/uni/ general - failed the final edition

Just finished fucking up my Calc II final. Very likely that I'll have to retake it next semester. How are the rest of you doing?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>have 2k word essay due tomorrow
>Still didn't start it

I do this every single time. I hate staying up until morning banging out an essay but I just don't give enough of a shit to start it earlier

I'm not a student any more but I have a cool story for you.

When I was in my first year of university I was bullied and intimidated out of student halls because my flatmates found out I posted anti-feminist videos on youtube.

wrapping up with some last minute assignments. next semester is going to suck but at least it's my last one.

Who even bullies on unis?
At my uni I barely know anyone

They didn't just randomly bully me, it was specifically because of the anti-feminist videos

LOL like spinocuck. if you are him, then lol^999999

Unironically feeling horrible.

>be me
>win incredibly prestigious scholarship (basically 8k to do research all summer)
>professor supervising my project is a master in her field, loves me
>going to graduate in four years (this previous September)
>going to graduate school

>can't find a supervisor who has space or funding available for me
>completely fuck up the thesis project for the scholarship supervisor professor
>she calls me in for a meeting in front of two TAs
>one who is a total cunt
>and one who was pretty fair
>she screams at me in front of them
>"Don't you feel ashamed? That you wasted taxpayer dollars?"
>"Uh, well, I was sick that day an-"
>"Whatever user. Can you do this or not?"
>"Well I feel very anxious because I feel the character of people in the lab is very hostil-"
>"Rightly so. So you're out?"
>"Uh, yes."
>"Great. user's out of the lab. I'll see about moving this to a paper thesis but I have never done this before because every other student I had was competent at this point. I'll let you know. You might have to drop."

>okay maybe if I don't go to graduate school this year I can do the same scholarship again with another professor
>remember she is on the committee
>"You stole this from another student, she was waiting in the wings when you swooped in? Don't you feel guilty? I would."

Failed 2/4 classes. Only have 80% in the other. Still feel more positive about the future than I have in a couple years tho, as I have decided to follow my dreams of becoming an comic booker/animator.

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Well why would you make anti feminist videos, just play vidya. Also what was their problem?

Samefag, it posted too quickly for some reason.

>during exam for same professor earlier in the day
>I forget the conversion between litres and kilograms for water
>ask her, what the hell
>"Uh... yeah?"
>"What's the density of water?"
>"Uh, I don't remember."
>"I'm really sleepy, haha."
>"Yeah. No kidding."

>bunch of exams following this but I feel so grief stricken I went home and slept, just studying now....okay, posting on Jow Forums with my notes open now.

What are you studying? Is it related to art? What's your comic stuff about?

I'm in engineering and I'm seriously starting to regret not going to art school.

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Unf, that middle part of your greentext got me hard. Be mean to me, mommy.

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Yes that's me.

Most of them were from the year or so prior to me arriving. I only made a few videos while I was there, just as a hobby. It's not like I ever expected anything bad to come of it.

>It's not like I ever expected anything bad to come of it.
I dunno, user. You sound like you were born yesterday.

To this day I have no idea how they found the account. It wasn't linked to my name or social media in any way, and it didn't contain any footage of me, just my voice.

>I'm in engineering and I'm seriously starting to regret not going to art school.
Why? STEM is the future. You'd just end up homeless with an art meme degree.

Triple samefag. For fuck's sake I need to vent so you all get my blogposts.

Basically what happened was a combination of bad luck and personal failings.

Bad luck:
>professor doesn't instruct me
>gets one of her students to do it
>student - let's call her Cho - never really explains anything in detail, just orders me around without explaining the broader context of the machines I'm operating

>Cho wants me out of the way so she can do her deadlines
>orders me to do some cleaning
>do it
>because Cho wasn't supervising me this fucked up a lot of shit in the lab including people's samples
>I blogposted on Jow Forums about this when it happened
>virtually everyone in the thread agreed that Cho was incompetent re. me
>professor agreed

>Cho hates me
>actively antagonizes me
>glares at me
>makes me nervous
>bad mouths me
>screams at me
>basically treats me like shit when all I've ever done is be nice to her because she's mad she got in shit for failing to do her job with respect to teaching me

Now time for the Personal Failings:
>start avoiding Cho
>start missing work or coming in late to try and avoid her
>this obviously pisses off and inconveniences the other students and technicians who tried to help me
>they get mad at me too because I'm not showing up
>Cho swoops in
>"See, it was user's fault after all."
>try to be nice to Cho
>apologise to her, say I hope we can do better as a team next time
>She sneers
>avoid the lab even more
>when I do go, Cho constantly barks orders at me
>can barely function around her
>nervousness overtakes me
>constantly fuck up the most basic of shit in analytic chem
>like adding acid to water not water to acids, pipette stuff, etc.
>basically an incompetent mess

Because I'm graduating with a ~*~prestigious STEM degree~*~ and I still feel like an incompetent hack who can barely do actual, non-theoretical work. See my blogposts. I'm a fuckup. I'm too sensitive (INFP 4 life). I'd be better as an artist.

