In response to my saying "I'm tired today."
>"You always look tired, user."
Armour-Piercing Things People Have Said to You
it hurts still, over a year later.
>"to be honest, I really only talked to you out of pity."
I wish I had left her alone rather than continuing to message her for two months after it was clear I should have stopped messaging her. it was a relatively minor thing to say, but it still stung. felt terrible.
>are you even able to feel love
> the Two years I spent with you were the biggest waste of time Ive ever done.
My ex
>I fr thought this was you user
Pic related, still dont know if he meant it or not
And a slew of other shit my mind has unconciously covered up so I dont remember It anymore including stuff from my parents and what not
>you don't look happy like you used to
>I never thought of you as a sexual being.
My oneitis told me this several months ago after we re-connected on facebook. It almost was the end of me, I wanted to kill myself. I made such little impression on this girl that she thought of me as a eunuch. However, I will fucking die before I admit to her that she hurt me. Will not give her that satisfaction.
My sister's fiance came by our house a few moons ago he had some business with my dad. I was in my room all day and this was kinda toward the evening hours. I came out of my room for a brief moment to fill up my water bottle and he straight up said infront of my mom and dad
>"hey user when are you gonna stop jerking off in your room all day and get a job? You're like a fucking pig do you ever clean your room or just let your mom do it for you?"
Now this shit hit me hard because I thought we were cool. He would always invite me to go fishing with his brothers and do other normie shit, looking back I think it was just to get closer to my sister. I think he thought he was helping me or something? I didn't say anything I just got into my room and locked the door. I lost all respect for the guy because of one comment I don't think I'll ever speak to him again. What he said was the truth don't get me wrong, but it's a fucked up thing to say with a straight face in front of my parents. Even my dad told me later the whole thing made him really uncomfortable.
>Be me in my early 30s
>Take this girl I really like to the movies
>Been seeing her for a while so she knows what a loner I am
>Previews are over so I take out my phone
>She says what are you doing user
>I tell her making sure my phones off for the movie
>She says: but user no one ever calls your phone
>you look like you want to die user
Wow I wonder why
>"Leave me alone. You have no sense of boundaries whatsoever ever. You aren't funny, shut up!"
This was the response to me telling a joke to somebody
They later told me they were on their period and didn't mean it, but I think they really did.
>oh wow youre gonna eat all that?
>wow haha user you look so sad haha
>t. stacy who took me under her wing
>Why aren't you talking to your friends anymore?
There's nothing that anyone could tell me about myself that I already don't know.
There are different ways of conveying Truth but this just seems like an attack to isolate you from your family.
>Be Me 17 (2 years ago)
>meet this really nice girl 8/10 qt, very short
>get to really know her and create a deep friendship
>hanging out with her one night snuggling up to each other(like i said very close)
>"I wanna spend the rest of my life with you"
> her,"OMG yes i love our friendship its so pure"
>mfw i want to fucking die
I spent so much time and im in love with her so much, i drank and smoked myself to sleep when she went home that night
were still friends but idk i just think of those words all the time and they haunt me
>"I look at pictures of you when you were a little boy and wonder why things have never quite worked out for you"
I'm sorry I'm broken, Dad, but I'm trying to be happy
t. 25 year old Doomer
I caught a look of disgust and contempt that made words completely unnecessary. It was a spontaneous involuntary facial expression, not deliberate. She immediately looked away but I already saw it and I now know she feels exactly the same way about me that I feel about myself.
>walk into restroom
>there's a guy in there walking out
>"you always look so sad dude, are you ok"
no, but i can't let you know
You should've smashed his face into the groud m8.
>sit in hallway bench waiting for next class
>some guy comes up to me
>A vampire can't invade your living space if you don't invite them in! Don't give in!
cunts like that deserve a fucking decking
>Didn't shave for 3 days due to depression
>People are talking about their ages at work
>Mention I'm 24
>"Holy shit, you look fucking 30!"
>Go to pick up cigs for my parents after work
>Not even carded
However, when I shave and don't look suicidal people always assume I'm like 20
>You used to be such a glee baby! Always so happy!
God damn it mom...
He only did those things to get browny points with your sister. Your sister then at some point talked a lot of shit about you in a moment of bitchiness and probably said "You should say something to him..." and so he decided to do it in front of everyone to maximize shame and embarrassment to get maximum points with your sister.
I bet he pounded her cunt raw that night because of it.
>You can sit next to me, user. I don't bite.
My oneitis, when I took a seat at what I thought was a respectable distance. I hate being touched and as a result of that, I'm very conscious of my personal space. The reassuring way she said it just made me feel worse, because she wanted to be close to me and I couldn't even manage that.
>you use your shitty dark humor to hide your own losses and insecurities, in all honesty you're shit
That quote is from a girl I don't really know
LOL is she fucking autistic?
No, far from it. She is one of those people who just says whatever comes to her mind. I'm the opposite and would never reveal my heart. Only years later do I understand this. I think that if I had told her early on how I felt, things may have gone differently. I know that part of her was attracted to me and perhaps that would have been enough. then again, it may have been a disaster. The thing is, I will never know and that hurts.
