Any CS Majors Here?

I'm planning on getting a degree in Computer Science next year. Any tips on how to survive?

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yeah do it in 4 years

That's what I plan on doing

dont put off the assignments to the last minute
always attend lectures/labs
take key points as notes
practice study guides
get full 8 hours sleep

keys to success

To add to this, if you want to be a good programmer, do your own projects outside of classes and take part in competitions and stuff. Don't just do boring lecture assignments that aren't practical and don't apply to the real world.

>Coffee. Don't take pills ever. Never ever.
>Don't become an alcoholic like most CS majors.
>Seriously, don't.
>Write good notes, don't just bookmark shit or put tabs in a book.
>Work on assignments ahead of time as much as possible
>Take advantage of office hours as much as possible, even go just to ask questions about things you already have a grasp on. Actively demonstrating to the professor your desire to learn and improve might save your ass later on if your grade is near the chopping block.
>Focus on you, your level, your abilities. If you try to hold yourself to others who perform better, it could lead to burnout.
>Choose your group/senior-capstone-project partners with the utmost scrutiny. Try to make friends with people who perform asap.

Good luck user

This all seems like it's obvious but it's the truest and best advice you can get. Also, do internships, go to your professors office hours, be friendly with them (they can open all kinds of doors) and use your time to network.

go to labs and talk to the tas

>Choose your group/senior-capstone-project partners with the utmost scrutiny. Try to make friends with people who perform asap.

this this this. holy fuck. i fucked up hard with this.

learn some stuff on your own before you start your degree

>Any tips on how to survive?
Not much, it's the easiest stem degree with the highest income potential. Where most Anons fail is getting a job. Take advantage of all your campuses resources, and don't think just showing up to class and making the grade is enough. Otherwise you'll be on Jow Forums making posts:
>Invert a binary tree for us, user
with an op image of a whiteboard and complaining about stupid shit.

just b urself
b confident
brush teeth
wear fashionable cloths
text her for help
b nice
tease her
ask her to cofe

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I'm halfway through the first year of mine, I feel like I'm gonna fail out sooner or later.

Motivated people do the best, no matter how smart they are, as long as you are willing to do what it takes to do well then you will do well.

Fuck I hate classes, makes me wish I was born a motivated normie in commerce.

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Get internships.
Work a little everyday in your free time.
Get good at math.
Understand the principles of computers well enough.
Learn how to use hotkeys and IDEs to use a computer efficiently and effectively, although don't be dependent on an IDE. It's good to practice in something like VIM.
Learn fundamental principles and not meme libraries, although that's important.
Learn how to read published conference and journal papers.
Practice, practice and practice everyday diligently for a little bit.
Don't downplay education beyond STEM classes. Take courses that develop broad knowledge beyond just STEM, and I don't mean meme politically correct courses, that force you how to read dense works, write and speak well.

Know that there is life beyond school and most people make their experience at college FAR FAR more difficult than it needs to be because they lack context. Life beyond school is far easier if you don't fuck around too much. Pace yourself.

Some more shit....

Don't get involved in partying. Be involved in constructive social activities. Learn how to develop the satisfaction from working hard. Avoid drugs. Don't fall into the trap of drinking to help with anxiety, face the thing that makes you feel bad.
Have a strict routine.
Don't skip class, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT SKIP CLASS!!! It's a horrible habit. Even if you don't pay attention, JUST FUCKIN' GO!!!
Go to the gym. Lift.
CS is broad, so try to find your niche and interests.
Go through MIT OCW lectures and try to be ahead of the class.
Go to office hours.
Try to do research with professors. At least develop a relationship with professors for letters of recommendation.

Computer Science has too much theory and too little practice. You would be well advised to do an internship, or an IT related side job while you study.
You don't have to do it in the first semester, but you should do it at some point.

Drink to make the programming go by faster fuck the others

Oxford 1st year CS fag here. Lectures are usually fine but you dont need to go, lecture notes are good enough and you can usually learn the material faster. I don't really go to lectures unless they are exceptionally interesting and I'm doing fine.

Haha hahaha hahaha hah

Good luck with that strat past 1st year

Oh we all "planned" to do it in time. Next thing you know you're in a frat drowning in alcohol and pussy that you forget you're at college.

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>Next thing you know you're in a frat drowning in alcohol and pussy
Do you know where you are?

