How would you react if your highschool bully fucked your shy fembot gf?
How would you react if your highschool bully fucked your shy fembot gf?
The sooner you realize all women are treacherous whores who are driven by their lizard brains seeking bigger (thinking its better) the better you will feel about yourself and stop wasting time on useless pursuit.
Even shy women are too dumb to stop and think what they are doing, they will just go by their vagina, ( its almost as women are same as horny men who don't think with their heads)
Yeah women are dumb
But what if the bully was a female?
I'd probably crack and execute them both at gunpoint
I would start the beta uprising.
Don't have either, but was never bullied, so I guess I'd wake up.
I would prefer him fuck my mother since that would line up better with my deviant fantasies
i'd wonder where my shy fembot gf came from
nigga i'm a 6'4 black man with a big dick and long nuts aint no bitch ass faggot gonna bully me. matter of fact, i'd be the one cucking the cumskins lmao
This would be fucking kino and I wouldn't even complain
I don't have a highschool bully because I knew how to survive and act tough. Just that I didn't know how to fit in.
You speak true wisdom
what's wrong with males on the internet these days? everything is cuck this, cuck that, chad this, you guys are going crazy
They both get to meet S&W.
>implying any of us have a gf
I didn't get bullied in high school. Was an awkward virgin until I was 19yo tho.
Just learn how to fight and get ripped. Your testosterone levels will be through the roof and bitches smell that shit dawg
Lol, you need to make the grammar more believable
I would be surprised as hell seeing as he died 5 years ago.
Not a virgin but learned to fight and got ripped
I'm less attractive now than when I was skinny and awkward
yeah, it's fucked up
99% of "cheating" images that get posted here are just normal pictures of people having sex with weird cuckold fake snapchat captions shooped in
it's a strange fetish
>shy fembot gf?
Stop this meme, sage
It's even weirder when they edit the hentai pictures and insert their strange ace of spades tattoos and make the males black as coal
I had a girlfriend who cheated on me with my brother. Didn't feel great about that.
It happens to most of us. Your gf will fuck your best friend or the guy you hate the most.
can't imagine having a brother so simple-minded and desperate for sex that he would ruin his family relationships for it
>highschool bully
I never had a highschool bully, the one time that a kid tried to start something, i beated the shit out of him.
I wasn't chad or anything, but i was well respected among the other kids.
>shy fembot gf
Another thing that i never had.
Not him, but that's Not all that rare.
My grandpa was cucked by his bro, he divorced that ho, meet My granma, had some kids, and then cucked his bro.
>getting into serious relationships in soon 2019
Absolutely based good sir. Stay classy redpilled user
It's funny, My mom has told me things very similar to this since i was about 8yo.
Break up with her, and find someone else of course.
Why would she do that??? Why would she fuck another girl????????
Yeah, but then you date a girl and her younger sister is even hotter and she wants to fuck you.
only highschool bully I'd allow is if the bully was my gf, you dumdum
shy people aren't interesting, I'm shy myself and shy + shy = shit relationship
Well what do expect with rampant porn use and fixation on not getting cheated on lol.
I'd wank to it. I've already prepared myself for this day by wanking to lots of cuck porn.
Happened to me twice, so you're not wrong. Women are worthless. At least the women I've known.
>has boyfriend
>has sex with another man
as if fembots existed to begin with