Sis is gonna pay for me to visit a psychiatrist. I feel really fucking guilty about it but it's worth a shot.
What am I in for?
Therapy stories
A roastie/normie sitting on a chair and just listening to you, with the occasional obvious comment or insight every 10-15 minutes.
Its honestly only worth it if you have meme depression or you are a rare and dont actually know whats wrong with you.
I'm pretty sure I know wtf is up with me.
I used to visit a psychologist as a teen and I know the won't do shit now.
Psychiatrists are the same?
You need a specialized therapist in whatever you're going through.
There is a specialised therapist in being a brainlet fuckup that doesn't want to shower, talk to people or leave the house?
>it's worth a shot
it's really not. not unless you need to be diagnosed for some kind of mental illness.
Literaly nobody here had a positive experience?
Lol its literally called getting your lazy ass up and not waiting for magic to just happen.
Yeah man, cause I totally didn't try that
Dumb faggots on this board
really depends. if you are lucky you get someone who is actually good. but Id say most therapists are bad and especially if you are not in the normal range of personality they dont understand you at all. also be wary of those who immediately want you to come back 10 times per week. those are the worst. if the therapist cant immediately give you something of value they also wont after the 10th time
most important factor is empathy. if the therapist does not show empathy for your struggles theyre not worth shit
have you tried listening to stefan molyneux callins on youtube? some incredibly fucked up people call in and I think stefan does a good job. he digs right down to the root cause, proposes solutions, shows empathy and so on. most importantly, he isnt a cuck. when you can relate to one of the call ins it could help you too
Dude you only described what you were going through and nobody can solve that except yourself. Therapy can only diagnose and improve what causes this behaviour, like let's say depression, and it can give you a boost into the right direction, but you gotta take the steps man. If you don't, nothing's gonna work for you. Nobody can save you except yourself.
Also, quit the tranny porn.
I just googled "big boobs" and found it funny when a small titty tranny came up, I don't fap to that shit
Also I know man, thing is I've tried. I sleep well, eat well, force myself to do shit, tried various hobbies and exercises. I still don't want to leave the house, even if the stars align and someone invites me out. Getting out of bed is a drag, taking a shower is a drag, putting clothes on is a drag, leaving the house is a drag and then I feel awkward even if I end up having a decent time.
I've been a NEET for over a year now, I'd rather it doesn't become 2 years
I googled his name and he looks like a basedboi
Thanks for the tips though
Looks like you have some sort of social anxiety, you just need a therapist to diagnose and treat you. The therapists other anons claim to just give an "Oh I see" to everything you say are probably just low grade government funded counselors.
The therapist will only ask you question on your fist time speaking. Like why are you there etc. Then you will prob get a few test with questions like "How sad are you". Then she will either send you to psychward, another therapist or you will get a next meeting set up with her. Or she will send you home because you dont have a mental illness
I love how the assumed gender is a "she"
Is there any reason behind the inflated number of female therapists? Women are terrible listeners
>Is there any reason behind the inflated number of female therapists?
Easy bux to sit and look pretty while someone blathers at you and you occasionally interrupt with some obvious normie """advice"""
>never see a female therapist unless you're a girl. Always see a therapist that matches your sex.
>see a properly licensed one, not some dipshit that "did therapy training". Someone that has an actual degree. this is part of why women therapists are a meme in general, because a lot of them aren't properly licensed
>if you want medication, see a psychiatrist instead. They have to go to med school to get certified because they're responsible for giving out meds.
>Therapy doesn't instantly work, it's a process. The first few visits will most likely be bullshit like getting to know you type of questions.
the absolute most important one is that you see a man instead of a woman. there are loads of horror stories on here about women "psychologists" who turn out to just be retards that completed an online counseling program, if they even have any sort of training in the first place.
t. psych student in uni. psych in general is filled with a fuckton of misconceptions and fake faggots that have 0 formal training.
It's all about connection with therapist. If there's no in let's say 2-3 months then find another.
I'm visiting a psychiatrist but she's a woman.
I was told she's good, but the one who reccomended her to me was also a woman so dunno
I'll keep that in mind
So urm, kinda like how dating is for men but replacing advice with jokes
If nothing else it might be helpful to get a diagnosis. Whether you can make any meaningful change or progress on your problems is an unknown, though.
I had to burn through multiple roastie "therapists" until I found a male psychologist who specialized in CBT.
>If nothing else it might be helpful to get a diagnosis.
I don't see how that's useful
I don't care if what I have (if I have anything) has a name, I just wanna improve things
How did that go?
Congrats! Somebody actually loves you. Work hard and don't let her down. Therapy isn't so scary when you know the magic words "I'm not planning to harm myself or anyone else." If you want to talk about feel like you want to die say you "feel hopless and are experiencing passive ideation" but make sure you stress that you don't have a plan or a desire to actually carry it out. "Do you feel suicidal" is always a trick question because if you say yes you're getting a 72 hour hold in the whacky shack. Other than that everything is free game. Tell the fucker everything and don't worry what they think about you. Therapists are barely functional jackasses themselves but they have useful knowledge
My therapist is a woman and I bully her. It feels good.
Does "I don't wanna harm myself but kinda wish I could get cancer that would kill me in 12 months" count?
A scam where some shitbird listens to you just enough to sell you drugs. Psychiatrists are pharmajews to the core. Go to a psychologist instead.
I frequently tell them I want to kill myself by jumping in front of a train. They don't admit me to hospital over it.
