>Feeling down? Just get a girlfriend, bro!
Feeling down? Just get a girlfriend, bro!
>tfw unable to turn my frown upside down
Holy shit this perfectly represents 80% of the western population.
i had one then i did something k3k
No. I refuse to simply because you insist that I do. Go away.
she fucking cheated on me with my female cousin so i feel like i was in then right
females are never worth your love if you think other wise you are not the kind of person that should get to live
nah, im good desu senpai
>implying females have empathy for men on that level
>I don't understand why you still have to be mad, user
"The government is co-opted by corporate interest! It's a huge problem and I don't know what to do."
>Well user, I made a silly face for you, if you don't like it, then I'm going to go fuck Tyrone who appreciates my humor!
Also understand that this situation would only arise if you were attractive in the first place.
>giving up your awesome weather-based superpowers for some trim
Post the corrected version
someone post the redpill version where the guy is happy and then the roastie comes in to cloud it up.
Who's in the oven user?
>actually doing things
which? there are multiple.
Come on a true Jow Forumsack knows the ovens never happened
Where's that one picture again.. Oh yeh
Actually, not being angry 24 7 is for fags.
Big fags.
this looks like a reference
also blue fire is complete combustion, which is not natural. You have to carefully manipulate fuel and oxygen ratios
>Not harnessing the power of negative thoughts to better yourself
Cringepilled and blue
it's the aura of a cartoon grill, and is mostly there to create a contrast the way the OG dude has red in between his monotone and grey/violet clouds.
what grill?
The random angry broad I drew to be rageholics with the dude in the comic.
I made her up.
>expecting a girl to save you
big mistake
more accurate
Unironically me except I am still depressed from living with family and money troubles.
The reverse of that is true for me
This happened to me after dating someone with depression, both of us just got worse
The comic you posted seems innacurate, I have fixed it for you.
Reverse order happened to me
then make an edit, big guy.
Honestly the girl would probably just leave