Come post if you have any of these issues and explain how they affect you.
What have you been doing?
Does your family understand?
how many years had it been?
Come post if you have any of these issues and explain how they affect you.
What have you been doing?
Does your family understand?
how many years had it been?
>What have you been doing?
Laying in bed and listening to music because I've been feeling particularly lonely and depressed about what I've allowed myself to become.
>Does your family understand?
Not really, they've sort of accepted it but they'll occasionally still push for me to go outside and just get a job.
>how many years had it been?
Think it's been 10 years since I dropped out of high school and I've been a Hikki on/off for the entire duration, I fucked up.
What about you, OP, what's your story?
>What about you, OP, what's your story?
well I have been doing same thing today.
my mum and dad are accepting im mentally ill
5 years for me as hikki
i fucked up and it gets harder to live as the days go by.
it always gets worse
>it gets harder to live as the days go by.
>it always gets worse
Yep, I don't understand how some people can find solace in this lifestyle.
Do you watch or play anything to pass the time occasionally?
I haven't left my house more than about 5 times in 1.5 years. They were all because my father would force me to ride in the truck with in for 20-30 minutes to the gas station. Besides Jow Forums, I've not talked to anyone but my father and mother in person. I have old friends from college or high school that try and get in contact with me, but my anxiety is insane. I basically have panic attacks at the thought of talking to them or to pretty much the entire world. I don't have any social media or cell phones because the pressure is too thick. Every couple months one of them might come by and try to hang out, and I freak out and start hyperventilating basically. The last time one came, I locked myself in my bathroom and pretended to not be home. (as if.)
I'm in my late 20s, and of course I'm a neet so I don't see any way out of this. Growing up, and in college before I dropped out, I have anxiety and shit, but I'd sorta find a way to force it through with "close" friends and stuff. I lose all ability to do that by my mid-20s though. If I try to talk to anyone about it, they'll just call me a loser that only has himself to blame (as if I don't know that.) I'm also a white male. I know that doesn't really mean much, but I'm basically the devil in popular culture and normie society. Most of them would probably prefer I kill myself.
>Do you watch or play anything to pass the time occasionally?
I used to but depression removed all joy from gaming and watching stuff.
there is no distraction, I also hear voices now and see fucked up shit when I shut my eyes...
I used to play games and anime.
Tahts tough man, and I relate to how your friends would try talk to you but you shut them out.
its not your fault its your broken brain
You want to watch your favorite anime movie?
Everyone story is a little bit the same, are we predetermined to become like this ?
I just left the house for the first time today in 8 months. Feels good man. I went back inside immediately but the fresh air felt good. Tomorrow I'm going to try walking around my neighborhood.
i do with my fren, only way I can enjoy anything anymore.
i think a big part of us are.
i think so. In another life we would have become cannon fodder for some local lord, or become monks on some hill in the middle of nowhere. Those are really options nowadays.
There's nothing to even do outside, what the fuck.
I like going outside but only out to do stuff like go for a walk around the neighborhood or explore around the local woodlands. Going anywhere else is extremely draining and requires a lot mental preparation and energy.
yall are probably low test. get it checked and if you get injections it'll get you back to normal
>you need to go out more, get some sun, you'll feel better
Let's go to rabbit and start a room.
there is everything to do outside, assuming you have money and aren't socially retarded
I fear a short life, but I don't want to go see doctors.
comfy bush walks where there isn't another person around for miles
and if a snek bites you you get to get snug under a tree and die peacefully and hopefully never be found
>What have you been doing?
Programming random shit spontaniously
Playing video games
Watching movies and tv
learning japanese
>Does your family understand?
No. When I lock up it usually results in them getting angry I won't respond. When I refuse to go somewhere they get pissed off. They actually feed into the panic attacks and just make me even worse. They get pissed off at me all the time because I won't answer the phone.
how many years had it been?
How many years has it been for what? that I've had agoraphobia? I started getting it when I was 12.
If I was low test it would have shown up in blood tests. Besides this fact, Agoraphobia is believed to be caused from a person's weak vestibular system.
welll...who are you... if your who I think just say so.
sucks to hear friend
It's Vopi and I really missed you.
>What have you been doing?
Online college, programming, and playing smash ultimate a little. Work 6 days a week unfortunately but I'm by myself 5 of the days. Im feeling lonely. All my online friendships end after a month or two. Im really boring.
>Does your family understand?
My dad is introverted and my mom has a doctorate in psychology so she buys into me just being an introvert by personality. I couldn't have more understanding parents.
>How many years had it been?
Only 2 years so far. Graduated highschool as early as I could (took classes over the summer), I had friends but every moment I wasnt around one I didnt feel safe. My face would get red every time someone I don't know wanted to start a conversation with me and sometimes theyd point it out right after, ill never know if they hate me for that, thought I was weird, or just felt bad for me.
I dont remember you though I used to be drunk 24/7