Was Jow Forums a mistake?
Was Jow Forums a mistake?
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Only have one thing to say...
Absolute unit
nah. i love it. keep it up boys.
leftmost, rightmost and middle are qts, nohomo
exactly as I imagined. probably not to different looking from r9k either
Only inbred ugly fucks use sites like Jow Forums or tumblr therefore you can expect everyone here and there to look like that.
Jow Forums is a mistake. This place is terrible for you. This place will make things worse for you. Nobody here likes you, they feed on you. Your pain and suffering is the nourishment that helps these people grow claws to keep you here. If you do not leave your life cannot and will not ever get better. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows that it's time to get off of this place. This is the first step to un-fucking your life: cut toxic people. Removing toxic people from your life is a skill that will help you avoid disaster. Being here is a disaster. You need to leave. You don't even have fun here. Every time you post you get pissed off or someone else gets pissed off. You've never once heard anything on this board that has improved your life in any way. You have heard tons of schizophrenic ramblings about obtuse interpretations of our society and how people interact, and projected those interpretations into the only memories you have of the outside world: your high school or college experience. You need to actually get out. You need to stop being in this place where crazy people tell you how the world is. They are not sane. This board is bad for you, you are like a crack addict posting here for another hit from your buds in self-hate. Did you read 1984? Instead of 2 minutes of hate you get 10+ hours of it. You need to stop letting these people control your mind.
Politics is a mistake, politics is cancer. The fact that Jow Forums is the most visited board on this site is sad.
Are those fucking Jow Forumsacks?
What. the. absolute. fuck.
>Master race
>Are those fucking Jow Forumsacks?
Yes, defenders of the white race
great argument fagtron
Making assumptions based on a cherrypicked image from one random protest in America tells me more about you than Jow Forums.
They're fine, the board outgrew the rest of Jow Forums too fast though, they went from being another board, to replacing /b/ as the site's face, to being so popular and so far-reaching they've become a board unto themselves, the core posters are the same old 4channers, weird guys with unqiue perspectives discussing issues, but the VAST majority of the board now are just normal young guys browsing Jow Forums and don't care about learning about classic Jow Forums's culture. Every board has this issue but the numbers are against Jow Forums.
They were funny as fuck during the brexit debate and the Zimmerman trial though.
>Jaffa is calling
If you had to fight one of them to the death which one would you pick?
No weapons.
You know..I can understand having some racial prejudice, especially if you live in a poor urban neighborhood as a white person and you read crime statistics, but what I don't understand is actively wanting people to die because of their race. Or just treating anyone you meet like shit because of their race irregardless of how they treat you.
Everyone there is so stupid.
You can feed them the most obvious lie and all they run with it
Even if someone calls it out it just gets buried on more and more tinfoil hat shit.
No, they're kids from a Libertarian march. SJWs keep pics of awkward looking people and use them in place of rational debate to try and attack people.
You have a point though. Jow Forums is basically just
>You may be smarter than me and contribute far more to society overall, but look at how national crime statistics correlate to your baseline level of melanin expression
>Now, go back to this country that you've never even been to because your great grandparents are from there
Jow Forums started because groups actively wanted white people to die because of their race.
I could crush 4 out of the 7 guys in the pic.
The fatty would smash me to the ground, though
No they want to gas niggers and kikes
>groups actively wanted white people to die because of their race.
irrelevant groups, outside of Jow Forums paranoia
Leddit was a mistake desu
Pls go back
There's something impressive about a sport coat that large.
is he wearing two jean vest?, the man all the way to the right
I see you're a fellow defender against fascism
Fight the power bro! We ARE the resistance!
It appears so, user.
It appears so...
This is usually the case when left-leaning people start these kind of threads hoping to laugh at the cringy nazis
They just kind of look like dorks and mutts
These people on the other hand look like abominations and freaks
Yeah I know which one I'd rather be around
Oh shut the fuck up you self-rightous faggot
>They just kind of look like dorks and mutts
>These people on the other hand look like abominations and freaks
Kind of what I see too. I might be somewhat biased, but when I see them I just kind of see awkward young dorks still figuring everything out. And when I look at these Antifa/far-left protesters/rioters I see what look like actual circus freaks, who are usually way past their prime.
All of my friends turned out to be Mexican somehow, despite making only 3% of our population here, and they all like Jow Forums and larp post of Jow Forums. Jow Forums has always been and will always be a larp.
>Yeah I know which one I'd rather be around
Yeah, neither
anyone who is Jow Forums or lefty/pol/ is not worth your time
Absolute mother fucking unit
Don't talk shit about a guy that could kill you just by sitting on your chest bud.
Also Jow Forums is pretty funny, intentionally or not most of the best posts come from them. Besides most of them are just harmlessly larping. Like 60% of Jow Forums isn't even white.
They're worse than the mlp fags before we had the containment board.
>Jow Forums is just ugly, angry incels so all their arguments are automatically invalidated
It's bad that arguments are written off based on someones physical appearance but that's unfortunately how humans are dispositioned. This is why someone like Kim Kardashian could run for president and have a good chance of winning in the current political climate.
Any less relevant than Jow Forums itself? Baring in mind Jow Forums was a niche board on an anime forum, while leftist groups have talked about the "evil white man" and how the world would be better off without whites for years.
It's strange that people think you have to be one or the other. I love laughing at both.
/mlpol/ for life, rebel against the normalfags
at least ponyfags stay on their board. Jow Forums brings their shit everywhere.
