>never seen snow
You 1st world robots dont know just how hard it is for us 3rd worlders
>never seen snow
You 1st world robots dont know just how hard it is for us 3rd worlders
Do you not own a freezer?
It's not that amazing but everybody need a bit of snow
>tfw 10 years ago was the last time I saw the sea
It's one of those that doesnt make snow ;_;
Is it snowing rn where you live user?
Same i live in the middle of the mountains yet its always hot as fuck barely gets comfy fog
Snow is trash and you aren't missing anything.
I'm ready to debate anyone on this.
Oh it's cool. Want me to send you some fresh snow? It's lightly snowing right now.
Exblain why is bad
Most be comfy lad
>Exblain why is bad
>gets dirty as fuck
>impairs society on a large scale when it happens unless you sink a huge amount of resources into managing it
>leaves everything wet as fuck when it goes away
>gets crushed into ice which get very slippery, literally becoming traps trying to kill you in your town
>looks pretty for a really short while before it gets gross and melts away into the atmosphere, insuring the weather is extra cold the following days
Exactly this, fucking muddy mess after a few days. Also when it kinda melts but freezes over the next day again everything is nippy slippy trippy
so thankful my family got asylum status to live in america, or else I'd probably be dying in a destitute third world islamic shithole.
Your country have any mountains?
Do you "enjoy" the local cuties too? ;)
Grats user. Mine isnt islamic but is way worse than those
Yea but doesnt snow there
>never seen sand
and I probably never will. god I hate living in an eastern european ex commie slavic latin shithole
Let's keep it that way, savage
Agreed, I feel like snow is only nice when you're a kid.
As a texasfag, I had to move to relocate for a job and holy fuck I'll take sweaty humidity & chances of hurricanes over freezing cold weather and blizzards anyday.
Trying to drive through that shit, changing my tires,had to insulate my house popes, shoveling, having to defrost every morning etc. It's just a fucking hassle. As soon as my year is up, I'm putting in a transfer.
How can a third worlder be a robot? Don't you guys have enough problems
Well I've never seen crystal clear ocean waters.
You would literally need vitamin supplements to survive here due to lack of vitamin D
Kek there's a black girl at my job who immigrated here from Africa and she's always complaining about how cold winter is
Places with snow are richer and more succesful go back to Africa faggot
I'm white, bro