Did he deserve his fate?
Did he deserve his fate?
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>Avoids hard prison time, sentenced to supervised probation
He absolutely deserved what he got; he's too stupid to live.
What was his fate? If you mean prison, yes. He was asking for it. Where's he at now though? I'm sure he's banned from the internet. I wonder what his parents and family think of him. It's one thing to find out that your kid was hoarding cp but it most be a whole different type of pain to find out you raised someone this stupid.
I am under if he'll ever be allowed to post again on the internet.
He's out, he is allowed internet access and has used the internet since leaving prison. He is limited to owning one device though and he must give all of his passwords to his probation officer.
>people unironically think you can be banned from the internet
have actual boomers taken over r9k? or are zoomers just that retarded?
You can be legally prohibited from using the internet under punishment of returning to prison. A recent-ish Supreme Court case reined in the ability to ban people willy nilly like they used to but they can still heavily restrict your right to access the net.
or just move out of your dog shit country
Have fun trying to emigrate with a felony dumbass
>you can be banned from the internet but not really
Silly zoomer
Is that a recent photo?
If it is, it looks like prison toughened him up. I hope it is. I really hope Mad Thad got locked up, got buff as hell, walked around like he ran the place and walked out in October without a scratch on him.
How do they restrict you?
What's stopping you from using McDonalds Wifi?
What's stopping you from buying some prepaid SIM card and using that to connect to the internet?
He didn't hurt anyone, so philosophically I cannot say he did wrong, but he certainly was asking the normalfags to come get him.
Nothing really just keep your head low and hide your burner phone well.
Pretty sure he wasn't that swole prior to getting thrown in jail, so it probably is a more recent pic. He just seems less cheerful and more angry compared to his older pictures.
There's no way he didn't get his ass beat atleast a few times while he was in, though Prisoners hate pedophiles. I wouldn't be surprised he got jacked just so he could stay alive.
You have to report if you use the net to your PO
SOs are subject to regular polygraphs in which they will ask if you used the Internet without report among other things
Like I said, he's out and has posted on Jow Forums since getting out. According to kiwifarms one of his old accounts has downloaded like 30,000 porn videos since getting out so he's back to his old games unless he's not lying when he said that he now only faps to milfs.
If you're completely banned from the internet you go back to jail if you get caught owning a net capable device, which is why the supreme court found those broad sorts of bans unconstitutional and why Thad is not completely banned from the internet.
he made a thread on /v/
I thought they couldn't force you to take a polygraph in America if you refuse to?
>one of his old accounts has downloaded like 30,000 porn videos since getting out so he's back to his old games unless he's not lying when he said that he now only faps to milfs
For his sake, I hope he sticks with milfs and doesn't fuck up and wind up back in jail. Maybe having no internet for all those years cured him of his pedophilia. Porn addiction does fucked up things to your brain.
Is he living off government assistance of some kind or does he have a job?
Why would he go back to the place where someone snitched on him to his probation officer the last time lol
If you're on probation you really don't have any rights.
Same way your PO can show up at 1 am and search your shit. You could refuse the search but that would be a probation violation whichears PO could arrest you on the spot an then searching your shit in trivial
According to him, he was liked by everyone in prison because he was funny.
I doubt he didn't get his shit slapped around atleast once though during his time there.
Literally who?
Go to pol or something to fap over this nobody.
>You have to report if you use the net to your PO
thats like saying you have to report if you use drugs to your PO
Damn I really wish I could get in touch with him to talk about One Piece. Does he still like it and where it went? Did it keep him from killing himself again during his jail time? Does he want to fuck carrot?
What do you mean "according to him?" Is he back on the internet?
Hey, newfaggot.
>Is he back on the internet?
read the thread you retard
read the linked thread faggot
>Pornhub Account Activity as of his 10/09/18 release date: Last Login: 2 weeks ago
That's because you do have to report if you use drugs to your PO.
the outcome is a lot better If you tell your PO you used drugs as opposed to getting caught by a random piss test
I'm not a newfaggot for ignoring propaganda, you sheep.
