Which child?

Which child?

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B obviously, it's her flute.

A keeps it and should teach B how to play it.
C can fuck off

Child c. Fuck femoids.

Any answer but B is objectively retarded

It is B's flute

i would break it and teach them life isnt fair and to band together against a common enemy

B obviously. It is her fucking flute. If you pick C you are a drooling retard

>be me
>see three kids fighting over a flute
>know it belongs to one of them
>push that kid over and give it to the poor kid so he can buy drugs


C, a and b are property

>I deserve money because I know how to save and spend it
>I deserve the money because I worked for it
>I deserve the money because I'm dirt poor
This is retarded

once in a fucking lifetime, Jow Forumstards

Your filename answers your own question. The flute belongs to B. The musical skill or wealth of the children is irrelevant. You support forcible property theft if you give the flute to A or C.

A obviously. Its hard to empathize with B, and impossible with C.

C needs something like
> but I will give all my time and effort to learn


From each according to her ability, to each according to her need.

bitch just because you know how to play a flute doesn't mean you NEED to play a flute

why did you even post this thing, OP?

it's hers, it's not up to me or to you to decide where the fucking flute should go, if SHE then decide to give it to A or C, that's her problem

They can all share the flute!

Make A pay B for the flute. She can always make more. C is just a leech

c is what the pathos obsessed roastie would pick, a is what the natsoc poltard would pick and b is what the based would pick

I'm okay with this, C should unironically be killed or at the very least be taken from his retarded parents who've instilled a victim mentality in him that's cancerous and entitled.

I like this answer too.

The flute is my property.

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B, she made it, she got the materials herself just because A can play it doesn't mean she deserves it and if C truly has 'nothing in this world' then a flute is the least of his worries and even if it was, he still doesn't deserve it

Give the flute to B, tell A to stop being a kike and pay for a flute if she wants one. Take C out back and put him in a sleeper hold.

B sells it to A because it's pointless owning a flute if you don't play, and B should at least be able to profit off of the fruits of her labour

I'd split the flute between A and B and kick C in the D cuz shit ain't fr... E

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let me guess what all the incels here picked C because muh females reeeeeeeee


Like I said before the one who fucking bought it.

C should get the flute because if they have nothing, it's probably a result of institutional oppression of some kind. B brags about providing the materials but in the real world those materials were only procured through exploitation of C. B no doubt has many flutes and will make many more flutes in the future with their stolen wealth. The role of the arbiter in this scenario should always be to ensure the most just outcome and C is clearly the most deserving of a favourable arbitration.

Even if I don't really believe that, the roastie voting bloc does and if you can't logically refute that then they're going to keep winning.

Anyone can logically refute that with ease. The problem is most people, and especially women, don't fucking care about logic.

B, because its hers, not A because shes sounds like a cunt and C, youre poor so fucking what? Shall i give you my house aswell?

Kill them all and keep the flute to pleasure my sissy asshole

C, child A can play the flute so that cunt obviously already owns a flute, probably several, and child b makes flutes for the fuck of all sakes....so let child c have it. The expansion in flute players expands the market for C and drives up competition for A to get better and flourish.

How can you make a flute and not know how to play it?

A gets the flute, after paying B because its hers and she made it, C can listen to A play

Having something that you can't use is retarded an C is stupid, having things you cant use wont help you at all, but enjoying the music that A plays should. Unless he wants to sell the flute, in that case fuck him.

B has a point, but again, keeping something you can't use is stupid, she should get rewarded for making it, unless she wants to learn to play flute, in that case she has to keep it.

A is the only one who can use the flute, but thats not a reason for getting free shit. I can use some whore's pussy, but still have to pay for it.

B obviously. C can ask her for the flute. I would rather give C money so he can buy some food or his own flute. A can suck my dick.

It's B's flute. B gets to decide

I hate these repetitive threads. giving any of those kids a flute would end up the same as giving them a chainsaw. not one good thing can come from the entire situation so move on with life.

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Well if they are fighting take the flute from all .... Then return it to b after a conversation with a and b about sharing .... As well as hanging around the filth that is c

How did I even get B's property in the first place?

this is what i was thinking. A and B already possess skills of playing and building flutes. if C can learn how to play the flute then that would be a net increase to the collective value of the three

Buy it from B then give it to A so she can raise money to help C

If anyone doesnt say B I would honestly wonder if they are even human

In my opinion, even if the others had the opportunity to make it, they wouldn't. Most of the time, making something is not about access to materials, it's about will and ability.