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>networking with people
Aside from social anxiety because I'm too much of a pussy. The reason I avoid networking with others is that even if I do, these groups have 'quality control' when it comes to choosing likable people. Too many times I join with a group with similar interests they kick me out over petty shit like lack of communication, not 'skillful' or intellectual on certain things like pop culture, music, games etc. Aparently being genuinely nice but not gullible is not acceptable to most people.
>inb4 don't be a $ 0 y fag

Don't go to school, teach your self, get an entry level position and work your way up.

Do you know where you aren't.

>Getting brain damage and stds

woah bro, I could never drink a beer and stick my penis in a vagina, that takes skill

It's okay to be insecure user.

Num Num

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How's that job hunt going user? I'm sure the interviewer was very impressed that you read your sicp.

I'm not insecure. I've made a conscious decision not to get blackout drunk and HPV.

Are you trying to show off by posting a picture of a book you've never read?

I couldn't get a job so I started my own business. We're releasing our beta at the end of the year. Commercial release in June. Working on a distribution deal as well.

>Do you know where you aren't.
I know this is r9k buddy

Also, the skills I learned on plural-sight/working on my business could get me employed just about anywhere.

Sounds real insecure to me user. Don't get so angry because mommy burnt the pizza rolls bub

No, I was commenting on your numbers but I guess you are just a faggot.

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I'm glad it worked out for you but remember not everyone is as entrepreneurial as you and their ideas might be shitty or they lack them.

What a fucking faggot loser.

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But do you know where it is?

Also if you need a good reference for algorithms, I suggest

Fun fact: The guy who wrote that had 2.4 GPA in undergrad and never lets his students get away without knowing about it.

UTD junior CS major here
I'd reccomend learning a programming language on the side. Something like python, C#, or javascript. Getting jobs is all about internships and to get the interviews, being able to do languages that they are looking for will help a lot.

Also for interview questions you can practice similar things to them like at firebase and other similar sites. I would definitely reccomend doing a lot of easy questions and seeing how you measure up.

Class wise, make sure you take notes on paper and stay on top of your shit. Pretty simple but harder to achieve so there is not much i can say on that.

Lastly when it comes to networking I would go to some career fairs. Since you will most likely be a freshman just go in for practice since you have some anxiety about it. I personally did not join any clubs and turned out fine. They aren't necessary but they will give you a leg up on others.

Original content of two words "Num Num" and this computer faggot acts like a beta queer. You are a small dick faggot

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So you wanna just trade insults? Enjoy your student-loans/degree making a maximum of 300k a year. Enjoy never being more than that.

I was just joggin OP's Noggin. No point in going to school for 4 years, paying someone else to learn. When you could teach your self real world skills and get paid for it. If it doesn't work out for him, then there's other routes.

Oh, no u

no u

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>We're releasing our beta at the end of the year.
You are a beta.

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Leddit maymay. Oh.. I see..

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Inferiority complex because no college.

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damn. he got me...

Dubs. Got em.

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I'll admit, sometimes I worry about not going to college. But then I realize I would be sitting learning stupid shit 90% of the time I'd never use in the real world... Enjoy it though man! Lmao

College teaches you to be well rounded.

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read a book u dumb ass u fuckin up m8

answer this question real quick

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Sorry you're so insecure user it must really be feeling it. It's okay to be lonely user you can get through this :v

I have an MBA.

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>Jump through this hoop doggie! Do the trick!

no thank you fucking faggot. You don't use that stuff in the real world, unless you're a dumb CS Nigger.

Great. Do you run a business or do you work at a bank

Okay frat-bro, enjoy your nasty ass pussy and killer hangovers.

Making up stories of your life to try and impress being on Jow Forums is pretty low user. Lower than your none existent sex life.

Are you drunk? No, I have no interest in running a business or the need to.

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We all aren't beta's like you user. So insecure and full of regret. Wanna talk about it bub?


This a special dedication, (thank y'all)
I wanna thank you for the fuel,
No really thank you
(y'all better hear this s***)
I felt so inspired by what my teacher said,
Said I'd either be dead or be a reefer head,
Now sure if that's how adults should speak to kids,
Especially when the only thing I did was speak in cla**,
I teach his a**,

- Jay Z

Basically, thanks for ganging up on me because I don't believe in your bullshit degrees. Enjoy working for my company someday.

>no thank you fucking faggot. You don't use that stuff in the real world, unless you're a dumb CS Nigger.

Implying understanding the efficiency of code does not matter. You said earlier companies would hire you for what you already know but i highly doubt that now. Every interview involves time complexity and you couldnt even do something simple.

He is quoting Jay Z? He must be drunk.

