I'm going to run out of girlpills in a week and dad told me he won't pay for them this time, what am I to do...

I'm going to run out of girlpills in a week and dad told me he won't pay for them this time, what am I to do? I'm gonna cry...

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Find a lonely loser and get him to buy them for you in exchange for qt pics

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Get estrogen from semen, did you know your body creates more if you get raped in the ass? Have sex user!

do what you'll end up doing in two years anyway and go suck dick for money

Kudos to dad. Keeping the roastie population down.

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I don't want to do that, it sounds nasty and I'm too autistic to meet anyone else.

I don't know anyone and I don't think I'm that cute...

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>I don't know anyone and I don't think I'm that cute...

Maybe it's better to just be a guy then.

But I'm happier when I take pills, and I like how they make me change and feel. I want to be a girl. I would hate to go back to not having them... It would make me want to die.

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well if it means that much to you, I guess you're gonna have to put some work in.

Isn't that a good thing? Why delay the process?

just buy more yourself
if you have to get a loan then get a job to pay that off

how long have you been on them for now?

I have no money or job I depend entirely on my dad

How old are you? Can't you work?
If they mean that much to you, surely working for them won't be so bad.

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you have to whore yourself out to ugly wagecucks

this is just you goign to the next level of who you truly are, a cock thirsty slut who is only good for pleasuring cock and submitting to men.

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I'm 18 and I never had a job before...

Well, what happened between you and your dad that he'd stop paying? Why'd he pay for them before?

And can't you try and find a job somewhere? Anything you might find tolerable?

Furthermore, aren't there any public clinics or social programs/workers that can prescribe you those pills without paying for them? Depending on where you live obviously..

that is degenerate, even for a tranny.

Well the first time I told him that I was going to buy videogames for myself and he got mad when he found out I bought hrt, and he said no yesterday when I asked if he would buy me more. I really do need to find a job but I really am a lazy idiot and I have a lot ot social anxiety so it's hard.

Not sure how to get them at the doctors, I just know I got them online.

So you haven't even been on them hardly at all.

honestly sounds like you have far more problems than girl pills lmao

Wait, if you only bought them once then how long have you been on them? Surely not for long.

And I get the social anxiety thing, I also get the not wanting to work thing, that's why I'm saying try to find anything that you'd tolerate, not much work hours, not much interactions with people.

The major problem is, if you get a simple job like that, most of the money would go into funding your pills, which means you'd still need to rely on your dad for essentials, seems fine now but you think he'd be accepting if he found out you're still on grill pills? You think he might cut you off or throw you out? You really need to think about this thoroughly before you act.

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either try to appeal to emotions to convince your dad to buy it for you, or get your own money and buy it

Well no just a few months now and I know I have a lot of problems with myself. Its just that this one is making me stress out way too much I cried all of last night...

>Its just that this one is making me stress out way too much I cried all of last night
maybe try telling your dad that

I don't think my dad will abandon me, I know he disapproves of me wanting to transition but I know he still loves me and doesn't want me to go homeless and suffer... Me and my sister are really the only people in his life and I don't think he wants to ruin that.

Well, if you're sure you can rely on him for essentials, you can start looking for some simple part time jobs, little hours to ease you into the working life and you'd probably make enough for the grill pills.

Think of something like, maybe a library clerk, something, menial, not a lot of interactions with people and even then, it's really basic interactions, and so on.

But, I think, you should really think about this still, lots of people thought they were happier transitioning and regret it later on, not saying it's wrong, just saying that you can easily get on the wrong track due to some separate issues, self transitioning and medicating is ill advised.

>self transitioning and medicating is ill advised
its not risky at all as long as you arent retarded.

It's not about the health issues or side effects, it's more about the initial intent and whether it's borne out of legit dysphoria or something that can be mistook for dysphoria, there is a serious mental component that can't be ignored here, that's why I mentioned social workers above, if OP can find a nearby clinic that offers therapy or anything relevant, it might pay off in the long run.

but id think that if someone didnt really have gender dysphoria they would like it less and less as time goes on, that doesnt seem to be the case with OP though.

I agree, but in OP's case he hasn't been on the pills that long, he said it himself he only bought them once and been on them for a few months, now, it could be legit for OP and they could be the right choice, but I'm just saying it wouldn't hurt to atleast try to get therapy while he's on the pills, since early on their effects won't really last for long and he can stop later if he wishes, and if therapy turns out that they're for him, then he can keep taking them, just an extra precaution is all.

Or she..

Trust me I've thought about this for a very very long time agonizing and crying over it, I do suffer from dysphoria and I know 100% in my heart I truly want it and I could never imagine myself ever in a million years being happy if I had to age and live like a normal man. I know, I probably have other issues with myself but I am 100% sure I have gd.

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Well then, either look for that job, or talk to your dad about it, like, really talk to him.

Get off that shit before you irreparably harm yourself, you stupid freak. You will never pass and you will never, ever be a cute girl and you need to accept this.

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all you fags are always using the same shitty arguments

Stop taking girl pills you fucking queer.

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what's with you zoomers you cant just take a magic pill and become a girl you retard. Your body needs test because you're a dude.

there's no argument, no debate, you're not a woman. That's reality and the sooner you accept that and start moving forward, the sooner you can start repairing the mental damage you've done to yourself.

>you cant just take a magic pill and become a girl you retard
technically youre right, but some people can still get pretty close.
>Your body needs test because you're a dude.
not really. human bodies (male and female) just need either testosterone or estradiol. if you have neither for at least like 6 months then youll get depression and osteoperosis.
i could also claim that my brain needs estradiol because i have gender dysphoria.

>some people can get pretty close

No, they can't, because it's literally an impossibility to change your gender, you zoomed fuck

well HRT obviously helps OP though. it would be stupid for OP to willingly stop.

eh ive seen some that have. i dont really care to argue this specifically though.

If you had no testosterone you'd be dead in 1 day. Your body is constantly producing it because you need it.

thats completely incorrect
post your evidence.

If they're not very expensive you can probably make enough money online just filling out surveys and stuff, like for Amazon's Mechanical Turk or similar sites.

Test is what allows you to grow and heal it's a very important hormone.For one you'd go blind instantly and have no power to move any of your muscles if your body suddenly stopped making it. Do you needs me to explain why your body needs blood too?

Do you live in the US?
Planed Parenthood might be able to help you finance it in some way
I would ask you to get therapy, but I doubt you can get it right now
Maybe join a self help group or something

I'd much rather you be a man like the Gods intended

you have got to be fucking baiting
absolutely kek

Testosterone does effect muscle growth however I think other genetic variants and nutrition determine how you heal.

Probably get a lot uglier.

>Probably get a lot uglier.


Op how long have you been on HRT for? Like honestly

Vitamin C will mess with your hormones and keep you from getting pregnant. Did it high school with some chick, because I didn't have a job so I couldn't buy condoms

oh, this thread is still up. I think I'll try pleading with my dad tomorrow. I know I need to look for a job though.

2 months and a little but