Does anyone in 2018 actually smoke real cigarettes? I fucking hate all these judgemental anti-smokers and normies vaping banana cottoncandy bullshit.
What brand of cigs are you smoking Jow Forums?pic related for me.
Does anyone in 2018 actually smoke real cigarettes? I fucking hate all these judgemental anti-smokers and normies vaping banana cottoncandy bullshit.
What brand of cigs are you smoking Jow Forums?pic related for me.
I too smoke menthols. Sterling Greens.
I've been two months free, but today I wanted to walk to the gas station and pick up a pack. There's a cute blonde girl cashier there who recognizes me all the time and gave me a hug one time. Wonder if she'll remember me
I wish cigs would be quicker to kill all these gross smokers out. I've never met a decent person who smokes.
Marb red short.
The cowboy killers.
I gotta stop though it makes me sick.
Honestly just let me kill myself in peace senpai.
I don't need your faggy preaching disguised as edgy disdain because you saw a new hip anti-smoking PSA, and you wanna be the generation that ends smoking.
I smoke Kamel Reds. Best cig I've had so far.
The cunts here in Oregon raised the age to 21 when I was around 19, so I hardly got a year of legal buying and smoking. 20 now. Still relying on plugs.
>I've never met a decent person who smokes.
That would be your own bitter mindset. Everyone I know who smokes is just a normal person
>t. 16 year old whose neglectful father smoked before he left
I hate the fact that Amerifats get cool packaging whilst us Britfags just get health warnings and pictures of cancer victims.
faggots. I switch between Marlboro Reds and Philip Morris Reds. DK's reds are okay too.
started smoking 5 years ago. here's my timeline
- started with marlboro reds
- discovered reds suck and switched to american spirit blacks (perique blend)
- switched to american spirit dark blue (full flavor) on a whim
- switched to american spirit celadon (balanced taste)
- switched to camel turkish royals after hearing a lot about them (smoked these for quite a while)
- switched to "kamel" reds cuz they were cheaper at my local gas station and my roommate smoked them too
- switched to regular camel reds after a mix-up at convenience store, smoked these up until just a month or so ago when i got a juul cuz i'm a pussy and my blood pressure was too high
lucky strikes, don't judge me its what i've been smoking since day one and i'm kinda scared to try anything else
I dip when I'm /out/ or at work and smoke camel nonfilters at home but I'll never touch a fucking vape in my life
>real cigarettes
>posts Menthols
Ok, yeah. Still better than tropical punch candy vapor from the e-cock.
Pic related though
i haven't smoked in a couple months but i wouldn't turn down a marb red if someone offered me one. used to smoke a pack a day but had to stop because of health issues.
A pack of newport 100s everyday for the past 15 years. Thinking about getting a vape cause i been coughing up a bunch of shit.
I switch around between ones I know are good. Recently it's been Marlboro smooths or nat Sherman with the 4$ pack coupon.
PYRAMID REDS cuz im a skrubbalo juggalo and i cant aford no good smokealo!!!!
Why waste your money? It's not worth it. A bullet to the head is a better way to deal with a shit life.
I also smoke Lucky strikes but the blue ones. Never understood smoking the red ones. I feel like I literally get cancer with every inhale of red ones.
I don't inhale cigs anymore
That's why I switched to non-filters
Not even sure there are blue luckies in the states. Only ever see red luckies which are rare as hell anyway
I only smoke to be social at parties and talk to the girls who go outside
Dude im broke i just got a new job lol but ya they suck
that's pretty much why i switched to vaping, started coughing up black shit.
You gotta tell me what is the Lucky Strike meme?
Finally asking. They're in every smoking thread, and there almost seems to be a majority consensus every time that they are the best.
Why are they so good?
considered manly for some reason.
Should be a patriot and switch to Eagle brand. Try Traffic, I haven't seen anybody ever set down a pack of Traffic.
dunhill 0.5
Well that's just not a very good reason.
