What's Wrong With Me?

>Was a complete beta soiboy back when I started uni -- sensitive, limp-wristed and effeminate as fuck, completely bluepilled on women, convinced that there was someone out there for me.
>Eventually met a girl who basically used me as an emotional tampon, played hot and cold and ultimately broke my heart by giving me false hope of a relationship before going "lol nope nvm"
>After this I became extremely cynical and depressed, jumped straight to the blackpill and gradually adopted more masculine traits
>Not giving a shit made me confident, assertive, funnier and more popular
>Nowadays, I'm well-liked by most people I meet, I have a bunch of friends and acquaintances and I even occasionally get female attention despite being chubby, black and not particularly good-looking due to my charisma and humour
>Despite this I feel nothing for anyone anymore and I have zero interest in any woman I meet period, let alone in pursuing one romantically
What happened to me? I feel like I've been hollowed out? By all accounts I shouldn't even be here: I'm clearly a cyborg leaning heavily towards full on normie if not for my differing perspectives. But it's like I'm so disillusioned with the world that I don't fit in it anymore.

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You're ready to leave. Stop going here. Don't ask the people here for their commentary or advice. They will drag you down and say fucked up things to you to try and break you. The people on Jow Forums are like crackheads. They do not think of things in a real-world manner. They are deranged, sick, schizophrenic and not intelligent. They will lie to you, they will spin fantasies that the world is worse than it is to keep you here. They are desperate for attention. You need to stop browsing here, you need to stop posting here. If you stay here your life will get worse, I can guarantee that. This place is one of the worst things that can happen to a young man short of reviewing a traumatic brain injury. I would equate staying here to being hit in the head by a baseball bat for your mental health. You don't have to reply to me; it's ok. Just go. Don't look at the other posts in this thread, they will be toxic people trying to claw you down and keep you from doing what you need to do.

Go back to where you belong fucking /a/utist

I belong in the real world. You too, user. You need to turn off the monitor. You need to stop being here. It's never helped you. This place is your opiate addiction. You need to quit the junk to get into a better situation. Being here will ensure you can never, ever, ever get better. You need to leave. You need to stop posting. You need to stop browsing. Get off Jow Forums. Get off Jow Forums.

His faggotry level , it's over 9000

That's a fucked up thing to say. That makes no sense. No mentally healthy adult male would consider making such a post. You only think that's an appropriate response because you've been conditioned and trained by the fucked up people on this board. The people here are fucking you up. They're destroying your brain and making your life worse. You need to detox from this shit. You know this even more than I do. You don't like this place. You get no comfort here. You get angry, you argue, you hear fucked up things about people you've never met or even know about. This place trains you to hate before you experience. You need to see the real world. Wake up. Get out of here. Go somewhere real. This place is a shroud of darkness that destroys your ability to discern fact from fiction.

Well it's normal you truly want something until you actually got it . Nothing to do with the fact that you'r not an emotiv autist anymore

A part of me has always suspected this was it. Maybe what I think is disillusionment is no longer thinking with my emotions first and instead relying on logic. But, at the same time, even logical people still feel, right? I just don't have those feelings at all anymore.

Bro you made me realise that all this anger and this frustation on me was just because i was scared of the real world. Now i can finnaly be free again goodbye Jow Forums thank you annon

You have feelings (if you doubt that buy a puppy and try to kill it )

Human life is made of desire of futil but you just no longuer have interest in those things now that you posses them so go find new sensation, new felling , new goal and new futil things

Not every human life is about social life and girls just find the thing that turn you on (it can be power, knowledge or shit like thit idk)

The quintessential normie post

Get the fuck out of r9k you annoying faggot. Nobody likes you and nobody ever will. Your advice is worth less than a log of shit and you sound like a complete cuck. Go back to JewTown and neck yourself you flaming faggot.

