>tfw self improvement isnt a meme
found on /fa/ fuck my life
Tfw self improvement isnt a meme
Did he lose weight? Why does he look so different? Why are his eyes not so ching chong anymore?
I don't like the way people say I look good
like you said, he lost weight.
he switched to contacts
I am bald(and in my 20s) and ugly with no beard growth, I could lather lipstick on a skinny pig but it is still disgusting ya feel me?
weight loss and contacts. i have awful eyesight and my glasses have such high prescriptions that the lenses make my eyes look distorted
Is that really the same guy? Looks like his entire jaw structure changed.
thats what weight loss can do. its not 100% but seems likely. look at eyebrows and the dot on the left cheek. plus he posts fairly often in /fa/
>implying you can sel improve your height
We are doomed forever
I thought op was the 6ft4 korean user
I do believe in self improvement, but um those eyes look pretty ching chong to me, i guess he looks like he has his shit together but its not like hes suddenly good looking.
I'm not usually into asian guys but this dude is seriously cute
lol wow pic is unironically me. yea thats me
i dont have my shit together at all which is why im on r9k and fa. also yea ive gotten better but i dont consider myself attractive
He looked better before. No homo
You look a lot better bro. Got away from the typical chinese look and actually look like an individual now.
It's the mewpill.
thanks user. lmao i still cant believe this got reposted here and i assume this thread will get deleted soon
nah i never mewed, i just worked out and dieted then stopped working out and just kept eating less
I can't distinguish asians from one another unless I know them, wtf
Even harder is telling what country they are from
Contacts, smiling also alters facial structure. Almost everyone looks better when they are smiling.
He got a high-tier wagie job.
You weren't the one to post it on Jow Forums so you and the thread aren't breaking the rules. It's why threads about eggman don't get deleted even though he used to post here.
It's kinda like the difference between Europeans, if you aren't white you don't really care and there's people in each country who genuinely look similar to the people in a different region(e.g. I've seen Scands who look Medi, Brits who look Slavic).
He was never that bad looking he had good bone definition
I don't understand what you mean. The second picture looks more well-adjusted than the first. Definitely an improvement.
OP added >tfw
Which means he's saying he feels a feel because self-improvement isn't a meme and he's wasting his life away by not doing anything.
Oh, I misread it. My bad
betamax to potential betabux is an improvement in your eyes? Whatever you are comfy with
You're cool, daddy-o.
I've done the same and I still feel vapid and empty inside. Threw out any childish or dorky clothes I had, got a proper haircut and taught myself to style it, got contact lenses, bought some nice fragrance that fits me, started going to the gym again even though it's hard to gain with my eating disorder. Yet I still find myself regressing to my same old shitty loser habits: faggot porn, counter-strike, trash diet, and not leaving my room for days. You may look better on the outside, but you're still the same loser inside
What's your motive if you don't mind me asking.
What do you hope will happen if you self improve?
>tfw no Jow Forums Guangzhou bf
Do you mean Guangzhou (a city in china)?
My parents have had enough and are sending me there.
he went up a point
NOW HE'S A 4/10
>bulbous nose
>big ears
all he changed..
>how he dresses
>earrings (is this even a positive? for you faggots it might be idk)
>got contacts (still slanted eyes)
>changed hair style
and he doesn't even look like that the whole week. Maybe once in a week he can maintain that look.
I'm not sure but he might have lost weight although I doubt it, the hair and jawline look like they're more defined because of the flash of the camera rather than anything else.
At least he's probably smart.
the fuck is guangzhou?
plus better hair imo too
Its a city in southern China
He always looked good
i just want happy and decided to lose weight
ive lost about 100 lbs total and am 6'4"
ur fine asf, ilu
you seem jealous...He's now a chang, can easily get any girl he wants.
thanks user
oops meant to say i wasnt happy
u look like a kpop star desu, but less gay
i dont agree with the first part but thanks! i posted in /fa/ and it was the first time i looked at my old pics in a while. what a blast from the past