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Hm. That actually is weird. What did they do though?

>Because I'm graduating with a ~*~prestigious STEM degree~*~ and I still feel like an incompetent hack who can barely do actual, non-theoretical work. See my blogposts. I'm a fuckup. I'm too sensitive (INFP 4 life). I'd be better as an artist.
I'm actually in the same boat, right down to the not being able to do actual work, and I actually tend to do better and have more interest in my humanities classes. But I still chose STEM because it's the most stable and smart choice. You can still pursue art or whatever on the side as a hobby.

I had 3 hour Government policy exam today and I have the flu :(
Think I did okay and managed to finish in time but not sure how coherent I wrote, as I was total feeling shit.

You understand, user.

I had shitty grades in first semester, but I got a 3.8 GPA last semester at one of (if not the best) school in my country. And yet, here I am, completely useless. I'm forcing myself to learn some coding languages I know are important in my particular field, but even then I still think its flabbergasting I'd learn more useful information from that than four years.

Which ones? I love the humanities, but am a terrible essay writer, as my posts prove. God, I love British folk music and the high middle ages. I listen to free lectures on it all the time. I should just study folklore and cry.

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I only approved one of four final exams I have lads. I should left? I don't have interest in my career and fucking hate the university. It's everything false. It's like the fucking Sims.

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Holy shit, just got back from public speaking class
I was speaking so fast out of anxiety that I was losing my breath and I could feel the cringe of the other people

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thinking about joining some clubs next semester. going to become a better person. in all honesty i just want to meet more people.

once it was over did they tell you that you did a great job?

>Which ones?
Well since I'm in STEM, nothing too serious. I took some intro courses in philosophy, art history, and classics. I really enjoyed classics and I enjoyed philosophy, but art history wasn't really my thing.

hahahahaha i have the same delusion the first two years of uni, but you will see the little groups everywhere, if you don't fix they will kick you out of here, everything in uni it's fake my friend, even the friends you think you have

>what are you studying?
I am studying business administration. You dont really need an art school. Being good at art takes practice, rather than education. Its better to try to form a relationship with a professional artists, there are a lot online who offer service for good prices. They can look over your work and give you guidance.

The worst thing they did was luring me out in to the kitchen where they a load of their friends were waiting, and then they surrounded me and trapped me in there and spent almost an hour lambasting and intimidating me.

After that, especially over the next few days, they kept banging on my door asking me to come out, they also told everyone in our block so I got dirty and intimidating looks from people pretty much whenever I left the flat.

I took a classics course at a local university during high school. This might be sacrilegious, but I always found the classics to be, I don't know, eh. The sort of guy obsessed with the military might of Rome always bored me. Other details of classical life is interesting, though. I liked Greek mythology. I liked reading about some of their social customs.

I really prefer the middle ages because it's this strange and fantastical world of symbols and magic. Iunno, maybe you can convince me to give a shit more about Rome and Greece.

My nigga. I've been meaning to actually read philosophy instead of listening to lectures about it. Kant sounds cool but I'm not metal enough to live according to the categorical imperative.

Funny thing, my best friend is currently a philosophy student and she is marking papers where people keep using Kant willy nilly. The writing quality is shockingly subpar for higher level philosophy student papers.

>art school
I agree, art school is mostly about connections which are more ubiquitous than ever. I just sort of regret letting my art fall to the wayside.

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failed my final very sad indeed
im sad
pink wojak

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Well that kinda sucks, in Europe people are much more reserved to themselves, I cannot really imagine this occuring in an EU college, as far as I've heard people tend to keep to themselves

reserved -to themselves

This was in the UK.

Guess there is a big difference between western and eastern europe


Tbh by the look of your English you should go back to highschool and re learn english

oh without a doubt. i suppose i'm thinking more along the lines of finally getting my mental health in check. i would like to do /out/ activities but being carless and w/o friends with similar hobbies i suffer so many there's a club with similar interests. i'm not looking for long term connections with any of these people. i will be graduating in spring.