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just a bad troll

Your ready to either transition or go on Grindr your not going to be a TOP but in time you would make a good sissy bottom

Tons of people on this board desperately want to be normal adult males. They want love and friends and hobbies and a personality. They want a career an a family. I am a normal adult male who has these things. I used to be here obsessively like most of you. I was a robot.
Think of it this way, don't you want people like me off of here? I'm visiting to take them away. I want them to leave. Think of it as a public service.
Soon this board will be as slow as infini chan and you'll be happy to be in the company of "true robots" exclusively.
I'm a normal adult male. My advice is what you would expect from a mentally sound adult male with the ability to care for himself. I know there are people here who want to be me. If that is not you, nothing I can say will help. My goal is to reduce traffic here to increase the quality of life of adult males on Jow Forums. I want them to become happy, healthy, adult males with all the freedom that comes with such a life. I want them to stop being on a website where everyone is called a faggot and everyone is bitter and mad.

If you mean what you say you'r retarded and please go die somewhere else

If you are a troll well it's a shitty one and you'r fucking forcing on it

Do you want to leave? You know there's a lot of reasons to leave and very few reasons to stay. You're really, really angry right now. Why? How can what someone types on the internet cause such a reaction in you? Is that how a normal, healthy adult male would react? Do you want to react in a more healthy, adult way? Or do you want to get upset at everyone who posts something that goes against the grain? Live the life you want.
Anyone who wants to leave should do so. I want them to, they want to, and you want them to. Everyone here is in agreement. All they have to do is close the window and not come back.

Assuming everyone is angry. We are laughing about how retarded you are.

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This, op Jow Forums is simply a support group for losers, theres nothing for you here except a return to you depression

i'm actual pretty concerned. how a high tier faggot like him got on Jow Forums ?

You're reacting by telling me to die. You're acting in a really weird way. You're not reacting in a healthy manner. Your brain is poisoned by this place and it is making you act inappropriately to a conflicting idea. No normal adult male sees someone suggest an alternative method of approaching something and responds by telling them they should die. That's psychopathic. I've met schizophrenic people who have reacted in that manner. I've never met a mentally healthy adult male that acts like that. Your mental health is poor and it needs to improve. Getting off of here is the first step to improving your mental health and allowing you to enjoy reality. You can get better if you close the window.
I know. I used to spend 10+ hours a day a few years ago, before r9k1. Moot closed this place because he saw what I saw. When it was closed I left. I understood what he understood. Moot was right.

soiboy became a deluded and bitter soiboy

just try not to flunk out or get depressed loser

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He drifted in from normalnigger town

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Thinking the same nigger responded to your cancer.

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My intention was to address the fact that a lot of people here are reacting in very unusual ways. They don't act like normal adult males. They react like mentally ill people who cannot discern appropriate behavior. We are imitative creatures. The normal people who get trapped here end up thinking like them. They call eachother faggots and are spiteful towards everyone in this delusion that they've been somehow wronged. The viewpoint propagates. This place is full of very angry and unhealthy men who do not know what appropriate behavior looks like. It self reinforces and teaches the inexperienced (young males who come here while in high school, there is a tremendous population on this board) that they are correct in their viewpoints. This place is infested with cuckposting, self hate, and all sorts of demeaning posts specifically crafted to destroy a young man's self image and cause them to spiral into an unhealthy mentality. What I am trying to tell people is that they have a blanket over their eyes. They cannot see the real world on r9k. They see a mass delusion to which a challenge of it is brought sneering remarks, name-calling, and a large amount of hate in general. I want the normal adult males who aren't completely lost to understand they can leave this place, and if they want their lives to get better, they need to. Being a happy, healthy, successful adult male and browsing r9k are two mutually exclusive ideas.

This is not /b/.
Read the rules.

>They react like mentally ill people
Have you ever read the comment section under any news article?
But you decide that they don't need help, even if they are likely in positions that are actually important.

Yes there is something very wrong with you. Based on the terrible greentext you clearly forgot to lurk 2 years before posting.

You're black, OP. You're not supposed to feel anything. You just give women your big black cock. It's a blessing and a curse. The blessing is they all want it, and it's big as fuck. The curse is that you won't feel shit. A hollow and unfulfilling existence full of emotionless sex.

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