> You deserve to be with someone who really wants to be with you.
I think I would've rather been told to kill myself, if only because if she didn't really want to be with me after all the time we spent together, I don't think anyone will.
There should be a class taught to young girls of things they should never say to boys.
>I love you like a brother
>I wish I could find a man like you user
>Do you even like girls?
>you used to be such a beautful son
t. my mother
>you need to smile, man
t. random guy at the bar
>if I keep working with you, then I'll end up killed
t. Guy I worked with
>I dont k oe how to motivate you. *cries* Don't you see what you do to me?
t. my dad
I hate being alive.
> You'll make someone really happy one day
> You'll find the right girl some day
Or the worst:
> Under different circumstances, I would've gone out with you.
There's nothing worse than them trying to play the pity card. I'm not sure if they're dumb enough to think they're helping or what.
>chadfishing on grindr
>Fag says he wants to eat my (chads) shit and pay 250$ for it
>Say i'm not really chad im just a fat loser
>He says its ok he'll still do it asks for real pic
>Send pic
>He says: Damn not even i have such low standards
If a shit eating fag rejects me who will take me
That's brutal but funny
"That's why you're-*pause* people like that are miserable"
That's just an excuse.
back to normal
i can tell in your
pictures that you're
trying really hard
to be happy
and it probably
makes it easier that
i'm the only one who
can tell you're faking
but i suppose to you
it's no different
because i'm the only one
who ever saw you
when you weren't
xyz (ignore the xyz)
>when user first comes to my house, I'll just jump out the bathroom window
>no one would track you down, not even the fbi
>you'd make ron jeremy go into celibacy with your looks
>I secretly do care about your cock size
all out of context and make no sense to you people, but to me they are like bullets
>user, I couldn't ever see you getting married, it would just be weird
>user is just the manifestation of socially awkward
t. sisters
ya know they don't have to always remind me of this shit all the time
>having breakfast with my family
>6yo nephew asks my mom when was the first time I smiled
>if you ever joined the military, I wouldn't follow your orders
Yeah well fuck you too kid
This one still bothers the fuck out of me, and even though I actually am commissioning as an officer, I know it's going to be the biggest mental obstacle to get over
I meant lunch but whatever
>brother talking about marriage to me for some reason
>asks me if I think I'll get married
>say no
>" don't give up user. I'm sure SOMEBODY out there would find you attractive"
The way he said somebody fucked me up...he said it like it was obviously incorrect, a joke really. This was a year ago and I still think about it
>you need to make friends, sitting in your room all day will just make you depressed again
>you never wanted to be in the Navy in the first place
>god. you run like your fuckin old, no wonder you didnt pass the final PFA
t. petty officer hosmer
>You need to lighten up and enjoy life. Stop acting so serious all the time, one day you're going to have a nervous breakdown
>user, one of your friends is on the phone
"Thanks, Dad"
Picks up phone
Hears dial tone
"Hey Dad, nobody's there"
Was your dad Don Rickles?
Also him,
>I can't believe that you were my strongest swimmer user
>"Tbh user, i only love bc you are my son, you are shit as a person, and i would never like somepne with a personality like yours."
t. my dad
Oh my god that's fucking savage
>if you're gonna act more depressed I swear I'll punch you
t. the girl that was the cause of the shit I'm in but still feels like she should come to all things my friends do
>Going to be in the same city as a friend who I haven't seen in years(known each other for 10 years)
>Contact her and let her know, she's cool with meeting up(3 weeks before I get to her city)
>Get to hotel
>Excited to meet someone I care about
>Texting back and forth
>12 in the morning she texts "Where are you staying?"
>Give her the address
>No answer from her
>It's now 3am
>Decide to go to bed
>Get a text at 10am: "Sorry my friends and I went to a party
>Me: "K"
>Ask her when we're meeting that day
>She then just ghosts me
It's moments like these that make me realize I should've killed myself in my early 20s
This pain is all too familiar
>Why do you always act like we're your friends? We're not your friends.
Ghosting should be illegal. I'd rather just be told to fuck off point blank.
>You need to smile more
fuck I said something along the lines of that first one to my younger sister. fuck i might have hurt her feelings
Me did this for few years xd. She's still awesome human being, miss that cunt...
How gay to reach out 3 weeks in advance. You appear so thirsty and desperate to the female.
kek how sad
Panzergranate 39
i want to fucking kill him
>tfw this kindles a relationship because for once someone cared to notice
>Ladda pansarsprang
shit, the last one :(
>God, you're hopeless
t. the only girl who ever showed interest in me
>why do you never smile?
Various people have told me this. It's weird cause I'm pretty sure I laugh at a normal rate.
It doesn't bother me but still
>Is this a good pic?
>Yeah but you are the only one not smiling
I thought I looked "ok" in it.
I don't get it
>I'm not attracted to you
>You're very meek and sad. It's kinda like you emanate a gray aura.
>I'm not attracted to you
That' ain't bad, just honest
>You're very meek and sad. It's kinda like you emanate a gray aura.