>Iunno, maybe you can convince me to give a shit more about Rome and Greece.
To be honest, I would say my professor had more to do with my enjoyment of that class than anything else. His lectures were really interesting and the way he explained and expanded on the texts we read just connected with me.
>My nigga. I've been meaning to actually read philosophy instead of listening to lectures about it. Kant sounds cool but I'm not metal enough to live according to the categorical imperative.
Same here. I tried getting into philosophy last summer and I've always been interested in it, but it was a bit too daunting understanding it on my own. I also got lazy and didn't want to read, so I gave up. The class I took was obviously easier and more interesting since there was someone there explaining it in words I could understand. I'll try again this coming break.

and you should back to suck my cock

>tfw I just realised that I put this scholarship on my CV and even though I completed it if any of them contact the professor involved I'll be fucked
>I'll have to take the strongest piece of research experience I have off my resume

Welp, time to fucking slash my wrists.

>good teachers
Honestly it's amazing what a good professor can inspire in a person.

I think the literature is for people who really want to engage with the ideas. I think for the average person, colloquially discussion of these things is sufficient.

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He got it hard woah

Very likely that i failed my environmental econ final because I fell asleep last night instead of pulling an all nighter. Feels very bad, almost got high marks in everything this semester and the final is 40% of my fucking grade.

I'm not an actual artist. Some of my stuff is CWC tier. pic related is one of my better drawings. I'm hoping that I can create something with potential, rather than an actual final product and that I can people to invest in it and hire better artists to help me. The guy who made One Punch Man wasnt a good artist, and I dont think Matt Groening's early stuff was very good either, but those both took off because people saw potential in them. I guess that would make me more of a writer, but thats what I'm hoping for.

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I like those


same user, can't even find energy to look for a job now
just sleeping all the time waiting for this to pass, can't imagine telling this to my parents on christmas

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im tryna quit alcohol lads

>not an actual artist
You are, you're just growing.

I love the Boondocks, please have a free Jazmine DuBois. Like all hacks, I'm the master of the 3/4 view on repeat.

>wasn't a good artist
Hell, even Aaron McGruder doesn't have great art in the Boondocks comic strips. While I don't think that you should gamble on hiring other people, I think you're right in that the best art work isn't necessarily needed. I think a lot of it depends on what you're trying to accomplish in terms of tone. What are your ideas?

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>shit meme degree
>can't look forward to anything
>only work three-four hours per day the week before the finals
am I fucked? I hate this fucking life, I just want to win the lottery

don tell em and ace it the next time. if they ask pull an evasive response, if this doesnt work REEE your way out of the table, change your name, get a new id and passport, fly over to argentina, ill meet you in La viela, a famous cafe in Buenos Aires, there i will give u a comfy job in an ngo where i work. Later we will fly to new york with the money of said ngo and start an investment firm, after we make millions u will go back to ur house and T pose with your dick out. godspeed user

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wasted my all day and was supposed to progressing with my masters already. i only have like 1.5 month left but only like 25% of the project done. of course i havent written anything so far...
also i promised myself i will learn python thorught the Q4 od the curtrent year, but shit, didnt learn beyond basics...

had 2 finals
barely opened the pdf's to look at them
if i pass, it will be a Christmas miracle!

last semester starts next year
havn't even started to look for jobs yet
can't really bother
not even sure I want to do what I studied
will probably just go neet or back to my old dead end job after summer

>what are your ideas
I'm not sure. I like introspective works with internal conflicts because I think they give audiences a chance to consider the conflicts in their own lives. I think personally I am coming out state of mind where I felt trapped by pressure from my family and myself, so I might do something about that. Right now, I think I am a little stunted as a person, and I still have more personal growth to do before I can make something thats actually relatable to people. I really connected with Blade Runner 2049, like a lot of people here. Other works I that really stand out to me are Mad Max Fury Road, Porcco Rosso.

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Not him but what does it mean if they did? Cause that's what they told me.

>un simulation today
The end is near bots. I'll take take instant death anytime now

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maybe that he didn't do as poorly as he thought. do people say those types of things for literally no reason? after one of my presentations a classmate walked up to me and told me too. i didnt know him, i can only hope that means that i did alright.

Is she hot? How aroused should I be by this greentext and her treatment of you?

