Being straight-edge is overrated. Alcohol is a robot's best friend. It's literally like a hug from a cute girl in a glass.
Being straight-edge is overrated. Alcohol is a robot's best friend...
It's really nice when you drink just enough to get a comfortable buzz... though I won't lie, it's fun getting shitfaced sometimes.
I prefer inhaling paint thinner fumes.
I've never done the alcohol, seems expensive honestly as a neet, and I've been wary of anything that fucks with my mental state since I was put on stimulants and antidepressants as a kid.
Sadly It really takes a toll on your body and makes you regret it the next day.
Especially beer. I fucking love beer.
I have a huge problem with binging. It kind of scares me. Once I get to a certain point it's like water but I am stupid enough to continue because more booze -> more fun right?
Anything under 6 or 7 goes away without much of a hangover for me. I can still get a good buzz on 1 or 2, but I like getting crazy.
until you wake up in the morning with the shakes, bloated, high blood pressure, and can't digest food properly because you effectively poisoned yourself extensively
Still drinking bud lite and sake?
>still drinking the alcoholic Jew
>not taking the psychedelics red pill
idk how to get psychedelics. i lost my pot dealer when i changed jobs and that's all i ever had.
I prefer kratom as of late. Really goes well with mineral water.
Kratom can be nice but a lot of strains leave me in a really restless state unlike alcohol where I don't want to start doing anything but also can't really enjoy something really simple like lurking or watching old saved videos.
Also recently made the mistake of buying some cut instead of crushed. Tried making a tea out of that instead of capsules which reminded me of how vile that stuff actually tastes. No fucking clue how I was able to gulp that stuff down with water in the beginning.
You tried making smoothies with them or adding ginger?
Said the user as he polished off another Pabst Blue Ribbon. Then he suddenly and painfully died of dual kidney failure.
except the fucking NANNY STATE withholds alcohol from 19 year old doomers like me
I've always tossed it in a bottle with water, shaken it, and chugged it.
Not as bad with lower doses. With higher doses I just add more water
What do you mean more specifially by restlessness? Assuming white veins would be associated with that more commonly.
Psychedelics are great but I prefer opiates and stimulants more often.
Still enjoy my whiskey though.
Only a bit of lemon or a lot of grapefruit juice which didn't really improve the taste or texture.
Don't really have the tools to make a smoothie but that might actually be good idea
A bunch of people seem to recommend mixing it with yoghurt or quark but doing that daily with the amount needed for 5g+ doesn't seem like much of a good idea.
It never really mixed well with water so I never tried diluting it more. Selfmade capsules then removed that problem anyway so I just stopped trying out different methods until now.
Just generally not feeling like starting to do something like playing a game, watching a movie, practicing drawing etc while also not being able to just lay down and enjoying nodding away.
I really like the nodding away part although I haven't had that in a while even though I try to buy different stuff regularly. Reading a book and steadily loosing focus more and more until you pretty much just stare at the ceiling with your thought drifting feels really nice. I guess that's the opiate-like part of it.
If something as light as PBR gives you kidney failure you were meant to be dead.
Drinking cyborg reporting in.
At home for the holidays so I cant get as drunk as I would like to but I will manage
Any Australian Kratomfags here? I was told it's great online but it is apparently illegal in Australia. What are the chances of getting in trouble for ordering some or having the package intercepted by customs?
>Was straight-edge for years
>Decide to try alcohol
>Now drink every day
Alcohol is really mankinds best friend, it makes me in to a normal person. Everyone in my life thinks I am so much more open and easy to talk to now.
I use a blender bottle to mix it up, which works pretty well.
As for the restlessness, sometimes getting started with something is the most difficult. Even if you don't "feel" like doing one of your hobbies, just don't even think about it and/or force yourself to pick up your pencil, because all it takes is a few minutes to really get into it (for me, at least). And drugs only make those things far more enjoyable. Even with kratom being far more subtle.
It really is. I fix myself a strong drink when I get off of work and it helps me relax. After that I'll fap and go to sleep.
You're all alcoholics and drug addicts. How's it feel being completely dependent on altering your mindstate just to function as a person? Straight edge is the only true path friends.
>Be straight edge
>Struggle through every interaction
>People think I'm weird
>Always sad and depressed
>Think too much
>Take a few shots of liquid courage
>Chatty and interesting to talk to
>People think I am normal
>Happy/Don't think about sad stuff
>Hardly think at all
>Actually smile
Only normies and shut-ins can live straight-edge.
Alcohol is overrated, only should be used in emergencies to escape social situations.
Ayahuasca is by far the best psychedelic, and it is legal and dirt-cheap:
Here is how to use it recreationally:
It requires a bit of research and understanding, but once you know how to use it you will literally be happier than any normie has ever been. You will feel more of an adult on it than Barack Obama has ever felt.
Trying Ayahuasca for the first time was way more of a monumental moment for me in my life than losing my virginity, or turning 18, or working for the first time, or anything else.
anything legal that a brainlet could use?
THC + Caffeine feels like heaven imo. I had a stupid grin on my face all day after the paranoia had stopped
Nothing better than a good drink.
I would still go with Ayahuasca, but starting "simpler". Ayahuasca is 2 substances, but you can just start with one: Syrian Rue.
Buy 1000 grams of this in powdered form:
And then you just need a scale. Take anything between 2,0 grams and 3,5 grams of only this, and swallow it with water or orange juice.
That will not make you very high, but you will feel something. With closed eyes you might have CEVs with a style of pic related, and feel a slight euphoria and an introspective mode.
If you like it, go back to the second link here and see how to go even deeper. You could save the link for further research and just start with Syrian Rue, that should be easy enough.
>It's literally like a hug from a cute girl
Am I supposed to know what that feels like?
Who else is drinking beer right now?
I've had hugs from cute girls and the feeling is comparable to a nice buzz. It's warm and comfy and it makes you feel good.
ah nice mate ill give it a try
Good luck my friend, I hope you enjoy it!
That is why I never drink or do drugs. I know if I would realize it is good I couldn't stop myself.
I tried wine not too long ago, just some cheap stuff walmart had. It was kinda nice at first, I guess. I felt like moving around was easy and fun and was more willing to talk to people. But a couple hours later I just fell asleep and couldn't get back up until the next morning. I only drank one glass of the stuff.
If you live in America you can get a 24 ounce can of malt liquor for less than 2 bucks. That's enough to get drunk if you don't have any tolerance.
Look up 1p lsd, thank me later
Kratom is only ever effective as a slight mood booster for me nowadays. The first few months of kratom use was magical though, it would give me a kick ass high that felt like I was drunk with a nice warm and fuzzy feeling to it. I built up a lot of tolerance to it and going cold turkey for months doesn't let me get anywhere near as high as I want to be.
Drinking and watching anime is the only thing that motivates me right now. It really makes me feel like I'm like 12 again and makes time move slow instead of fast. Only thing I hate the tolerance build up.
Never used it but isn't that why you're supposed to switch between different strains?
I am straight edge, drinking just makes me like I'm trying to run on a trampoline. I don't get any of the anxiety dampening effects, never drank enough to black out, nor do I want to. And just ends up leaving bad taste in my mouth. No thanks.
I mainly use gold bali but I still don't feel shit when I use some of the other strains.