Red Marlboros
I know from experience they suck. The non-filters are especially bad
Luckies are that good
No wimpy filter either
But also expensive as fuck coming in at twice the price of Marlboro, assuming you can actually find them in the first place
Just picked up a pack of those senpai
Will smoke anything with nicotine but my favorite cig is a RYO with Carter Hall or Prince Albert pipe tobacco
I never bum off people because this cigarette has made me crave pure tar when I want to buzz.
>tfw can hit bowl after bowl of weed and like vaping but projectile vomited everywhere after finishing one menthol cigarette
should i just give up and become a girl?
There's your problem.
usually yellow spirits
I never smoke more than 1 or 2 cigs a day although. Mostly just smoke as a way of winding down the day
i used to only smoke once or twice every couple of weeks, but i tried these bastards and they got me outright addicted. now i'm weening myself off because they're too delicious and just fuck my shit right up. they go straight to the damn brain
Those were fucking good, but I rarely smoked em cause so expensive. I smoked those and the blue spirits for about a year, then went back to camels cause of the price.
Fucking right? I had been 6months clean, bummed a whatever every now and then, but once that cold weather hit I needed to satisfy my craving.
Bought a pack of these bastards and the first drag I couldn't stand for 10mins I was so fucked. Also folks don't like to bum off me cause they hit so hard.
menthol is for niggers you faggot
menthol is pretty good pleb
Yea I smoke. Also a Menthol smoker.
L & M Menthol Shorts.
I view cigarettes like eating a lot of sugar. Smoking tobacco isn't that bad once in a while.
I dunno if they changed something about these because they used to be strong as fuck but every time I buy a pack thinking I'll get that same buzz I instantly regret it, or it could just be me.
Rooftops Gold because I moved to Canada and this shithole doesn't have Marlboro.
>inb4 Rooftops and Marlboro are the same
I can't smoke menthol, it reminds me of my 10/10 Chinese ex :(
jps superkings (100's) red, cost me $25.95 a pack when i started a year ago they were $15-16 a pack, i live in aus
i smoke american spirits black pack friend
you have shit taste if that's the pack of american spirits you smoke
Just curious, how much does a good cigar cost over there in koalastan?
idk i never been to a shop that sells proper cigars, i imagine the cheapest one going for like $8-10-15 dollars, i smoked a little cigar like a cigarillo or whatever but i concluded i dont like the taste, i thought at the time it tasted like 'cheap tobbaco' but then i noticed a that same cigar taste in a marlboro red and yea idk
Cigarettes packs in my country have these disgusting anti-tobacco advertising all over it. Fuck.
Fellow ausbro, any clue where we can get some of the international stuff like I've got a couple I've been wanting to try, but apparently has been down for the count for a while.
used to be my go to but they stopped selling em here, back to camel blues:/
I always wonder if the countries that rape you on cigs also rape you on cigars.
For reference here
About $5 a pack of Marlboros
About $12 for a pic related
just start vaping tbqh
Based American Spirits boys
I smoke the gold pack but I dont mind the periques either
No smoking, just vaping
That's the best and most iconic kind. Blacks taste like shit and people that smoke them are tryhards that always brag about it.
got no idea bro, i looked at all the online stores and they all look dodgy or i tryed to order off one and it started looking like a obvious scam, woolworths sells camels, but honestly to be completely honest, without the packaging its like nothing, the camels had a distinct taste and nice aroma like a cig should be but without the packaging and like everything its just not enough to justify the price of like $30-35 for 25, i only enjoy superkings too cause like the length like normal cigs just seem so short and like they run out so fast to me
5 months since i quit. it fucking disgusts me now, i can't even stand the smell. literally makes me naseous.