>shit meme degree

it's fucking over lads.
i'm free for a month

that's weird, people in the UK are generally more reserved and prefer to just keep the silence, even if it's a bit awkward, I'm at Warwick uni and I'm yet to experience anyone shouting at me for saying stupid things like "there are too many brown people in London", most people just give an awkward laugh and then say something similar, guess you just gotta be careful

yayyy essay buddy!!! i have a 3k word paper due tomorrow with 2k words left to write
if you're still here reply to me when you're done, let's make it a race to see who finishes first >:3

4k words left, let's rock bby

24 male KV. I went to a study group on Monday for physiology and meet a girl there and we really hit it off. We studied together for about 10 hours together on Tuesday, studied Wednesday morning and took our final. I finished way after she did and she had already left. The only way for me to contact her is FB and school email. But neither of us have updated FB in awhile. Should I go for it and cause FB to contact her? Or am I bring a idiot.

>start of semester
>take 4 subjects, should be easy enough
>there's 2 big tests which determine whether you can do the final exam
>get stuck on depression
>keep on trucking along
>only do 2 of the first big tests put of 4 because I knew jack shit
>do very horribly on the ones that I did do
>you can not do one of the big tests per subject so it's cool, I can pick it up
>pick up one of the subjects I didn't do a test for
>realize I don't understand jacksquat
>whatever 3/4 subjects is not that bad
>do second big tests on the 3 subjects that I still have hope for
>do equally as bad or even worse
>could've nullified the semester
>but thought that it was still salvageable
>finals this weel and the coming monday
>already failed one
>have night to null hopes on the second one
>I need a high grade to pass the third one
>mfw I don't understand jackshit
Should've been honest and gotten off tje boat when I still could

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Most professors are a waste of tax paying money and are spineless douches.

STEM is a meme beyond engineering, IT, coding and CS. Everything else pays like shit if you don't get a PhD.

>"Don't you feel ashamed? That you wasted taxpayer dollars?"
Lamo don't feel bad about that, government is inefficient asf and agencies burn billions just so that the bean-counters in DC don't cut their next annual budget
Also Cho sounds like an ass but you should have just done your own shit and told her to go fuck herself. Trying to make things better is just going to burn more bridges. Focus on yourself and fuck everyone else.

>going from quarter to semester system
>Checked out so long ago because everything is moving slower than usual
>Somehow still manage to get an A/B in most of my classes

I dont know what happened in the last three months and I dont like this feeling at all.

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How much of a beta are you?

If I was good at quantifying things I wouldn't be in trouble.

Thanks user, you're very sweet for saying that. Cho sucks but you're absolutely right. I definitely learned my lesson.

She's actually a person I respect, but I felt she was being a bit unfair. Yeah, the taxpayer dollar thing was a bit silly. I did my work, I did learn things - she even acknowledged that I was capable of doing some decent work before Cho started being a dick to me.

>tfw some dumb incel threatens to shoot up uni on day of finals canceled 4/5 of my finals.

Thank you based incel

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>Takeing computer architecture
>To study I build a 32bit-ALU in Minecraft
>Follow the book best I can but get stuck in implementation
>"This part is left for the reader as an exercise"
>Dah fuck, the book does not even explain everything
>Email the teacher because I am a brainlet
>Teacher helps me through the problem and I continue building the ALU
>Test day comes along
>"Explain why the Less flag is set to 0, and why the ALU31 carryOut feeds into ALU1's Less"
>It is the problem I found while playing Minecraft
>MFW I am the only one who knows the answer
>MFW I cucked the entire class

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Funny story user, here's mine
>win 6k scholarship to do work in a summer
> my supervisor is super busy
> didn't have a meeting in over two months
> one month left and nothing gets done
> she calls me in, asks how's the project
> I say I haven't done anything, expect the worst
> She says it's fine, just do some readings
> Started grad school this fall

What's y'alls plans if you fail or even get kicked out of school? I'm 26 and I feel like I will get kicked out because I failed all my classes. I feel like I will have to go back to working 2 jobs again. I've thought about getting some kind of cert online, but I'm not sure if that will work out at the end. I feel like I am just too dumb to get a real job. I've been working in shit low paying jobs since I was 17 and I feel like this is how my life will be like forever.

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Oh fuck you, that's insane. What sucks is I was totally done to do work (and I'm sure you were too, in some capacity).

Yeesh, user, that's no good.

My plan if I don't go to grad school this year is to take another year and focus on courses that will make me employable. Either that, or a job while doing volunteer work and then try my hand again.

As for you, it sounds like school isn't your bag. If you want to keep doing it, maybe investigate why you're not doing so well. Do you have a learning disability? If you get kicked out, you could get yourself a diagnosis, make some improvements, and then try another school with a clear academic record and transfer the few credits that you did achieve.

