I really hope Chaotic streams soon
I really hope Chaotic streams soon
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What do you mean? He was never able to because he lived in the middle of nowhere with terrible internet.
Please link the super secret chaotic discord pretty pretty please
who the fuck is chaotic and why do you nerds keep talking about him?
Check YouTube
Obviously best boy, newfag.
we need a chaotic general
Whst the fuck, why ien't my filter working?
Holy hell, we complain about r9gay and shit and everyone is okay with these kind of threads about some retarded neet hick?
Post more chaotic selfies.
chaotic is very smart and not a "hick" whatever that is
go safe space somewhere else dummy
that one isn't him
chaotic is the cutest boy i've ever seen
I want to lick his eyeballs
Holy fuck he looks like an ugly emo hick
so jealous of the cutest boy alive
None of the pics ITT are him newfags
eyes are so fuckin cute would skull fuck / 10
Dormin is better ^~^
Literally who?
looks like drake bell with nigger genes who got hit by a truck...
he's some edgy serverfag/chaotic wannabe
his server is just zoomers that spam memes
>been on r9k for years
>still don't know who any of these discord homosexuals are
Once again, leave Chaotic alone you crazy homos.
He's a very good boy.
He's the newest tomoko in the holy lineage, still baby mode I'm afraid but he's growing.
No idea, but I hope he dies of testicular cancer sometime soon along with his legions of dickriding fuckboy fans.
>underage normie
>gay as fuck zoomer orbitter thread about him every night in the past week
>every post looks straight out of normie EPIC GAYMUR discord servers
you guys should honestly just kill you're selves but before you do that find another board
Chaotic is saving this board from the cancer, you should be thanking him.
you're the cancer of this board
Why should they leave if they've been here before you?
they haven't so your argument is invalid, now fuck off
If only newfags knew how bad things really are.jpg
Instead you get butthurt over an internet homo who's done more good than harm.
Research cebruz threads and the v to r9k migration you post-moot post-tranny discord newfag
i don't give a shit about the gay emo zoomer you're orbitting go fap to him on you vile animals
Go back to the r9k subreddit
i've been in Jow Forums since its conception, you need to go back
Based user BTFOing newslimes
It even makes chaotic look like a newfag
Chaotic is a newfag but he's an extremely knowledgeable and makes these retards look like it's their first week. Since he's practically the new Cebruz he's a more accurate tester for newfaggotry.
>Chaotic is a newfag but he's an extremely knowledgeable and makes these retards look like it's their first week.
>rip my ass
yes please
Anything post 2009-11 is newfag you imbecile. Now fuck off you're an embarrassment to this terrible board.
why is he so beautiful oh god chaotic please notice me please be mine
the only embarassment to this board is these disgusting discord-zoomer orbitting threads
bet your mother would be proud you spend every night anonymously worshipping some boy that looks 14 on the internet
pic related is your dinner for tonight
it came out of """chaotic"""s ass
>user, stop grunting in rage over internet homos again and come eat dinner!
t. your sad mother
Literally looks exactly like a cuter more wholesome version of that tumblr slut broccoli
nice projecting faggot, I live alone and cooked my own dinner, I watched a gordon ramsay tutorial and made the perfect steak for dinner, shit was cash unlike your sad life
So you're so lonely you have to be an insufferable newfag on Jow Forums to get attention? Yeesh, well you've bored me enough I'm out of here.
>It's another namefag worship thread where anyone who dissents is called a newfag by the pathetic orbiting OP who makes the same thread every day, sometimes multiple times a day
holy shit you're right, just without all the make up and hair, and umm.. cocks in his mouth.
good, mission accomplished, make sure to never come back, this is MY board
I meant hair spray woopsie
>It's another modern day frogfag butthurt over being the newfag he is episode
oof ouch yikes
>this is MY board
sad and true
if you can't beat the newfags join em i say
yep, definitely the same pathetic orbiter. Why do you insist on keeping this up when every thread gets shitposted to oblivion?
Based Milhouse
>not being a pathetic orbiter of an underage looking boy makes you a newfag
make mama proud and off you're self
follow the advice above
>claims to not be newfag
>doesn't prove they aren't
>gets butthurt over being called a newfag
>posts frog
>doesn't know chaotic or anything about r9k culture
>claims to hate chaotic and orbiters while calling everyone who disagrees with them an orbiter
>doesn't know how to sage and bumps the thread giving chaotic even more publicity
explode this thread now
>for an underage namefag
>on an anonymous board
clearly it's a homo going tsundere mode over chaotic
>forgets to reply to a post
>calls everyone newfag in a desperate attempt to project the insecurity of his newfaggotry onto others
>links shitty vine compilations
>thinks saging works
>doesn't know how to delete his own threads
just keep digging that whole you pathetic orbiter.
Further proof chaotic never should have left
I second this
I'll make a general thread about him later if no one else does because I've become very interested
>It's another thread orbiting a underage attention whore
Oh boy it's not like he have these ever day
Cry hasn't been relevant since, like, at least 2015.
>tfw no patrician, cute, hot, 9/10, twink, sociopath, oldfag, slut shaming, tranny btfoing, tomoko posting, toga posting, anime posting, goth, emo, cute stare, bedroom eyed, perfect chaotic bf
what the fuck is this le epic pewdiepie brofist reference and why haven't you gone back
this compilation is going to be epic
now it's time for you to go back you disgusting swines
you're not welcome here
Umm >tfw no best friend chaotic bf
Every time he makes a new video I just wanna fuck him more. Such a good taste in music and media damn this psycho freak to hell but holy fuck is he cute.
screw this faggot and screw you faggots times ten for shitting up the board with your awful discord server tier orbitting threads composed of 2 samefags pretending to be a fan club, one of them probably being the faggot himself
saging till the sun fades out
Does anybody have a link to his youtube channel?
I had it at one point but I lost it
everyone knows you're just giving yourself a reason to reply to yourself and post your shitty channel and guess what, no one gives a fuck about it
fuck off here and never come back
Chaotic makes my pussy wet
can we just safely assume it's botposting at this point?
>2 samefags, 32 posters
>muh orbiting, posts roaste
wot m8
>this video
I'm his friend Veronica, I talk to him about every day, or every other day.
man that song he posted was really mediocre
I can understand why he had comments disabled
would chaotic fug a girl? hes sorta cute
Fuck off, he's mine, I've been sending him pics of my Portland vacation and getting dreamcast game recommendations from him recently.
It'd be nice to see if this guy has some substance and isn't just a meme
Nobody is named Veronica these days you hilarious cunt
I should have tried to befriend this guy years ago
Thanks, I guess my name is sort of unique hehe
i know he's probably ugly now :(
wasnt imposing on your relationship (which is probably nonexistent), i just need to know if i can respectfully shlick to his cute hair and eyes tonight
Speaking of, I've tried to get him to erp with me tons of times but he's just not a very lewd person. I've known him since 2016 though so you think he would open up a bit in that department but we talk about everything else non-lewd.
stop trying to fuck chaotic roaste
Actually he's gotten even more attractive with age as I've seen on YouTube, and I'm not talking about fucking him you disgusting freak.
>i've seen on youtube
no you haven't
I have, I remember when he made webcam videos.
What is this garbage? Go outside and pump some water or kill some people or dig a hole
>What is this garbage?
please tell me someone archived these
I'm still looking for them but I've seen people post fakes before. The Mark DOX was definitively the best Chaotic video.
Mama Fucker is definitively the best Chaotic video ftfy
>his steam profile is on private again