How many losers have you gotten to commit suicide r9k? Just scored another one today
How many losers have you gotten to commit suicide r9k? Just scored another one today
Hopefully zero
You haven't made anybody do anything in the end it's their choice stop acting like your some god of death faggot
That fucking edge, bro!
Hey OP i would love if you gave me the push I need to end it.
Im no god of death my dude. I just do it for the lolz
>T. Larping faggot
Sure whatever you say
Anime posting trollfaggot, I would like to tie you up, and stab your eyes out with a screwdrive while you are alive screaming and conscious in agony, quivering and crying blood while making pathetic whimpering noises as I proceed to draw your worthless faggot life to it's ultimate conclusion, you worthless maggot piece of subhuman filth!!!!
Larping as what my pal?
Hehe I'm le edge lord too with severe personality disorders user how memey people have got to commit internet socialide todayyy i got 3 to deweet their discords today!! That or they blocked me owo desuuuu T_T they're pretty much dead tho!!!
Woah dude those are some pretty specific insults. You okay?
Alright, I'll bite. How did you do it, OP?
We both know you haven't made anybody kill themselves you just want attention
Proof that you got someone to commit soduku, or it didn't happen OP
Hopefully OP ends up slitting his wrists with that fucking edge.
You're amazing at this. 6G checkers right here. I doubt Ainz could do it any better.
OP is a raging faggot insecure manlet cuck
Jokes on both of us, I never deleted my discord. Also listening to some comfy podcasts right now.
>Acting like killing someone is deserving of a pat on the back
Haha no faggot. If they want to kill themselves let their mind do it for them, dont encourage it. You are just scum acting all high and mighty just because you pushed someone. Have the balls to actually murder someone, faggot. Instead of acting like telling someone to kill yourself is am accomplishment
Haha u guys want some lessons? baka okay but im charing 10 bucks an hour to get someone to do it
The only lesson I need is watching you crash and burn in your own thread
woah dude that sounds pretty edgy
Na not edgy, just wokepilled
Are you god woken as well?
Can you convince me to go through with my suicide too please?
I help r9kers find peace in eternal slumber
I think you had the opposite affect on me, You managed to sober me up.
whats wokepilled?
I dont try make people an hero anymore or anything like that im good now
google you dumb nigger
google dumb nigger?
Im very depressed guys...
What should i do
There's a friend out there that understands you and can help you.
dont lie to him user it will only get his hopes up
I never stopped being a friend. I'm still waiting and will continue to wait for my friend to come back.
stop being nice to him. sad people are just attention whores
Doesn't mean they're not worthy of friends who love and understand them.
me too when is he coming back??
make me kill myself desu
>make me kill myself desu
My response as well. It's a lot of effort and I've since learned it isn't acceptable behaviour.
Please join me on rabbit.
Take your own advice fag
Whenever my friends here are feeling down, I try my best to make them feel less sad. I do this because I value robots, they're each unique human beings and often the kindest people you'll meet in this chad-beat-chad world. Words can't express how much I care for my fellow robots.
Would you guys rather be able to teleport or become invisible?
Almost got one
Don't tell anyone else what you're doing or they will fuck it up. Convincing a man to kill himself is a slow and measured process that can go wrong at any point
I'm already invisible, mate.
Give me the teleport.
havn't really gotten anyone to commit suicide, but I did play a part in turning a beta fag into a trannie
XD I got like 9 ppl to an hero kek XD
You are a ray of light. Thank you
Holy based guacamole
Based Kurisuposter.
>Holy based guacamole
*a gay all right
holy based redditole
All these assmad redditors lmao
I've been trying to rack up points myself, but haven't found too much success here. I did get some obese cringy loser to kill his online persona and then dissapear from the internet which was very funny + some other stuff.
Nice! How do you manage to do it?
Zero because I'm a good boy, and I seek to destroy normalkin like yourself.
Really? lmao. What was his discord
I would never do that. that is messed up and immoral.
>waahh the internet is so serious
literally kys. you belong in a coffin with the rest of the faggots i murked on
edgy aren't you
Ghost cuck now.
>le edgy meme
at least try to be original faggot lmfao
Edgy numbers trump
both are fucking op
if i choose invisibility can i still be detected by thermal vision or shit like that ? can i still be hear ?
Fuck you are gay.
teleport you into an oven kikeboy
What a night for original content. I am killing it.
imagine being this edgy
flibbety floo, here's your (you)
thanks for the (you) sped