If school isn't for you, consider a trade? Maybe even invest yourself more fully in your shitty jobs and level up?

planning to drop out of electrical engineering and try for med, my father was right they are clueless hicks pretending to be scientists

graduated today unicucks, have fun next semester.

Hey I've only written 200 words so far lmao its 4:40 am here kill me

got a job or going back to be neet?

I've been told getting into trade is great when you're young, but it will fuck you up as you get older. My plan is maybe get a job in a tech company as a receptionist or in the call center and then let them know I'm interested in web dev or programming. I've been kinda learning on my own so maybe if I can show them I know my shit, I might be able to move up in the company. I know it's dumb and it's gonna take years, but I really don't know what else to do with my life.

>straight As

Feeling pretty fucking superior this morning.

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leaving a degree that can secure 100K+ salary easily within 5 years after graduation for a degree that will cause you insane amounts of stress to complete and even more after if you ever fuck up. Oh also half a million in student loans and close 10 years in school. Real smart move .

I got a 4.33 GPA this semester, compared to the 2.83 I pulled a year ago when I was drinking every night instead of studying. I feel alright. I'm gonna clean my house over the break and try to get my shit together in other areas.

Failed manufacturing exam and class pretty much. welp dish jocky job here i come

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> straight A+s

You are like a little baby.

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>straight As

still no gf

why is my life like this?

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Same, no gf, no friends. I'm doing alright though. I have r9k and Jow Forums and a few online friends and my parents.

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well same here

atleast we have us, fellow anons
we need to establish a social improvement circle now

hello anons, i need your help again

>cute girl in speech class
>never talk to her because robot
>class ended this week
>depressed as fuck because didn't take the chance

i've been thinking about emailing her about her speech or something. is this the correct course of action? this will likely be the last time i see a girl (IT major) so im pretty desperate right now. if you are a fembot can i also get your input on this

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>just finished my first semester of sophomore year
>2.9 gpa
I can still go to law school if I start trying, right? I haven't fucked over my entire life, right?

Fembot here. Lemme offer my assistance.

Did you talk to this girl? If you were friendly with her, you could send her a message on social media asking if she wants to study for the final.

The fact you're in another program is a bit tricky, because you could ask her what courses she has next semester, but you could also lie a little and say that you liked Speech so much you're considering other courses and want her input.

You could possible use the university email but that's a bit creepier because it's a private work account and not necessarily something "public". I don't know, it's hard to articulate, but I'd rather someone add me on the one social media account I have that email me. Email seems very formal.

If you didn't talk to this girl then don't bother. Also I have mild contempt for you.
>don't know woman
>but she's hot so you'll fixate
REEEE, all men want Stacey, etc.

No don't do that. Since you never talked to her in class, she probably doesn't even know who you are. Don't email her. She will think its creepy, user. Sorry but I think you should move on. Don't worry tho. You'll find the right one someday!

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You should reconsider law school anyways. Way too many lawyers right now, youll be some old boomers bitchboy for 10-20 years before ever sniffing partner and youll probably kill yourself long before then.

My family has a law firm, I have a guaranteed job out of school all I needed to do was not fuck around and get it

Then you need to get your shit together. 2.9 gpa is fucking shit tier for lawyers. Getting a higher gpa isnt about how smart you are its about how hard youre willing to work.

t.3.86 gpa

No shit. Is it too late to correct it? I'm 3 semesters in, will it get unfucked if I start getting 4.0s from now on?

she was definitely not a stacey, had very geeky interests like lego stopmotion and gps systems. i said she was cute because she seemed like someone that was very down to earth and not uptight like a typical normie


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>struggle and make straight Cs in all of my classes
>actually have a high C which is only like a point or two away from a B in Calc 2 when Math is my worst subject
>Finals come around
>worth 30% for every class
>choke and I feel like I most likely failed every single one
>will most likely get straight Ds this semester, possible booted out of college at the worst and at the best I'll have to retake an entire semester's worth of courses
>too far into debt to drop out now

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You know that glorious feeling of relief after finishing an essay after marathoning it for the past 12 hours? I always use that feeling as something to work towards. It helps a lot.

Will there ever be a cure for us procrastinators?

did decent on my exams, didn't fail anything, but my other roommate moved out (live in a 3 person dorm room, have our own bathroom so there's a tradeoff for less space but bathroom in the room, already bullied the other roommate out bc he was being a fake homie, but apparently this dude is upset about the "cold showers" but he probably just got tired of me yelling about niggers in the middle of the night.

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