You will NEVER live in the big city

>you will NEVER live in the big city

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Thats great. I travel to a bunch of big cities and I fucking hate it. When I'm not at work I live in a cabin in the middle of nowhere Florida and wouldn't have it any other way.

>I'm an uncultured hick
Nice to know.

Five million where I live. I liked the country-side better.

Let's see I grew up in Tokyo and lived in New York, Miami, Atlanta, Shanghai, Jakarta, Singapore and Sydney. So you tell me about my life experiences. I enjoy my nice quiet life in the country where the people actually have a thing called community and trust.

LA sucks dick, its expensive and uncomfortable and inconvenient, who the fuck would want to live in the city if not for my job.

Because op is a retarded nigger who got a DUI like the retard he is.

But I do.

In fact I've never lived in a city smaller than 700k.

I live in NYC. It's not what it's cut out to be. And if you're a sperglord, where you live really doesn't make a difference.

I live in NY, it's pretty gay. My neighborhood is full of niggers and spic but when I go into Manhattan it's also filled with niggers and spics but also snobby White people, hipsters and tourists.

Please share with us the subtle, sophisticated delicacies of urban culture.

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Good, I hate other people.

I live in a big city and it's not only stupidly expensive, but extremely overrated.

where are all the asians?

You can have the city with shitty traffic, homeless people, insanely stuck-up women, Chads/Chadlites/Tyrones rubbing their women in your face, outrageous cost-of-living in the few desirable parts of town, and other downsides. I'm more inclined to move in the opposite direction the older I get.

Pulling some bitchass overpaid meme office job in app development or code monkeying or some such. They're usually as elitist and self-satisfied as all the whites and kikes.

and then?


>live in big city
>homeless niggers everywhere
>people are never happy to see you
>everyone is rude
>cities are for normies living their best life

Brisbane isnt even a nice city. So many hills at a weird angle and its not as nice as other cities with actual history and things to do.

In China town or in arcades playing some sort of rhythm game. To be honest I lump them in with tourists because I don't have a positive or negative view on them.

"And then" what?
I'm just speaking from my own personal experiences from when I lived Jew York. Asians, at least the really hip, privileged millennial ones, are fucking assholes.

and then?


i live in london. it's over rated. the rent price isn't worth it for views of pretty lights

Go back to Guangzhou (a city in China) you dog-eating soiblooded fuck.

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and then?


He's making a joke from the movie "Dude, Where's my Car?" where the protagonists order Chinese food from a drive through and the Asian lady taking the order keeps saying "and then?"

no he's not idiot

>poop on sidewalk
>25% is homeless
>rampant crime
>asshole drivers
>smarmy cunts make up the entire population
>high rent
>no where to park ever
>takes 40 minutes to take your car 5 blocks
>grocery is overpriced because muh city
>everyone is a shitty "artist" and coffee snob in the worst ways possible
>every girl looks like pic related but hates herself and pops pills and simultaneously drinks vodka + craft beer while telling you eating meat is bad for you

oh no what ever shall I do now to live in the big city my gosh I am just missing out

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Live in the country, it fucking sucks massive dick. There is nothing fucking to do ever, the internet sucks balls, you see nobody and nobody ever talks to you. Everyone in town is a gossipy bitch you have to spend 2/3rds of your income on fuel. Sure it's fine if you want to be a nolife hermit in the middle of nowhere, but seriously you're wasting your 20s and 30s if you spend them in the country and not at least a medium sized city.

I would kill to be able to move back to the city.

Okie dokie, user. Whatever you say.

just fuck me already fag

I wonder who's behind this post......

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Seriously what the fuck is good about small towns and country living? Most of you are fucking NEETs who won't do fucking jack shit outdoors anyway, there is fucking NOTHING to do ever, if you literally believe there is "community" in small towns fucking lol, you get more "community" in a apartment building and local park than in the country. The internet sucks balls so enjoy watching youtube at 480p if lucky, you're drastically limiting your peer group to essentially fucking nobody, everyone is on fucking opiates due to how boring and depressing it is.

Seriously unless you're already wealthy as fuck and old or you at least own an apartment in the city and house in the country you can move between, country living sucks fucking dick.

Better to be a nolife hermit in the middle of nowhere than a nolife hermit in the middle of a large metropolitan area where you're constantly reminded of what you're missing out on!

>Most of you are fucking NEETs who won't do fucking jack shit outdoors anyway

Wrong on both counts.

I'm sorry user but I will have to decline as I am not homosexual and even if I were I doubt you would want a smelly morbidly obese hikikomori latino NEET who gets winded just by walking up a short flight steps, put his small uncut phimosis penis inside you.

>get tired of suburb life
>move to big city
>hate it
>too expensive
>appeals to young people but only rich young people
>can't afford a way out safely
>have to be evicted and go to court because apartments are run by jew councils rather than landlords who work with you
I'm bout to rob a fuckin bank or something. Whether i get shot and die or get away with it is a win for me.

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l mean l kind of do want that

>I was born into and will FOREVER live in the big city

This is no life worth living.

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Why would you want to live in a place where it's stupidly expensive to live, there's higher crime, and everything is polluted and dirty? For the nightlife? Lol.

