J-just take HRT you can be the gf

>j-just take HRT you can be the gf
>you'll look cute and find a boyfriend for sure

This is the ultimate fate of 99.9% of transfags. This is what you look like to the rest of the world. Autistic sexual deviants, the lot of you.

Attached: 1544747297455.jpg (900x1200, 208K)

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Chris never took HRT.

Does he even actually take HRT?

This isnt very fair, this is like 99th percentile of uncurable autism

>This is the ultimate fate of 99.9% of transfags.
You got this number wrong, it's more like 99.99999999% that most trannies will look like pic related.

Attached: IMG_0547.png (866x900, 159K)

How does he have the tits then?

its kinda weird how obsessed some people are with transsexuals, not gonna lie

a lifetime of little to no exercise and a diet of junk food and cum fanta

who is this qt? She seems kinda lonely

Attached: 1499843497034.jpg (754x1158, 103K)

>haha ur a tranner if u hate tranners :D
neck yourself

nah, all im saying is its fucking weird to be obsessed with people who don't impact your life at all. I dont even really support trans shit, dudes like you are just fucking weird

suck some more tranny dick, user.

lmao, WE'RE the weird ones

Attached: laugh 2.0.jpg (258x586, 46K)

Its become more popular and accepted and our society is becoming a degenerate mess, trans people and acceptance are a part of the problem.

trannies ruined the board. we need to spread more straight porn.

Attached: cream.webm (1280x720, 1.66M)

eh, i guess that's kind of true.

It's probably mostly a religious thing. Christfags are retarded.

Heya, a fellow Atheism+brother.
*raises paw*

based skitty
best butthole around, male or female

Attached: 1529304039701.jpg (1280x720, 145K)

I'm literally going to puke.

You're the ones who get caught doing meth with male prostitutes.


1.8 liters of soda EVERY SINGLE DAY, and that's just the average.

You will only look good as a tranny if you already weren't ugly. That's what's wrong with a lot of trannies, they think HRT is some kind of miracle drug that turns them into a cute girl. You already had to be cute for it to work, and also start young.

I know someone I graduated with who is a tranny and started at like 16. Very down to Earth, kind, and you wouldn't notice if you met her. Idk though, I feel like modern trannies just want attention and to not even be the gender they think they are. They're like vegans, they don't shut the fuck up about it and make their entire personality be based around it.

Jow Forums is obsessed with trannies user. Either loving them or hating them, nobody ever shuts up about these attention whores. Which is sad because that's the only way to make them go away.