He got sent to a halfway house type of thing in order to help him get ready for release into society a month or two his real release.
>That's because you do have to report if you use drugs to your PO
Sasuga our guy
>failing to see the point
The point is that there are quite literally thousands of drugs that will never pop on a drug test and there are tons of ways to use the internet without a PO ever finding out.
That's all fine and we'll if you know how to beat a polygraph, which isn't complicated but not easy for most normies.
>which isn't complicated
what do you do? hold your breath? lol
Yes, Thad is legitimately sub-100 IQ.
Yes. He's dumb as a brick. I thought ghetto blacks were supposed to be street smart
He got jacked.
What's stopping him from visiting a library?
nothing, he just has to tell his PO he used the internet there.
how long is he on probation for?
Much of probation is honor system. If you do something you're not supposed to you are expected to inform your PO ASAP. Generally you can violate pretty hard and get away with just a slap on the wrist IF you self report.
Let's say you drug up like a rockstar some weekend. You can call your PO and snitch on yourself right away and maybe only get stuck with pissing in a cup twice a week instead of once a month or whatever. Maybe your PO will make you take drug abuse classes too.
Now let's say you don't report yourself because you think youll get away with it, and maybe you're lucky and do. But maybe your PO orders up a piss test later that week and you piss positive for party. Now there's a good chance you're ass is getting revoked. Enjoy (more) prison, you degenerate fuckwit.
Oh yeah, prison is easy mode because you could also end up with probation extended for X more years which is fucking worse than another year inside
It should be criminal how a judge can just throw years of probation at you like its nothing. no one can have a life just having probation over their head for life and any probation over 2 years is pretty much going to make you fail anyways
They like to justify probation by implying it's less of a punishment than prison. The average person our there believes it because they have never experienced that shit first hand. They also don't want to believe that probation is literally designed to fail (at least for sex offenders)
He doesn't have probation. He has supervised release. He has to serve at least five years. Once the five years are up the government will decide if he should continue with supervised release. He could end up being supervised for the rest of his life.
are the "no pc access" and other terms public access?
In my case my PO baited me by not drug testing me for the first 6 months then hitting me with one on month 7. Good thing I detoxed before every appointment anyway. That stupid bitch
Who is that nigger, I get them all confused? Is he one of those "rap music" fellows?
Yep. Sounds about right.
I got an extension for failing my first polygraph even though I didn't actually fail anything. Inconclusive = deception = violation. After that I did some research to find a polygrapher who didn't load their questions in an attempt to fail you and made sure to take steps to control my anxiety while testing
jesus Christ a polygraph for probation holy shit. I thought those weren't even actually allowed to be used for evidence. what the fuck did you do?
I dont get why they TRY to fuck people. if someone isn't being obvious or doing tons of dumb shit why does it even matter?
No, he's a retard who downloaded shitloads of child porn, then bragged about it repeatedly on fucking facebook. He got arrested and his lawyer somehow got him probation instead or prison, and within minutes of being released, he posted some stupid shit about how the Feds missed one of his drives. He then spent ~6 years in prison.
he went to prison for 5 years from what I read and is on probation after going to prison
Its all about money. The only correctional facilities in my area are privately funded meaning they get paid off of inmates. You have to pay to be on probation as well. Im just glad it was only for a year. fucking sucked having a year in prison hanging over my head for smoking a plant thats legal in a handful of other states
>I thought those weren't even actually allowed to be used for evidence.
Police do use them but they're completely aware it means nothing in any court. It's used solely to force confessions.
>I dont get why they TRY to fuck people
They do it because they can. Also bringing the hammer down on tons of people makes it look like their job is actually important.
if that was my job id feel like an ass hole sending people to jail and shit I would only wanna do it if the person was extremely stupid
>I would only wanna do it if the person was extremely stupid
Well that's most people on probation. There's people like Thad who immediately bragged about having more CP.