Not talking about my statement because it's just horrible all around but sometimes the idea of something is better than the reality of it. Sometimes you fulfill your fantasy then afterwards you're sitting alone in your room with a horrible taste in your mouth and a feeling of great shame.

sit on my face family

Good. Too many people stress me out.

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Are you nihongonese?

>stupidly expensive to live
If you're not retarded, you also get paid stupidly high salaries by working in a city
>higher crime
per capita rural areas are far more crime ridden
>everything is polluted and dirty
Maybe if you live in LA, but it beats living next to a shit lagoon from a pig farm or whatever the fuck you hicks choose to build your huts next to

>you also get paid stupidly high salaries by working in a city

Actually pretty much everything you said is a Iie.

I used to be. But now I am a burger since I can't get a dual citizenship and have top secret clearance.
>look up homicide rate per capita
>no city where population is under 100k
What did you mean by this?

you skipped over the important part of that statement, "if you're not retarded"

Explain places like Miami then. You are fucking retarded since you decided to get high on pills and drive and get a DUI so where does that put you then?

Dude there's no job I'm ever going to get that would justify paying $1k on rent a month to live in a fucking apartment lol

I don't know what would kill you first, the stench, the asphyxiation due to the stench and having your face smothered or your skull being crushed.

Not sure which user you think you're talking to here. Don't drink, do drugs, or live in Miami

Yup, they studied 22 hours a day in school and got beaten by their tiger Mom if they got an A-, and now they think they've earned the right to look down on regular people.

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Oh the retard op who DUI on pills.
But yeah Miami the wages are pegged on the low side so people dont make the wages to afford the rent the Miami area has. It's pretty shitty.

yes, yes, and fuck yes daddy

Are japanese women just like in my chinese cartoons?

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Then there are those of us who live in medium-sized cities with something of a 'happy median'

> traffic bad but not horrible and you can learn the tricks to get around it
> COL highish but not insane, but salaries are better too
> stuff to do but you don't have to live in a building full of Sand niggers or spics to live in an urban area

I don't know how to continue this back and forth. I've reached my quota on rambling autistically.

will you quota up my boyhole senpai? uwu

user, please. I don't know what to say and if I don't say anything I'll feel like an asshole. Please don't reply, it's agitating my autism.

This is called street fashion. I would not expect someone in flyover land to understand


>>you will NEVER live in the big city
literally kill me desu
t. suburban loser

Why did I post this?
It was so impulsive I want to delete it.

>tfw ywn live within walking distance from Akihabara

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if you really wanted that you would be there already

How the fuck would I do that?

Nope unless you watch that one gal show where my gets ntrd.
Most people in Japan look dead inside desu.
>wanting to live in a tourist trap
Kys mate.

>born in cold shitty small town
>freezing cold in the middle of nowhere
>nothing around me but other tiny villages literally not even towns just villages
>they're all like 20-40 miles away
>no public transportation no trains busses taxis uber nothing
>no jobs around except cleaning up shit or flipping burgers and that requires all day of driving for piss poor wages
>closest major city from me is 7 hours away
>parents are poor growing up
>never get to go on vacation literally never even get to see cool places or go visit or do anything my entire life
>finally get money saved up to leave
>get a dui
>get the longest probation sentence possibly known for a dui in the world because my state is fucked up and retarded and gives the longest probation sentences in the world literally 10x longer then anywhere else and forces everyone to fail
>now im literally trapped here worse than ever and cant even travel or do anything
>lost license in a place where im 40 miles from anything and there's no way to get around whatsoever
>no one in my town like 3 people who are all crazy derranged rednecks addicted to drugs
>no girls in my town whatsoever literally closest source of girls is like 20 miles away and there's still like none

>Wanting to live in REAL LIFE ANIME

Fixed that

I live in a big city with 8 million other people and love it

Akihabara is a fucking tourist trap my dude. Everything is fucking overpriced now since they realized the can fleece the shit out of native Japanese to make up for forigners not having to pay consumption tax on other items they sell. What's the point when my nearest book off has the same shit?

I want to see cute japanese girls in maid outfits

I'd rather see you in one qt

I am not a faggot. So no.

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Maid cafes arent exclusive to Akihabara. Just saying.

god damn I want to fuck you user!!!

You slut, and here I thought I was special.

>tfw live in Berlin after living in a village of 1000 people for my whole childhood

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Good. Big cities fucking SUCK and are full of niggers and other undesirables.

t. lived in San Diego for 19 years

>Man Diego
Lol so sorry

i did and it fucking sucked, moving to the countryside was the best decision i've ever made

>ywn live here
This hurts anons

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>you get more "community" in a apartment building and local park than in the country
Maybe in the old Catholic neighborhoods in the fucking 1950s
Sadly not anymore

I've actually been thinking about moving to Dallas since the metro pop is over 7 million but it's Texas so it's still rather cheap to live there or at least near the city. Idk though. I know nobody there and I'd be leaving my whole family behind.

Living in suburban towns my whole life has been lonely and mostly sleepy. I like to romanticize the idea of the big city, that if I lived there I'd be able to meet some friends or a girl simply by virtue of the greater population. But I know deep down that I would fail at it, be even poorer than I already am, and probably feel even more alone that I lived in a multi-million person city and yet mattered to absolutely nobody.

I live in Chicago and it sucks.

Good, because people are cancer desu.