smiling qts edition
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/r9gay/ - #538
gib me a smol qt3.14 bf
woah, that's one happy boy
Reminder that catboys are the best boys.
There will come a time when all neets will be forcefully genetically engineered into catboy bfs for good working men.
I think a lot of neets would welcome that desu
>monster shit
Either go full furry or stay human
>go full furry
Please don't
Well, prospective bf? I'm waiting...
do I get a rough, sandpaper-like tongue?
Cat ears are scientifically proved to the only cute non-human feature on humans.
Tails are allowed because they're part of the package. And might as well add some use for the useless human tailbone.
I just want to talk to someone from r9gay
if only there was a system on r9gay that allowed you to write messages which other visitors could see and reply to....
don't be mean user, they probably mean off the site where they can actually get to know someone.
You'll just ghost anyway. You lot always do.
>Cat ears are scientifically proved to the only cute non-human feature on humans
what about cat eyes? Cat eyes are pretty cute desu
what is it that you want to talk about then?
>tfw made separate discord to talk to guys from here but lost the password
they probably think I ghosted them but actually I'm just retarded
Humans are superior in all ways.
but if that's true then why put cat ears on them at all? Isn't a boy's fluffy hair enough?
love me some cute boys
tfw cant think of orginal comentt
I'm 5'4, wear round glasses and wear woolly jumpers all the time, do I count?
your smol and the way you dress sound qt3.14 like if you also fit the qt and bf part then you count I guess.
>tfw you're a zoomer and pewdiepie is your husbando
I hope I'm qt and not just annoying
another cute boi
ok thats pretty qt user but whats your smile like uwu
>tfw no cute smiley cowboy bf
How could a bf be annoying? what do you think makes you annoying?
Does anyone just go through these threads for cute pics?
I-I sure don't haha.
I've been told my smile is nice, and right now I quite like my smile
I used to hate it, but now I like it, I've been more positive about myself recently, I have a happy smile
I have a really bad stutter and really bad anxiety, so I worry that I'm kind of annoying
I'm glad you like your smile user i bet its wonderful uwu
what about your hopes and dreams
what are your interests uwu
you shouldnt feel annoying
The stutter always there or when the anxiety kicks in? I guess some people do get annoyed by that hopefully you also know people who tell you it doesn't matter to them and it's not annoying.
>uwu posting
please do not
I find stutters to be somewhat qt desu
dwont cwalenbe mwie owo uwu
How bad of a stutter? Stutter is pretty cute, I wouldn't say it's annoying but it could be awkward if it's so bad that you actually just can't communicate properly
does anybody else go through these threads in hopes of finding a short scandinavian bf?
maybe, wats it to you?
not much, other than explaining to you, that's what i do
Thank you!
I like baking and art and flowers.
Considering hopes and dreams I don't know, I'd hope to get a job and move out of my parents house, I feel like quite the burden.
A dream of mine is to be like a housewife and cook dinner for my husband, but you know, there's a long way to go before that happens
The stutter is a pretty common occurrence, but so is the anxiety. I think it happens due to overthinking or something, it's just really overwhelming, online friends don't mind, but my irl friends say "what are you having a stroke or something?" then everyone laughs at me and it makes me stutter even more
people call it cute, But I just get so embarrassed because I waste peoples time while I'm there for like 20 seconds sometimes repeating the same thing, unable to get off it.
Speaking in front of crowds I can keep going, but I still stutter every few words because I'm forcing it all out fast as I can to get it over with. It's not impossible to speak, but it just gets in the way and makes me very anxious
hypothetically if a short american moved to skandiland would you consider him? are you tall?
depends on a lot of things, but yes probably
yes, im very tall
user you sound really nice
you should have more confidence in yourself
I'm sure you look great, you got nice hobbies, and a lovely smile
I'm sure youll do great at finding someone and youve got my support uwu
You still stutter when you are alone and speaking to yourself? I mean, assuming that you have tried speaking to yourself out loud. Can't tell if your friends are saying that as a joke against you or with you hope it's the non mean one.
What type of baking you like doing?
Give masculine bad boy bf NOW! I've been ghosted too many times for no reason.
Fuck it. Fuck it all.
everyone here is a ghosting faggot, i hate it
What makes you think they wouldn't ghost you
If you are Onym I will be so pissed
>for no reason
kek, you're probably too clingy and people find it annoying desu
I don't think a stutter would bother most people in your case, I think most people that are interested in your type would just find it cute desu
>bad boy bf
>I've been ghosted too many times for no reason
what did you expect user
>Give masculine bad boy bf NOW
>been ghosted too many times for no reason
Okay, now this is epic.
Thank you very much, I'm just really struggling to be comfortable with myself, and my anxiety is making me really scared of putting myself out there
I don't really talk to myself out loud too often, I'm kind of scared of making noise, It worries me if someone could hear, even if I'm home alone.
My friends are saying it in a jokey way, but it's more of a joke to make everyone but me laugh. It's still embarrassing for me when they point it out. Sometimes when I stutter for 10 seconds or more, I'll stop and say I'm really sorry, but then go back into stuttering, it's pretty extreme
Baking brownies is my favourite! But cookies and cupcakes are good too. Pretty much, I just like making things I can share with my friends
I guess people find it cute, but just for me personally I worry about it, I don't want to end up having a future boyfriend yell at me because he can't understand what I'm trying to say
Does anyone else go through these threads to have some sort of social connection
shut up
Everyone everywhere is
Because it often works that we're just arranging a day and time to go out and as it gets close to the time, they just disappear from the internet. The only thing that consistently happens to put them off is the prospect of meeting face to face.