I tell them I'm keeping it for myself. The child that is most upset gets to keep it. I suspect it will be the one that put the effort in to make it.

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It's B's flute. She can lend it to A to learn how to play, and teach C how to make his own flute.

you're a good person user
a good and originalo person

How do I have the flute so that I can give it to one of them if B created it and possesses it? Any answer but B requires me to steal it from B. I think A having the flute makes the most sense, but that does not justify theft.

None, I want the flute.

The question is stupid, because if the flute is not mine but is B's, then I can't decide. But, if I was the government, then yeah.

I get to make the decision?

I keep the flute. That's the cost of doing business.

A can fuck off.
B should be given the flute, if she can craft the flute then she could learn how to play it herself.
C literally doesn't deserve to live. Before giving the flute to B, i'd shoot a posioned dart (from the flute) in C's face.

Marx, Stalin, Lenin, and all of your other role models are (probably) burning in hell right now. Can't wait until we send you fags there as well.

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I never play these games, but I think I'll make an exception this time

Give B a gun and allow her to defend herself from A and C. Entitled little shits deserve to be fucking shot if they try anything.

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Based and checked

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The flute is a moral spook, the children I my property.

Christ on a bicycle, you idiots really love this stupid fucking image. Talk about a circlejerk.

kys pawn of the elite

B owns the flute
Make A teach the flute to B, if she loves music so much then she'd be thrilled to allow another to enter its magical realm
B can then play for C, making his life better from being able to listen to good music

your beliefs are gay, you talk like fags, and your shits all retarded.

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if you think pol would choose A then you know nothing about pol.
Only retarded communists would choose A

The flute is child B's property. Fuck of commie.

>utilitarianism is same as communism

Normies like you are the reason why world is being run by incompetent masses.

That sounds fair, but you should give A and C guns as well.

Is not a man entitled to the sweat of his brow?


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Ryan truly did nothing wrong

I have the flute, so:

>I force B to make more flutes
>I rent the flutes to A
>I take pictures next to C and my flutes for promotion

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The middle one made it, its her decision.
If she really wants to push me, I'll give it right back to her and tell her to deal with her own bullshit, because shes probably not even my kid unless there is a setup for this picture you didn't include.
Child C seems like an asshole though, I'd advise her to stay away from him because he just wants free shit because he feels like a victim, and that mentality can fuck off.

Hmmmm sounds like a plan...

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None, I take it by force. The flute de facto belongs to the one who can defend it best.

>force B to make more flutes
under what threat exactly?

I bribe C into forcing her with the money A gets me. Alternatively pimp A to play the flute for money.

It's a perfect closed system of profit generation.

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not him but easy
you have the flute, so you give an incentive to B to let you keep it and make more, like buying candies or something
then you rent it to A at triple or quadruple the price, if it costs you a couple bucks/flute, then you rent it at say, 10 pesos a day, and that's called a profit
and then give even less candies to C for the ads

I see. You run the problem of B telling the middleman, you, to fuck off and just doing business with A and C on her own. Then again, B might be a complete dimwit outside her autismflutes and hasn't realised the economic potential here.

The world's most expensive musical instruments are owned by collectors and businessmen who can't do them justice, so they loan it to people who can play

I would say B because the flute belongs to her. I don't understand how this is something to think about. Child C sounds like a nigger.

Child A is Asian child B is white child C is black and I am god.

B, and you're going to need to fuck off and rewind to the days of libertarian Jow Forums if you disagree.

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true based centrist

Oh god please don't let this be the next crit probability thing.
*Reply funded by 1/4 gang

Really shitty image.

Why are there so many fucking commies on this thread ?

A is fighting to steal it because she can play it and C is fighting to steal it because he claims he's poor? What the fuck? It belongs to B so I give it to her and explain to the other 2 that they can't just claim someone else's property as their own. Then I have a talk with them and explain 1 flute is enough for all of them, try to convince B to share her flute with them,let A play and teach both B and C, and how they can just hang out and all play it and bond over it.

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B made it so why should she give it to anyone else