitskins try to stop asian women from dating White men.
incels lmao
Anyway op, Im sure there are love songs about Asians and white guys. Its not hard to imagine that they would exist. Im sure there are some out their.
What do you think of this:
Do you think women call people shitskin? Do you think women would come anywhere near this thread? You're pretty fucking stupid m8
He claims to be white, but will never prove it. I've asked in threads before.
No white man would sperg out over this, I guaran-fucking-TEE it's an ugly sheboon who thinks that she'll be able to convince people that nigs aren't actually ugly so she can get a confidence boost.
>do women call people shitskin
yes absolutely
because white men are working to preserve the white race, not make mixed babies you cuck
>happy endings
>come sit in my lap or we'll send you back
I laughed lol
t. asian girl
not asian but i cant help but only like pink dick
ITT: asian storm fag larping as an asian woman with white fever arguing with a poltard faggot larping as a white progressive
This is what r9k has come down to
>Turning Japanese by the Vapors
thats you selfposting tho.
women arent the only people who hold "preferences" user
pink dicks are gross imo
Lennon wrote plenty