Now this is what you call a redpill
Like 50 SJWs on tumblr are not "groups"
The probIem is not the ideology.
Except on the left side realistically they're starving.
This. I dont really care about the existance of Jow Forums but i hate that i cannot browse any place on the internet without one of these people literally standing on watch waiting for the smallest reason to derail everything into politics. I once saw a guy posting multiple attempts at trying to bait someone into a conversation about politics while the guy just tried to get away from it and was trying to talk to someone else. This guy kept posting and replying to him and provoking him to get him to argue about politics. Its surreal how these people suddenly flooded every single place on the internet.
>t. on the bottom right side
>still trying to make it about the ideology
Why do Jow Forumstards do this? Whenever you criticize both sides they immediately resort to attacking the opposing side to them. Its like they're NPCs with a coded sequences that can only criticize the other side. Any information that is not related to a specific political ideology flies past them like they literally lack the ability to understand anything not coded into them
Yeah, honestly most of those kids look like they could have been some of the smartest kids in my high school.
I get that it's funny, but it's not much of an argument. Having wonderful beliefs doesn't turn you into a Chad mega-protester.
>irrelevant groups, outside of Jow Forums paranoia
It's hard to consider them irrelevant when you're exposed to it on the daily, even on here. I've been educated by the state and by multinational corporations from birth that whites are evil, and that we should embrace the worldwide replacement of our people. Blacks, on average, hate my people. Over 2/3 of my country thinks that the great replacement is either okay or justified due to some perceived sins of my ancestors.
And what do I get for simply wanting a place where whites in North America can be themselves in peace? I'm racist, I'm a nazi. I think I'm better than everyone else and simultaneously I'm some convenient incel/neckbeard caricature. I'm somehow as bad as the black mask wear corporate tools who want to ruin peoples' lives for thinking the wrong things.
Name me an example of Jow Forums bringing politics into something that isn't already political.
>Its surreal how these people suddenly flooded every single place on the internet.
No it's not. Social media and the polarization of western society has made the Internet this way years ago.
I mean yeah, but they're starving for different reasons than their historical idols.
Just making a joke, but it's mainly because the image presents a sort of equal representation of both sides, and I simply don't agree with communism. Not now, not then.
But trust me, I'm completely capable of railing on both contemporary groups. The alt-right is a retarded movement, jump-started from retarded events. Most neo-nazis and supposed "fascists" stand more the complete opposite of what the Nazis wanted. They promote the wrong economical ideals, wrong solutions to social issues, they misrepresent their original ideas, and they encourage a lot of hate. It's stupid.
But then again Antifa are even bigger autists that screech about even more shit they don't understand.
What's the problem, then? What's causing this? Why do you think we're all either wignats on the right or blue haired mutants on the left? Is Jared Taylor a wignat?
>literally does it again like he is a broken record
Im convinced that Jow Forumstards are NPCs
yes it was a big mistake
This and this
Stay in your containment board and no one will give a shit
Tbqh used to be a polak but got sick of being called a Jew if I slightly disagreed about certain issues. Pol likes to bitch about issues without coming up with solutions. Any solutions that do arrises are labelled as shills. For example I'm a big fan of Richard Spencer, but mention him on Pol and you're a shill. Drink post be gentle
You might think Jow Forumstards are NPCs, but whatever you are, you literally cannot discern or comprehend humor. Autist fence-sitter, or autist Soviet larper. Not quite sure.
>start attending polfag meetups fully expecting fatties and freaks
>they're always pretty handsome and I end up being the ugliest and most autistic person there
o motherfucker
Based and redpilled, but unironically and originally.
that guy on the right...
why wear limb protection but no head protection
>i was intending it all along
>Soviet larper
>literally doing it again for the third time
Politics is the mind killer.
>Most neo-nazis and supposed "fascists" stand more the complete opposite of what the Nazis wanted.
Neonazis embrace the iconography of Nazis because they were an intimidating enemy to an enemy they have in common. It's mostly either a gang thing for wignats or an expression of distaste and defiance toward society.
Nonetheless I wouldn't get too tied up in the beliefs of literal fascists changing. It's natural for groups to evolve with the times, and obviously much has changed since the 30's. Just because the party has the same name does not mean they should share the same ideology exactly. Do you think the democrats and republicans believe the same things they did in 1865?
The nazis weren't pro white, they were pro german. In the face of globalization and the assimilation of different European groups into America, whites have largely looked past the former division of whites by country of origin. That's true whether you're a nahtzee or not.
It was self-deprecating humor and some satire the first time in response to your claim.
Second time was out of anger.
I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you, user.
>It's like they're NPCs
>The people who STARTED the NPC meme
Let's be honest here, Jow Forums attracts highly introverted, highly individualistic people, the exact opposite of everything an NPC is. You cannot be an NPC and question everything, and Jow Forums questions literally fucking everything (by far their best quality).
Look at fuckin Kingpin in the center, god damn.
The left just can't come up with their own insults. It's honestly embarrassing.
>You're a snowflake
>You're a beta
>You're a cuck
>You're an NPC
>MOAR LIKE YOU'RE AN NPC!! HAHA, epic comeback once again
Why aren't they starving? Both sides are equally retarded, go back to pol.
>still doing the same exact thing
Im not that guy but this is just embarassing
>u no can do thing!
>I say u do thing
>u do thing just like i said! ha! i told u u do thing!
this user gets it. But it's not just America. This is the world we live in now