They are literally begging for you wtf is the matter with you beta cucks

they are literally begging for you wtf is the matter with you beta cucks

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Would love to see what they expect these guys to look like

they all have dicks

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All scientific data says average is fine as long as you look masculine/dominant instead of like a fellow girl

weak, receding chin? if your jaw is wide and your brow is heavy, some girl likes cavemen.
short? muscles, mocked as they are by taller guys (LOL MANLET!), get some girls wet
bald? doesn't fucking matter, seriously.

all you need to be is be a man. women go to the most dominant men first and put simple attractiveness second. only when the more attractive man is dominant looking and acting (the "chad") do they prefer him. low test, slim faced prettyboys unironically have it worse than somewhat ugly cavemen and manlets.

men are bad at judging their own attractiveness because the male brain is obsessed with aesthetics, while women actually look for male functionality.

These men with compensating attributes certainly get women into bed but a woman's eye starts to wander pretty fucking fast when she sees guys with less flaws
The manlet with muscles is good for a quick lay, but in a relationship she will start wondering about the tall buff dude at work

They are trannies, silly.

There are no girls on crystal cafe. Just guys e-rping and girls

they don't want the incel trash that inhabits this board

>women actually look for male functionality.
That is so fucking backwards it's almost laughable. Fuck off with your bullshit, roastie scum.

I'd honestly feel bad if they were actually begging for someone like me.

They ban and delete male posts, I can't even message these fucking girls m8.

Look at this post. A normie girl knows about r9k. I wonder how true this is for the female user base of r9k and these other sites

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No he's right In that line you fucking autist. By functionality he means indicatiors of high test. Such as a wider face, sharp square jaw line, strong chin, heavy brow and hunter eyes.
He's also extremely correct about dominance, it's extremely important and I have seen tho rare, Chads get cucked because they were beta pussies.
The only thing he stated that was questionalbe is how much more important being dominant is over looks.

>Crystal Cafe
You know they are fucking crazy right? The hate men with a passion.

>bald? doesn't fucking matter, seriously
How do you figure that?

user they hate men. They might not be neets (there are a lot crystal cafe female neets) but they are women that hate men and wanna hurt them. I really hope you don't expect to find some loving women on that site.

Stop trying to get Jow Forums with crystalcafe. Robots want Stacy and fembots want Chad. That's all there is to it. You'll never attract losers with other losers.

tldr ya seethin simp

>that original feel when no crystalcafe gf

they are larpers my pal

>tfw would actually be pretty attractive if not for a weak chin from my 5/10 mom
Think about what you're fucking doing when you're settling asshole chads

Robots definitely would take the fembots, or they used to want them anyway

No they wouldn't. I'm telling you, losers don't want to be around other losers. They clash and end up making each other even more miserable than they started out.

>men are bad at judging their own attractiveness because the male brain is obsessed with aesthetics, while women actually look for male functionality.
>while women actually look for male functionality
if women were such functionality detectors why arent there any women engineers out there

rekt and bluepilled

Grow a beard if you can, I have weak beard growing cheeks but I still try to keep it growing.