>photo isn't timestamped
i doubt that was him.
Yeah, polygraphs are inadmissible in a trial but they can sure use them against you on probation (at least for sex offenders)
The neighbors daughter accused me of peeping into her window just before i turned 18 and she was still 15.
I had no real defense and there was no way in hell anyone was going to not believe a 15 year old girl who's parents were both cops.
Turned out a few years later after she had a full blown psychotic episode that she's schizophrenic. Didn't help me any of course
who took the photo? who was the original holder?
Meanwhile, prison has changed another man.
The absolute mad thad
gonna need a rundown on this guy. Is he a board character?
Literally Who? Give some backstory faggot
lmao that tard-jerk vid was CP? Shit was on youtube for a while
Fine. MadThad is this board legend who got arrested for cp. He has a youtube channel where you can see his antics from as early as 2008, he's an anime nigga in every sense of the word and he recently got out of prison, His claim to fame is his sheer stupidity and impudence towards the FBI.
>he doesn't remember Mad Thad
He wasn't a regular but he was discussed on Jow Forums a lot. Here's a more recognizable picture...
>what is amnesia
Nigger what the fuck kind of probation are you on that requires you passing a polygraph?
so just having anxiety can send you to prison? nice. let me guess having an actual diagnosis of anxiety does nothing for it either and you would need to pay a lawyer 5000 dollars just to come try and convince the judge you have anxiety that fucked up your results
I have actual anxiety id be fucked
Thad's tale, for the newfags
bruh wtf are those teeth
oh that retard? Looks like he lost weight and shaped up a bit.
based as fuck. I'm motivated.
Basically any sex offense which itself can be vague
Having anxiety can fuck up polygraphs which themselves aren't going put you in prison. They just use that shit to extend the probation period and/or add more restrictions.
A lot of it depends on which polygrapher you go to if you have that choice. Some polygraphers try to fuck you within their legal means while others are sympathetic and will work with you within their legal means.
lie detector tests have always been retarded cringy pseudo science
He should've gotten more time for being such a colossal retard. Being this stupid should be an additional felony.
he can't be that stupid. I think he was suicidal and deprived to the point where he went mad.
No one cares though because most people feel if your on probation (ie convicted) for any sex offense then fuck you, should have been executed instead of probation
And you agree for it to be admissible in court? That would be the dumbest shit ever I wouldn't even want to go on probation. What state are you in?
I almost think that extended probation would be worse then a few moths of jail...idk about years in prison tho
still that sounds fucking horrible. i have actual really bad anxiety diagnosed bya doctor if that could be used against to fuck me idk that would just be awful if i wasnt doing anything at all
The poly is not admissible in a trial but a probation violation is not a trial and so it can be used against you.
As far as I know they use do the polygraph thing with sex offenders and no one gives a flying fuck about sex offenders regardless of the actual crime or circumstance and so it's unlikely anything will change (unless it has and I'm unaware since it's been over 10 years since I got off probation)
It is
Even with a 1:1 ratio probation is worse.
If shit went down again and I was given the choice of 2 years prison or 2 years probation I'll fucking take prison
>2 years prison would very likely turn out to be less than that with good behavior
>2 years probation will turn into more than that. 5 or 6 years of that shit easy.
you can get off probation technically earlier then you would be the prison time. I heard you can usually get off probation halfway through if you do everything and dont get in trouble but good time in most prisons is like only 25% of your sentence
im the upstate user and I was offered 12 months in jail instead of a bunch of probation time but I was stupid and thought I was doing to be able to transfer my probation soon so I didn't take the jail time. in my county the jail only gives you like 25% off with good time so it would have been like 7-8 months
There is no early off probation here. You do at least your term if not more. You might be thinking parole which does have options for early off
>normies think this is jacked
ive never heard of an area not having early release from probation. ive only heard it for certain offenses