That's an oof
>be me
>several years ago, maybe 20 years old at the time
>keep in touch with some friends from high school, we often played vidya after school and occasionally do stuff now and again
>one friend is streaming on twitch and we are all watching him play
>got into an argument with one of my friends, end up leaving the skype call, but I can hear them all on stream still
>one says "i hate when he gets like that"
>another says "you know, i think user might be like a closeted autist or something"
Out of all the things in your life this hurt you the most?
Wow what a faggot
i'll post another one for keks.
>be me again
>probably a year before the previous incident
>hanging out and watching a twitch streamer that me and my friends often watch
>not logged into skype because i didn't really want to hear from anybody and wanted to be left alone, can't exactly remember the reason why, i think I had gotten into an argument with another friend and we were both pissed at each other
>one friend comes into the stream and sees me there and said something along the lines of "we're all in skype and just wanted to let you know that we're perfectly content with your lack of presence"
>one other friend starts laughing in the chatroom about it
>even the streamer encouraged the bullying
>leave the stream, come back like 5 minutes later and pretend that my PC shut down
>friend copy+pastes what he wrote before
>write nothing, pretend not to notice and go afk
>get private message from one of them with the message copy+pasted like 20 times
not at all, i could post dozens of stories like these. but these hurt particularly badly because i was friends with these people for like 8 years prior to this and they had never said anything remotely shitty to me before. we would mess around in school together and play vidya after school and talk on skype literally every day, when you hear people like that say that sort of shit it really cuts deep to know how they can really tear you down.
>when you were younger you have been way more open to other people, you was such a fun person.
The funny thing the way you describe is they probably always said this shit behind your back for the longest time and you just noticed. desu, by looking at your posts, I'm starting to understand why.
90 percent of these posts are kinda not even that serious. I kinda want to laugh at some of you.
"You say that, but I don't think you actually want to be saved."
And they're right. Just let me drown in my own misery.
yeah, you're right. once i realized that they were saying this kind of shit when I'm not there made me re-evaluate things quite a bit and changed the way i act around others, i act like far less of a sperg than I used to but i still hate myself. i've been bullied by so many people over the years that it really made me bitter. It was bad enough that I dropped out of my high school after my junior year and finished it with some online school because I was sick of the torment and the anxiety it caused knowing I would have to go back.
why the fuck were you still friends with them after that
You and your dad are both bitches for not shutting that shit down.
> You probably have a small dick, just like your father user. And belive me, as a woman, size matters. But always remember that if you are a gentleman and treat woman nice you can always make up for It
My fucking mother when I was like 12-13.
I told this story before here, and no one even fucking belived it.
Jesus Christ, what a fucking cunt, that shit destroyed my self esteem.
Bitter single mothers should be fucking killed.
Your dad sounds amazing. How come you didn't get any of his genes?
well, did your dick turn out just fine or was she right?
>got into an argument with one of my friends
>gotten into an argument with another friend
sounds like you argued a lot with your friends, user
i don't really know, i ended up not talking to them for weeks until I got a call invite to the group chat with our usual group of like 5 or so people and we didn't talk about it, they just pretended like it didn't happen and went on as we usually do.
"didnt you dad ever teach you not to slouch"
No cunt my dad is a volitile brain tumor riddled disaster thats never taught me a single quasi-enlighting life lesson IS THAT WHAT U WANTED TO HEAR?
Small and ugly.
It doesnt matter anyway, I will never use it, and she will die without the grandchildren she always asked for.
At least that brings me happiness.
>"There must be something wrong with your personality if you don't have a girlfriend."
She said that I'm good looking.
hahahaha lmao
>Christmas time a few years ago
>Spent all the little money I had (about 250$) in presents for my gf
>Been dating for 2 years
>Really took my effort in those presents
>A cute coat, a Totoro plushie, a leather bag and a kayak adventure trip shit for two
>In her house
>In front of all her family
>Open presents
>"Oh... Uhmmm.. do you still have the ticket? Can I refund all this stuff?"
>Even her family comforted me later and said they had no clue why she said that
I was completely devastated
Mama here, just fucking with you. I always knew my worthless son wouldn't give me grandkids. :)
i mean, over the course of like 8 years, having 2 or 3 serious arguments with a total of like 3 friends isn't terrible considering we talked every day. and i don't consider myself to be fully at fault, either.
That was my actuall reaction, a violently forced laugh
3 weeks is perfectly reasonable to make plans. Sometimes requesting time off from work takes a while
I think your girl has some sort of personality disorder. That or you made up your relationship.
>I would rather you be in a gang then home playing video games
>You and your father are the reason I am miserable, I wish you both left me alone so I could be happy
>I feel like my son died and you showed up in his place
>You have a repulsive personality and if you weren't my son i' d hate you
>You need to smile more
Thanks mom
Condolences user, downtrodden toxic idiots are a tough roll for a mother hey
>I feel like my son died and you showed up in his place
You have to admit that's a good golden burn.
I'd fucking kill la kill the bitch desu.
I would have punched that cocksucker right in his jaw. Who the fuck does he think he is? Rip his fucking teeth out of his mouth