I have a trans friend coming over tomorrow. We talked about sex, and I said I am not interested as she is pre-op...

I have a trans friend coming over tomorrow. We talked about sex, and I said I am not interested as she is pre-op. Should I fuck her anyway?

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i am not going to go out of my way to call her he if she looks feminine, dipshit
with a wig she does look attractive

Mate, that's a guy who is mentally ill

shut the fuck up retard, get aids

OP its a dude and taht is gay

>i'm not going out of my way to be honest with myself and him
>i just want to keep lying to myself to fuck something because i'm alone pathetic and desperate
You make me sick, and i'm a virgin neet myself

>mentally ill
you do know what being a trangender is, right? it is not something we can really cure at present (since the brain structure itself is different), except to let the person undergo transition process to a more comfortable body.
it's more akin to being a manlet.

she's a virgin :^)

t. illiterate troglodyte

i am no longer desperate, my mind is strong. but i am not wholly opposed to alternative experiences.

Keep making excuses with your dick faggot, you will stay a fag fucking a man with a wig in the ass.

nice to meet you, Mr. Troglodyte

nigga, why would you even fuck her post op? Jesus, the dick is the best thing and butts are better than opium.

Gender diasphoria has been a mental illness for the last 99996 years of the human existence. Only changing because it was popularized.

I meannnnnnnnnn I'm bi so I would say go for it. As long as s(he) is cute and doesn't have any stds

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If you fuck him you're a faggot, if you want a different answer go elsewhere

You're literally fucking a guy wearing a wig. Even if he does look feminine it's still a dick you're sucking and fucking.

Fuck you. Saika is not trans.

dude have you ever seen a post-op "vagina"???
google it, have fun

you should fuck him if hes cute and looks like a girl

Don't go in with expectations. I prefer no-op cuties myself so my advice would be to suggest interest sooner than later.

>Gender diasphoria has been a mental illness for the last 99996 years of the human existence.

Only in Christinized western society, other societies had very different concepts of gender and sexuality. Polynesia, Asia, pre-christian Romans, Hellenic Greeks, Native Americans etc all recognised Transgender as a sort of "third" gender.

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Im pretty sure traps dont even want their dicks played with

so basically lady-boys (haram sluts of little boys)?

>with a wig
lmao what, is she like two weeks in deciding to be trans or something?

In japan before like WW1 at brothels you wouldn't fuck chicks, you would generally actually fuck trannies.

>Polynesia, Asia, pre-christian Romans, Hellenic Greeks, Native Americans etc all recognised Transgender as a sort of "third" gender.
you know why? Because of gender dysphoria

so basically thailand today?

Pretty much exactly like thailand

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>not interested
>Should I fuck her anyway?
pick one

I've read some shit before

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What the fuck is all this shit ? Nobody can tell you what to-fuck or not to-fuck. Sexuality is just a way to call what the fuck turns you on. Don't give a shit about she having a dick, or being technically a man. If you like it, just go for it.