>tfw remembering my Jow Forums phase
Tfw remembering my Jow Forums phase
How did you bluepill yourself?
Not OP, but similar I guess. I never bluepilled myself I just got blackpilled
what do you mean with Jow Forums fase?
were you the nigger/kike hating type or the trump supporter type?
I've come full circle I just go on there to bait pol tards or say i am a commie and contribute to one of them having a heart attack. It's fun.
I used to be really into Jow Forums and racism back in my first-year of college and I let the beans spill and ever since then I've been known as the "College Nazi", and even a professor jokes around tbat he doesn't wear a kippa or Jewish things because there's a Nazi in the class.
Has this affected your grades at all? I've always wondered if teachers actually grade work based off of their personal opinion of the student (to some extant at least)
>tfw remembering my blue pilled phase all the leftie comments are still there
I'm never going back 2bh
Take the pink pill anons. You'll love your life so much more!
I don't know maybe lol. Ive failed multiple semesters but I'm a lazy fuck.
>remembering my Jow Forums phase
larping on pol is one of my favorite pastimes
I am slightly/passively racist and angry at the world, so I just go on there to vent and hate at things I may or may not hate
Though sometimes some interesting Q shit will pop up that generally peaks my interest
Yeah. I've been on Jow Forums and Jow Forums since 2016. Even run a discord with around ~20k active users where we run constant posts on the board promoting anti-trump and anti-republican rhetoric. Alot of my guys, including myself, originally came from Reddit to discuss politics, but saw that we were surrounded by hateful people, so we decided to do something about it.
You can always tell when you're pissing someone off. I usually roleplay as a commie white kid or a black weeb, really makes them angry if you say you dislike Trump or Hitler.
>remembering my Jow Forums phase
moving onto 4channel was the best decision of my life!
I'm slowly getting there. If it actually loaded on chrome.
I like using lainchan more though cause it looks cool.
you realize most people on pol are brown people larping white racists, right?
Congrats, you're the reason I left Jow Forums because it became unusable. Doesn't mean I don't accomplish the things I wanted to do regardless. You didn't change anything, or do anything about it, you just piled on so much /b/ tier spam that it's just not a reasonable place to post on anymore. I'm willing to bet all you've done is subject weak minded people to right wing rhetoric and just like an oil spill think that because it's not on the surface of the ocean "it's gone". + my first response has been that way since before 2016.
Lol pol tard seething. What you gonna do bitch
What the fuck do you mean "phase"?
Please try and reconvince me that the holocaust happened.
>find /new/ way back
>really get into it, 'redpilled' before that was a commonly used term
>slowly develop good habits and speaking skills to stop being a 'degenerate'
>become socially functional, then later pretty confident and good at making friends
>had enough social capital to 'redpill' some of my IRL friends and family to get Trump some votes
>slowly fall out of the Jow Forums mainstream when studying philosophy/theology more in depth
All in all, my Jow Forums phase was pretty good. Not sure if it was that specifically that made me stop being a total robot, but I think it helped. I still go there and shitpost when major news breaks out.
It's not even about being pol tard, it was about having a userbase that wanted to do things that resulted in lols. That's what Jow Forums has always been about, newfag. It's always been about the lulz. You'll never understand.
Deep and redpilled user here. Woah no way tell me more grandpa.
you really are cringe
I've been btfo
>tfw remembering my atheist phase
I was so cringey back in high school. I'm glad that time is over.
>You can always tell when you're pissing someone off
no you fucking can't lmao. you may think you can but you can't.
>remember bluepill commy phase
>then pol neo nasi phase
>now too sad to care about politics
do you worship a big jewish man in the sky now?
Anyone else racist but not antisemitic?
no, i'm very antisemetic which is why I'm also racist.
Piece of shit. I'd love to stomp you into the dirt.
Based Jow Forumschad
Fear not the untermensch for we will prevail
I had a /leftypol/ phase since I was always left-leaning, glad those times are over desu
once Jow Forums trash always Jow Forums trash
Normally it's quite easy. You just realise Jow Forums cherrypicks its shit just as much as the leftist MSM does. Not exactly bluepilling because you never go back to leftism, but you definitely realise the redpills were just another lie made by people so insignificant they have to latch on to skin colour and country of origin for a sense of self worth.
Pesky shill. I am a man of integrity.
>remembering my edgy weeb phase
>mfw only browsing Jow Forums, Jow Forums and /v/
>remembering my ponyfag drawfag phase
Oh god looking at my old shit makes me wonder what I was thinking to spend all that time drawimng marshmallows.
Not him, but hitler speeches confirm it. Plus the mass graves...plus the Zylon B
>tfw remembering my commie phase
It's not fair though. I wisened up by the time communist figureheads like Bernie Sanders became popular
>still basing world views on pill memes
>tfw remembering my ex
I'm too old for Jow Forums to have been a thing when I went through my reactionary, contrarian, nihilistic late teenage phase (mid 00s) so I never went full Nazi, but I did for a bit do shit for Young Conservatives, I talked shit how Climate Change wasn't real and slight race realism shit.