Obviously didnt try very hard. There are downies that get up and go to work every day.
You're just a bitch that wants pity.
I don't want pity from anyone
>Obviously didnt try very hard.
If you say so
What if the jewpill helps though?
A psychiatrist is better than a psychologist because then you can get some scripts and score some benzos for relaxing or amphetamines for wanting uppers or concentration. There's lots of drugs to score, it's legal, and it's a way to pass your piss tests without being fired.
Never done drugs but anyone I've talked to that's on benzos is clinically retarded and everyone who does uppers is an obnoxious cunt
I wouldn't mind some psychedelics but that ain't happening :(
Not OP. I'm friendless and I just want to have a meaningful conversation somebody other than my parents. That is why I go to therapy
Some people have legit organic depression. I guess the biggest risk is getting wrong diagnosis and medication.
first of all what are u going to therapy for and how do u think therapy can help u?
if u have stuff like bipolar / chemical depression then just getting drugs might be enough then the therapy will b a waste of time and $
if u have meme-depression or autism or whatever shit that cannot be touched by drugs then id say fuck therapy.
a lot of ppl say therapists are shit and its mostly true. most of the time its just paying to get some guy who went to psych school to listen to u and spout obvious advice which u probably already know. but there are a few good ones specializing in things like CBT, DBT, some even use hypnosis etc. just that those are hard to find and probably more expensive.
>chemical depression
I don't think I do but how is anyone supposed to know? Suggesting people to just use meds on their own is kinda dumb
The pill helps. It turns you into someone who isn't afraid anymore. Nothing is stopping you anymore. You have to eliminate the biological fear process.
I don't wanna get up! Me no likey work! Me no likey bath time! No! No!
Grow up
Try them for a month. If it still feels good keep taking it and if it doesn't wean yourself off.
>therapist wants me admitted to hospital
>give her a shit eating grin with yellow teeth from smoking and swear her I would stop eating and drinking in hospital
And that is how you stay away from hospital as a schizo.
Shut up. You have no idea what anxiety so severe you need meds to calm your fears feels like.
But I do all these things, doesn't change the fact that they drain me.
I don't think it's normal to be drained by daily activities like that.
I don't think not controlling my breathing and having my ears get blocked when I'm in public normal either.
I guess I should just clean my room and look people in the eye more
I can't imagine how that's like.
I can't relate, but have you gotten any better?
>It turns you into someone who isn't afraid anymore.
I doubt that will ever happen
If you take enough meds it does. You have to change your brain at the chemical level. Therapy doesn't work.
What's your med experience senpai?
How were you before, what did u take and how is your life now?
I hear mixed stories, mainly people saying they had no effect or just bad side effects
What do you think a therapist is going to say to do?
They are going to say, "alright, this week I want you to bathe once and leave the house once. Next week you will report back and we will go from there. That will be 300 dollars"
Then you will be instructed to slowly but surely start acting like a normal person. You might get some drugs to address anxiety or something but they will just be tranquilizers to calm you down. It won't really address the issue.
Why not save everyone some money and just fucking shower?
My friend want me to go to therapy and claims it helped him a lot. The issue is his problem wasnt so severe (dad's death at young age, mom focused on work) while mine is sexual abuse at a very young age.
I dont want to pay for hours of normie advice from someone who can barely comprehend my state of mind.
Anyone here had similar past and used therapy?
God you're fucking retarded or trying too hard to pretend you're retarded
If you want psychedelics, just grow your own. Mushroom spores contain no psilocybin, so they are completely legal to purchase. In fact, they might do more for your state of mind than anything legal.
I suggest digging around and finding therapist with a lot of experience. Sexual abuse victims isnt that rare of a case.
I went to therapy and he said things like to imagine myself in a safe space whenever something makes me feel bad. And to count to ten when I'm angry out loud.
Pretty great; I'm back in school after being a NEET for 5 years. I have to warn you though, CBT is brutal.
Dunno where to get them and I've been told it's really fucking hard to grow them
I've also never done drugs before and I was told it's better to have a trip sitter your first time even on mushrooms
The issue is anxiety. If the anxiety is calmed down by meds the issue is addressed. The goal is stopping anxiety because anxiety is the problem.
Wuaaaaaa I'm so depressed, mommy help me.
Kill yourself you waste of space
I'm feeling guilty already dude, I'm pretty sure I might be just a lazy fuck so you can stop trying
>or you are a rare and dont actually know whats wrong with you.
I think this may be the case for me, I've been trying to make friends but no one ever follows up and asks me to do anything, feels like I'm doing something wrong that I'm not aware of. The only thing I can chalk it up to is being quiet most of the time because I don't have anything to say
Look them in the eyes, give them a firm handshake when you see them
They'll respect that
Dont fall for the "its a friend for hire" meme. Its not. I had severe social anxiety and after a couple months of treatment it really did help. Alot of the things she is going to say will sound retarded and obvious but try to cooperate with her, she is a professional
I do that though,
Give good handshakes, look people in the eyes, am almost always smiling.
People are always friendly enough with me, but nothing more. It's as though everyone pities me just enough to let me be around them in between classes but nowhere else
Listening to fucktards on Jow Forums?
This cunt is a dumbfuck giving advice to OP. Shut your cunt mouth.
OP, get the fuck off Jow Forums and get some professional advice.
not suggesting using meds on their own, im suggesting they go to a psychiatrist and get a proper diagnosis and get meds from there, rather than a therapist who doesnt prescribe shit and just talks