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I think you'll be happy with any kind of company user. Do you need a friend? Is that insecurity eating you up bub? Are you really gonna be that beta?

Don't need to argue with you. I know what it takes to get a job in my specialization, and it's not that. Read a fucking book not required from your course for once and you'd understand how reality works.

Jay Z is only worth about a billion dollars, not like he's quote worthy or anything. No knowledge to be gained from him. Definitely.

>I know what it takes to get a job in my specialization
>I couldn't get a job so I started my own business

Look how deluded this cuck is


Jay Z is billionaire. See.. Going to college makes you a better person user. When you are billionaire and have free time I hope you get your degree and learn that being nice is more important than money.

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Not worth my time. Dumbass mindset.

So you really are insecure user. Why are you so angry? Did we hurt your feelings?

He wandered in from leddit and tried to show off.

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Enjoy life you fucking pathetic neet

Listens to Kanye West and Jay Z and decides to not go to college. Are you black by any chance?

Imagine coming into a thread asking for CS major advice just to show off that you didn't go to school and even though no job accepted you, that it is the right way to go

The classic my friend.

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If I was, what's that supposed to mean? If I was black I'd be proud.

Um.. What? user suspected black..

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>if I was
Confirmed insecure nignog we got'em boys.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference

At least I'm not ignorant.

Its omnipresent. You just need a device to summon it.

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>At least I'm not ignorant.

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Maybe it's where I'm not.

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You just because you took the path not many take does not make it a better path. The reason everyone is on your ass because you claim that path is better. Sure some paths work better for others, but for most cases college is the most reliable path to get the needed knowledge and a job. You need to realize that your choice is not better, it may have its advantages, but you also need to recognize its faults instead of having a stick in your ass about it.

Now I know why fraternities trigger you user. Don't be so insecure they make black ones too you still have a chance.

The most successful people in the world agree with me... Hmm...

For every successful guy without education, you can find 5 more with. You are actually delusional

Doesn't mean you can be successful the same way user. Stop being so insecure.

Welp, oh well. Just thought I'd weigh in. If my business fails I'll get a regular 9-5 with the skills I learned and start another one. I'm not saying I'm gonna be bill gates or Elon, but I very well could end up a multi-millionaire with my product. Such is life. Along the way I'm lining my bank account, rather than going into debt. There's a very significant argument for not going to college, not even for software. I've seen lots of smaller successful people who are not in college, kids with black cards at 19 etc. So. Whatever.

would it be O(n^2) ?
I mean runtime is obv less than n^2 but in big-o notation it would be this, right?

Nah its O(nlogn) since the second for loop ends exceptionally quicker the more iterations that occur

this thread is fuming with normalfags holy shit

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ITT user learns nothing. Good luck with your "company".

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And when you realize that the market is flooded with stuff similar to your "product" and go bankrupt you'll stop being so insecure? Also tax's user ;) you can't life off welfare forever

If you're the guy posting test questions here, you'd be well off to know optimization isn't even that big of a deal with modern computing, as things run so fast anyways. Even then, basic functionality comes first. Although technical debt can be a problem, it's not a big one. Only professors in college really give a shit about that bullshit. It's nice, but not absolutely necessary.

And you'd be well off to know there's a concept called market share, there doesn't have to be only one product on the market.

I feel bad for the girl you trick into bed with your scam. RIP tricked girl.

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>My "scam"


So funny. Rather than showing off, just try being nice!

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Okay. I will try to say this in the nicest way possible then.

I'm sorry you guys don't share my vision, thank you very much for your interest, and have a nice day!

Is that nice enough or can you tell I'm faking?

Field is going to pajeets more and more everyday. companies refuse to hire local people because they want more money. So they bitch to the government to get those sweet H1B visa's.

Its a good field but slowly deteriorating. Its unlikely we will be able to working these jobs 20 years from now. So you better be fucking brilliant or plan on a different career later on in life.

Odds of someone choosing your product over the ladder is what user? Untested in live work environment and less reliable than what another product can already do for more than likely cheaper or even for free? Maybe some big shot client will give you a major contract is that what you're hoping for? How are you even gonna sell your product with no experience in marketing or the proper back ground history that supports the subject matter? Or are you just insecure because you will never be in a fraternity ;)

>you'd be well off to know optimization isn't even that big of a deal with modern computing

Your level of ignorance is so high I don't even feel like explaining everything, and I'm not going to advertise my product on Jow Forums of all places.

Same to you.

Have a nice day, both of you, jesus christ. Peace out.

Why would you not nice post? Oh yes, I remember.

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RIP code monkey.