I realise looking back on it, I was just being reactionary contrarian douchebag from the fact I felt like I was smarter than everyone else, but I wasn't getting laid nor was I popular so I had to go more extreme to continue to justify it was my "correct views" and "intellect" intimidating them rather than me just being a nerdy anti-social piece of shit that literally at 17 was wearing a Naruto headband at school and out in public.
I then got a series of jobs, got repeatedly fucked in the ass by bosses who constantly wage thefted me and just treated me like shit, learned about Marx, self taught myself in political economy and sociology and ever since then I've been a Marxist. Not a edgelord "LOL GULAGS STALIN DID NUTTIN WRONG" one, but what you would call an Orthodox Marxist, one that views the world through a Marxist lens. I don't even think Socialism will come about until mass AI driven automation is a thing. But the thing was, as soon as I stopped being a contrarian edgelord reactionary piece of shit, my life turned around as well, got new friendship group, got girlfriend, went on many adventures etc.
I feel sorry for Jow Forums really because being a reactionary anti-intellectual fascist piece of shit (seriously most Jow Forumstards are seriously retarded) must really be a black hole of fear, depression and hate and that is no life to live.
I'd pin you at around 80 iq. You also need to die for being a Marxist. Scum.
>Not realising Marx was literally right about everything.
>Not realising that right wing political "thought" is literally just the fucking whining of rich and powerful people claiming they're being oppressed by people "beneath them" having rights and this is somehow "authoritarianism" because it infringes on their rights to act authoritarian and this has always been the fucking case since Burke founded modern Conservative political thought.
The political right are legitimately either just rich people defending their class position through hilariously hypocritical ideology or literal fucking retard working class people that are completely controlled by spite and emotion.
He was actually wrong about everything. His criticisms are somewhat valid and his "solutions" are pants-on-head-retarded at best, and pure fucking evil at worst. It's disgusting an an affront to humanity. You need to die for having said positive things about Marx.
>caring about anything at all and not just waste your life drinking, playing vidya and fucking bitches
>tfw remembering my Jow Forums phase
>become nostalgic for it, blasting fashwave from my apartment as I lifted and read books every day, now just get stoned and play vidya every day
I-I wanna go back, I even have a gay friend now and he's really cool, where did it all go so wrong.
You sound like fucking cancer and I don't even visit Jow Forums. Enjoy your tranny existence, you fucking waste of atoms.
What's so wrong about Jow Forums?
>assuming people's IQ
>over the internet
>without understanding what IQ even means
>thinking his opinion still matters
Made me chuckle. Now go go back to playing WOW, fairy king.
>where did it all go so wrong
You realized that Jow Forums's ideology is a retarded fantasy cooked up by dumb virgins reaching for what they feel they can't attain: glory, demonstrable superiority over anyone that isn't them or close to them, unquestioned respect and an obedient virgin sex slave as a wife. They then proceed to cherrypick articles and stop at headlines when it suits them, grasping at some statistics and studies while ignoring others that contradict them and of course claim that Jow Forums is a haven of free speech while assaulting anyone that disagrees with ad-homs and shill accusations (like this 15 years old dumb fuck here ).
They're just another echochamber trying to understand why life's so fucked through the lens that feels the most comfortable. Just like Jow Forums, just like tumblr, just like any place that doesn't even try to follow a rational thought process and engages in motivated reasoning.
>tfw remembering my Jow Forums phase
Yeah, it was pretty great. Shame 2016 redditors destroyed that board. There is absolutely nothing with hating fags and niggers. I mean this board is quite full of them.
Wow. Looky looky, we have a triggered Jow Forumstard throwing hissy fits and having literally not a single valid argument. Who would've thought. lmoa
How do I become this gay? Teach me your ways.
Well yeah that sounds about right, I think I also got a bit blackpilled. Why discriminate against one group of people when all people are fucking assholes.
You can't become gay. You're born gay or straight. You would know shit like that if you hadn't dropped out of preschool to follow your dream of becoming the world's biggest retard.
Congrats on achieving your goal tho.
>You can't become gay. You're born gay
Judging by your post I can see that. Seek god, my son.
There, easy
If only you knew how bad things really are.
Let's start with:
>Why are all death camps only found in then-soviet controlled areas; why did the west never find any?
>Why would the Germans try to hide their great achievement of Jewish destruction from the world?
>Why do German gas chambers have simple, inward-opening wooden doors, when other gas chambers for single person gassings require large, airtight metal doors?
>Why are the former Allies, the ones who ended the alleged holocaust and were the enemies of Germany, now accused of being pro-genocide German nationalists when they question Israel's actions?
>but you definitely realise the redpills were just another lie
What about race differences and immigrant flooding of huwite countries?