Why do I miss her so fucking much bros.
Why do I miss her so fucking much bros
Because complex love was one of the major evolutionary factors that allowed us to develop society
>he thinks that love is real
hidden 45
I'll bite what happened op
Wrote this before the thread and I hate fucking greentexts that last 5+ posts so I'll condense it as much as I can.
>her life has been difficult, and still is difficult (raped multiple times, currently lives in bad household, smokes weed and does acid often, etc)
>be FWB for less than a week
>start developing feelings for her, I know she's developing feelings for me
>she lives in the suburbs, uber her to the city to hang out everytime and show her a good time since I'm financially well off
>take her out last night (pic), she vents her problems to me and comfort her
This is where things get bad
>long story short, after waking up in the morning she asks me for $10 so she can buy weed by herself so "she can relax from her life"
>tell her "This is why I can't see myself in a serious relationship with you, I never give out cash to women, especially for drugs to cope."
>she starts crying, saying that she's not like the other girls. Says that I take her out and spend $30 for dinner but can't give her $10 for weed
>says that I just used her, and that every guy uses her. Starts crying even harder because she says she really really liked me and can't believe I wouldn't be in a serious relationship with her over $10 when she sells nudes for more.
I feel like she's not at the point in life where she's ready for a relationship because of where she is in life right now. I just feel bad because I wanted to help her, but her friends, her family, and her ways of coping aren't good at all. I'm not sure what I can do, if there is anything I can do. I wished her the best, but she went off on me and blocked me.
Hol up, is that the Daniel Johnston mural
OP here, I'm so done with tinder. Too much fucking heartbreak.
To all the people that want a relationship, don't look for it on tinder.
I'm done posting for now, just wanted to vent :/
>too much heartbreak
Nigga I can't even get a fucking match and you're out here fucking 8/10s
I hope you feel better OP
Is that a panda bear poster?
It's not hard, just present yourself well.
I don't feel like going into it right now but if you want post your profile and I'll help out. But I don't recommend tinder at all bro :/
Yea it is. We went late at night. Would not recommend.
I remember you posting like a week ago or some shit, how can you already have devastating heart break within a week?
I can go on two dates a day if I wanted to bro, I'm just tired of finding someone on this shitty fucking app.
Fuck tinder.
Also, it was like 4 days ago.
That wasn't my question.... You implied you missed some one that you knew for a week...
But yeah, I know, tinder is purely for hook-ups, if you can fuck well enough a girl will want to keep you around for a relationship and she'll get attached eventually cause it's pretty much impossible not to. I have no interest in hook-ups what so ever, so I don't blame you.
Oh, I posted the story here
>But yeah, I know, tinder is purely for hook-ups, if you can fuck well enough a girl will want to keep you around for a relationship and she'll get attached eventually cause it's pretty much impossible not to. I have no interest in hook-ups what so ever, so I don't blame you.
Exactly what happened. Idk bro, because on one hand I feel like sex is really important for starting a relationship. But on the other hand, I don't want someone who views sex as something immoral.
If she genuinely liked you she'll come around and not ask for money next time.
If she doesn't then good on you for dodging a bullet.
Listen to me OP. That right there is a form of classic manipulation. Never, and I mean NEVER trust a girl (or anyone) that relies on drugs for happiness. She will eventually drain you of your money, your happiness, and your soul. Please PLEASE for the love of god trust in me when I say this: It is NOT in your best interest to go through with this relationship. You need to cease contact with her as soon as possible. Do not allow yourself to be taken control of. That feeling of helplessness you feel as you think about her? That will NOT go away unless you leave her and work towards getting over her. Do not fall in love, do not give her money. If you care about her, you'll motivate her to get a job, seek therapy, and live a normal life. If she isn't willing to do that, says "ooh hurr-durr your just like every other guy," "you must not love me or else you'd give me money," "nobody cares about me," or "I will kill myself" (OR ANYTHING ALONG THOSE LINES) LEAVE HER AND NEVER TALK TO HER. Do NOT fall for this emotional trap, it will ruin your life and everything you've ever worked for. It happened to me.
>tfw she looks like you did five years ago but with tiddies
>tfw got fat off of NEETlife
You sound like a good dude. The reasons I listed was exactly why I didn't give her money. I didn't want to feed her downward spiral.
I just wish she'd be more open to help. But I guess it's not my job to help people.
*reasons you listed
Post nude right now you skank
Fuck off roastie, you're not welcome
Exactly. You have NO proprietary obligation to help her or as she might try to make you think "save" her. You are better without her, I swear to you. You cannot control her actions, but you can control your own. Unless you put yourself first, you will never come out in first place.
Thank you for the words man.
Girls who take pics with their tongues out are whores. As a whore who has used dudes for drugs and money, I can confirm she is one of my kind. The annoying kind too, ones who cry and shit.
Sounds like she needs a trip to Shoal Creek.
are you sure thats not a guy lmao
Ricky you're a fucking mad man and I love you. Look at you. Funny lad
Lol, Ian is it you?
This thread is full of fuckin new fags for not recognising... The classic
It's funny I agree with my 13 year old self.
Yeah. Sorry for invading your thread. What brings a Chad such as yourself back to r9k?
I never left. And you're not even a virgin lol.
Pic related is a - 4 virgin. It's funny how militant robots like us have changed
>Pic related is a - 4 virgin.
>refuses to give a chick $10 while betas give her money for nudes
Unironically based and redpilled.
it's just the long way of saying I've slept with 4 women lad. What's on your mind
I slept with 3 women last week. Get tinder if you want to double your body count.
Ricky... You're a spic and I'm more handsome than you. But when I had tinder I got hardly any matches. Hated the premise also. But that's irrelevant.
If you fucked 3 women last week, what made this girl so special?
Post face fammy.
And this chick gave me cuddles and I loved spooning her. I know I'll get over her in a week or so. Just a shitty feeling.
Post the girls you've fucked mate, because I doubt they're as hot as
I've posted jaw but full face pics aren't allowed lad
This was the girl I lost my virginity to. And as for the others, no. They browse
How disappointed was she? Lol
>posts pic of face
>"face pics aren't allowed"
Disappointed enough to fuck many times after
Sure dude lmaoooo
tfw no qt aryan gf
Feels bad man
OP, I bet you a million fucking dollars she's going to DM you in a day or two.
Bitch sounds fucking nuts and you put her in line.
Ditch that roastie dummy.
Why would a chick this hot fuck a manlet spic
>bitches that dye their hair
>smoked a joint once