I'm smoking Camels. Anybody else?
me too brotha
i enjoy smoking my cigs user and i wish you happy smoking times
used to smoke Marlboro 27s and recently switched to american spirit blues
it's my only vice in life
>kamel reds
my cousin used to get these but i can never find them. If i see them again i will definately pick them up, i can't even remember what they taste like. any tips for finding them?
me, camels are definitely my favorite brand. right now i have a pack of pic related. In my opinion they are the best tasting cigs i've tried but some honorable mentions would be malboro southern cuts and camel blues because i like sweeter cigarettes. sometimes i'll buy a pack of unfiltered camels so i can feel like a cowboy.
never understood the appeal of camels they always seemed really low quality and chemical tasting to me
I used to smoke carltons, switched to chesterfields after hearing the nigger monologue from true romance.
what do you smoke user?
smoke American spirits currently
You could get a fancy cigarette case.
I'd get one but ciggy prices in AUS means smoking is practically banned.
Fuck american spirits
I smoke newports and am down to my last 2 for tomorrow
Cigars are taxed but not as much, for some reason I do not know (probably not intentional).
Pipe tobacco is JUST as expensive as regular cigarettes, which sucks.
i haven't had them in a while, i might give them another go. What kind should i get?
i usually go with the blue pack, but the most important part about American spirits is that you need to reverse pack them (upside down) and listen each cigarette I individually with your fingers because they're packed much denser than regular cigarettes otherwise you won't get a good drag from them
What the fuck
Do they not even try to make it even remotely smoking-related anymore?
You're not concerned for all the rats getting cancer from second hand smoke? That's not very considerate
>Kamel Reds
>Shows Camel Royals Turkish Blend
I smoke Carlton Greens (but only when I'm drinking).
Who cares about the packaging?
Lol, the logic doesn't even hold up. The people enforcing this shit don't give a fuck about rats. They just want you to be like
>ew!!! dead rat! do not like!
It wouldn't even be hard to use scare tactics that make sense
malboro black mensol and red
I smoke only when I'm on busy schedule
It really works for me after few blow
>Quality choice in pipe tobaccos
>Ronald Reagan pic
checks out
Peter Jackson gold is my brand of cancer stick, though malboro reds are pre good too
>Pipe tobacco is JUST as expensive as regular cigarettes, which sucks.
That does suck
They tried doing that here because of the RYO cigarette tobacco masquerading as pipe tobacco to skirt the taxes. They still increased the tax but not to the rate of cigarettes at least
>tin of Dunhill runs $15
You can get a huge can of Prince Albert for 35$, probably a lot cheaper per capita.
50g tin of Dunhill in Aus is $80.
Do you hang around people who don't smoke? I don't think there is a non-smoker in their right mind who would be around that cancerous smell.I literally would rather have a homeless person who smells of piss and doesn't shower next to me than that vomit inducing ash residue smokers all have.
>knowing someone would take the bait
I still stand by my choice of cheap pipe tobacco to rolls cigs with.
In my pipe goes quality flake and English blends
I've only tried Albert, Captain Black, and Walter Raleigh. Didn't care much for Raleigh.
Good for you.
I'd rather not be next to you either.
Prince Albert makes a fine cigarette and will do if you run out and only have access to a drugstore. Much better tobaccos to stuff in your pipe to be sure.
I am sorry (even though I'm still laughing at you silly ausies)
I love the fire part of it. Nothing feels better than it burning in your hands. Vape just doesn't do that for me. Plus you can hold it a bunch of ways
i smoked cigarettes all through college and had plenty of friends who were non-smokers and none of them ever made an issue about it. don't know why that's so hard for your autistic ass to believe.
God is there a better feel than smoking in some bush innawoods with your fellow soldiers after completing some physical demanding task?
Marlboro red 100's cowboy killers
Feels good as fuck, but all in all it's just money down the drain
Move up from the drugstore tobaccos. They are pretty bleh. Go to a shop and try some house blends and get a sense of your tastes since drugstore tobaccos are quite vanilla compared to the real variety out there
started smoking just a month ago bc of stress and shit, started with some luckies and they were ok, smoked through a pack of winstons and they were actually good, yesterday i bought myself some tobbaco and rolling papres becuase its alot cheaper in my country
For when you want to tip your fedora in high
>but seriously they put them on sale for $2 a pack about once a month around here for whatever reason