Famous mudshark Sara Hamilton (pic related) on video with her baby daddy

Famous mudshark Sara Hamilton (pic related) on video with her baby daddy.


On this guys instagram instagram.com/joshswan_/ there is zero mention of her and the kid, it's as if they never even existed she just got pregnant and he walked out and carried on living his life. Not one pic of his daughter on there. The daughter is being raised by the white guy.

Is it normal for black men in America to do this?

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imagine being this obsessed cringe yikes

why do you care? they seem happy.

Who the fuck gives a shit, honestly? Waste of time to be concerned with this.

It's actually an important issue. Men are leaving their kids behind and not even giving a shit about how they are raised? who is raising them? In this case it seems she married a good decent guy, but how did the guy walking out know who she would get? She could have bought a child abuser around his daughter or anything and the guy doesn't care? I can't understand how men can be ok with just abandoning their offspring knowing in most cases the woman is going to have different men coming in and out of their child's life

Samefag. This is a leftypol nigger who thinks he is achieving something by shilling "anti racism".

Its not all but you'll say it is anyway while you try to fuck non-white and white women.

>toll status: partially paid
of course she's happy, she got away without being beaten or murdered and she found some dumb faggot to raise her kid for her

many are not so lucky

How is it possible that a guy that looks as good as him is reduced to dating and even marrying a w oman with a kid? I thought tall good looking men like that were supposed to have their pick of women?

>Men are leaving their kids behind and not even giving a shit about how they are raised?
Yeah, that is a problem. But not mine. In the massively unlikely event I have children, I wouldn't run away. But I can't make decisions for other (cowardly) men. I'm only in control of the mind in my own skull.

the same way it's possible to be a human being with apparently infinite potential and the one thing you become known for is being a coal burner

just guessing though i don't know for sure

Sara Hamilton, is that you?

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The white dude is an idiot an arguably a cuck. With that said why do you care say much, that is cringe as fuck.

Women all desire BBC and will only go with pathetic wh*te """men""" after they're used up

Raising children is for basedboy cucks, black dudes have it figured out

Pump and dump is the natural order of human relationships

>Is it normal for black men in America to do this?

>Is it normal for black men in America to do this?
do you even have to ask?

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How do you even pronounce that? Austin? That a boy name...

Holy shit the grandpa turned into Robin Williams

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Yeah, this is unfortunately the norm for black men.

Cuckolds need to be openly shamed at this point

god why would you post this

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Based black man, this is how you deal with roasties