Not like that kind of bad boy, user. Like a generally rebellious looking and not flaming preppy fag faggot. Even the best personalities seem to turn sour all of a sudden.
Exactly how often do you even have a situation where you find someone compatible enough in both personality and location that you're able to set up a time for you to meet face to face? Even with that, how quickly do you ask to meet them? This all seems kind of weird user.
Lucky friends, hope they enjoy the brownies and cupcakes. Even with your anxiety it already seems like you are getting out into social interactions.
You tried or thought of seeking a speech therapist?
>tfw no bf to bake with, one bread for the morning the other cake or something for desert
youre welcome user
if you ever want to talk at any time about things I have a discord
more friends are always better yknow so you could message me whenever
other than that I hope things get better
youve got alot going for you so chin up kiddo
I only attract artsy girls and people tell me I look annoyed or depressed, and I question why people ask me to do things, does that count as a bad boy
sometimes I come in and talk to the fellow anons about themselves
it feels nice
Where ya from little thing
Unpopular opinion: If you get ghosted, you probably deserved it
You come here to prey on socially outcast anons to lure them into your discord shenanigans and exploits
I think it depends a lot, sometimes people truly just stop talking for what literally amounts to no reason
I have a very good group of friends, I'm really lucky to have them, if it wasn't for my best friend I'd probably still be kind of lonely and not in contact with anyone.
But we're going to the cinema tonight!! That'll be nice
Thank you very much, I'd love to add you on discord, just keep in mind, you should message me first, I'm never good at starting a conversation without a really good cue
I'm from England, everyone nice I meet seems to be from out of the country, makes me sad that they're all so far away
>I guess people find it cute, but just for me personally I worry about it, I don't want to end up having a future boyfriend yell at me because he can't understand what I'm trying to say
I can understand that. I don't think you have anything to worry about though, frankly anyone that would get angry at you because of it is a bad person and not someone you want to be associating with anyway. And you seem to be the type where it's usually considered endearing rather than weird.
well if thats what you wanna call it user
I usually dont give out my discord
add me Ahzy#6833
I'll dm you every now and then to see how youre doing ok!
What movie you guys watching tonight? remember to sneak in a couple cupcakes.
true, if they were nasty to me they probably aren't a good partner for me, but I still can't help but worry that me being so dumb will make them mad eventually
I think I'd need more time to bake if I wanted to take cupcakes in with me, I might just have to get snacks there, or after the movie
We're going to see the new spiderman thingy
Good morning faggots! My coffee is ready and it is Friday! What could be better?
What are you guys doing today?
>he says as he hands out a discord
Not a direct match but seems close enough Sir /soc/
goodmorning user!
how was your sleep today?
>tfw fell asleep and missed the vocaroo train
Funny you ask. I woke up from a strange dream only to find myself in sleep paralysis!
si that is my discord
I meant I usually dont give it out here as its not soc
also why you looking me up
what was your dream about user :?
>tfw done with this week of work
>tfw another weekend is gonna pass with me being lonely and doing nothing
>tfw no bf
To show you as the preying /soc you are hunting for vurnable robots for your discord exploits
>another week over and i'm simply just continuing to drown in alcohol, apathy and depression
the dentist is officially ending our professional relationship because it's been six months and i still haven't mustered up the energy to pay a 20 dollar bill i had the money for all along
>what was your dream about user :?
>was living in a trailer park place
>Went to take out the trash
>saw other people throwing out dead monkeys
>This was normal for me for some reason and I left back to my house
>On my way back I wanted to cross through the woods but there was construction happening
>Scared to get hit by flying pieces of wood I went the regular way
>I got stopped by a man cutting a tree who asked if I can do something. I agree
>I met up with 3 other people and went for a car ride
>Passed a funny looking street when the car took a sharp turn
>Then down a steep hill where the car felt like it was at a 60-degree angle
>Woke up I heard a sharp buzzing noise in my left ear followed by bright flashing lights
how was your week at work user? were you doing anything interesting?
>sharp buzzing noise in my left ear followed by bright flashing lights
I think you got probed by aliens user
sounds scary user
did everything end up being ok?
I want to be anally probed by an alien
>Tfw no alien bf to actually probe me
I mean I made it to the morning so yeah. The scary part was I woke up from that dream, looked at the clock, tried to go back to sleep when that last bit happed. After the bright flash and noise (Which sounded like a CR TV turning off) I felt like I was in sleep paralysis.
Don't speak with him, he rarely respond. He is a living wreck.
you really just have to keep trying. it took me forever to find the perfect r9k bf, but I never gave up. Now we've been together for 6 months and do comfy things like send each other cute drawings we make
what happened to him? and why i shouldn't speak to him?
he's from stockholm and old asf
just let him post everyday but don't give him hope
This, just let him die. That's for the best.
is stockholm bad and how old :?
i believe he's in his late 20s
thats not really "old asf"
theres people here 40-50
>theres people here 40-50
god i hope they never respond to any of my messages
nothing wrong with stockholm, and late 20s isn't old ffs.
What do you do for a living? I'm kind of a wagie myself, I know it sucks, really drains all the motivation out of you.
They're out of your league anyway t b h.
t. grandpa
don't ever respond to any of my messages again you pedo
>tfw broke student/neet can't afford to travel to ldr bf
>tfw he's broke too and doesn't have a place to host
>tfw can't get bf to begin with because potato brains
Wouldn't being a student imply you're not a neet? Since you're "in education".
Yes, but that distinction is irrelevant in this context because their financial situation is the same.
What r9gay baking today?
Hope the buns turn out alright.