ITT: If Jow Forums was a pantheon then what would r9k be the god of?
ITT: If Jow Forums was a pantheon then what would r9k be the god of?
We would be god of girls with penises
Misery and misfortune
da Underworld. wit Lil Peep as High Priest
God of Comfiness, patron of incels and NEETs
god of lazyness and confidence issues
Jow Forums would be the king God because most people
/b/ would be the God of degeneracy
Jow Forums would be the God of the hunt
Jow Forums would be the God of Chasity
/tv/ would be the God of humor
/v/ would be the God of Contrarianism
Jow Forums would be the God of sloth
/ck/ would be the God of the harvest
Jow Forums would be the God of beauty and homosexuality
/his/ would be the God of brainlets
/out/ would be the God of nature
/soc/ would be the God of low self esteem and narcissism
/x/ would be the God of witchcraft and schizophrenia
Of delusions , absurdity, weakness and obsession.
Jow Forums would be /b/'s little brother, an elitist normalfag hipster who's ashamed of his lolsorandom brother but is really a more boring version of him
surprisingly not a virgin, having given birth to a son, the dire and nihilistic wizchan who fixates on esoteric pursuits. wizchan obviously is a virgin, though.
/mlp/ is the god of equines and neckbeards
Assuming all the other dieties are also dissfunctional, degenerates, dumbass' or otherwise. Then I'd say its the god of the outcasts.
God of whine
R9k would be God of misery and pain
God of the underworld and gloom, and loneliness...
obviously celibacy
Probably god of the underworld/hades
Also Jow Forums would be the equivalent of Zeus, since he was a total chad. Yep, the Greeks literally WORSHIPPED CHAD
>Jow Forums would be the king God because most people
name a better king lmao. They have the most posters and are therefore the head of the pantheon. There is literally no better option
So like, Jow Forums is the son of /b/. /b/ was head of the pantheon, but then prophesy dictated that Jow Forums would overthrow them. Just like Saturn and Zeus
I think /a/ should be the head of the pantheon, since Jow Forums is based on japanese anime image boards, and the site is still heavily influenced by anime. I think Jow Forums should be the god of war and conflict, since it's all they do and talk about
Jow Forums is already the war god, Jow Forums can be the equivalent of tzeentch
This is also a good option i suppose, Jow Forums being the God of war would certainly be fitting. Okay since i am the official cannon keeper i will allow it
/a/ is the new head of the pantheon
Jow Forums got a demotion to God of war
also /s4s/ is not a God at all, but instead that one ugly demigod who keeps trying to kill the Gods but keeps failing miserably.
Jow Forums can be the God of the hunt and civil wars.
/s4s/ could still be a god, honestly, they fit the role that Hermes has in some stories, /s4s/ is what most normies think (or at least used to think) of Jow Forums, and Hermes is the messenger of the gods, besides Hermes is sometimes playful and inconveniences the other gods
if they were to be a God i would imagine them more of a Loki than a Hermes. They seem less playful and more like they want a genuine purge or "Ragnarok" killing most other boards.
/jp/ was Moot's favorite board. /jp/ is the rightful ruler, but has chosen to be god of autism instead
that name means nothing here.
Still i understand the history behind /jp/ and thus will give them the honorable title of God of the autismo weebs.
Well, here's the thing, Loki is a good and helpful guy in most of Norse mythology, Hermes, while not being bad, causes way more trouble and frequently breaks rules
>Lil peep as high priest
huh i didn't know that, i'm only have a surface level knowledge about mythology so i will take your word for it. You have argued your point well.
/s4s/ is the trouble making messenger God.
Honestly, most of the anime and japanese themed boards should be fused in the head of the pantheon god, also i think that the boards under creative should also be merged into a god of creativity, and /s/,/hm/,/hr/,/y/,/u/ should be merged into a god of beauty and the rest of the adult boards should be merged into a sex god
the underworld
Jow Forums would be Hephaestus
would be if Jow Forums knew any useful trades