Humans are a plague that should be eliminated.
Humans are a plague that should be eliminated
yeah i agree, theres websites dedicated to abusing people for fun.
*females are a plague that should be eliminated
That are run by women.
We are already doing pretty well at that.
Who would win?:
>the entire human race
Boy I hope climate change creates a scenario ala The Day After Tomorrow. Just imagine all those normies freezing to death.
To demonstrate the staggering likelihood of the extinction of the human race - even if we somehow manage to prevent all natural causes of extinction, there will come a time, and do not think any level of bureaucracy or care will stop this because given time and technological progression, and the global proliferation of information, there will come a time when the means to eradicate humans are so available, it would take only one slightly motivated individual o ensure it. As long as people like you exist, humans WILL go extinct. Rejoice in this, I guess.
>tfw you have the power to destroy the world
feels good man
Yeah start with yourself
Normie normie normie, your time will come. Don't worry.
>As long as people like you exist, humans WILL go extinct. Rejoice in this, I guess.
This is one of the most epic things I've read in a long time.
>it would take only one slightly motivated individual to ensure it.
We've been at that ppint since the invention of nuclear bombs. Just have drop 10 in certain parts of the ocean and you'll wipe out 99% of the population
I bet this in un-original
We've made it easier, yes, but the power is still centrally controlled. Into the next hundred years it is foreseeable that nuclear technology, or very dangerous conventional weapons become so decentralized it would take only one lonely virgin to google "fusion reactor" or "matter-antimatter collision" to finish it.
But doing this would also wipe out most life on Earth. The purpose of causing human extinction would be saving the rest of life forms.
Fash prim gang. Heil Ted.
Saved. Based and redpilled.
waiting for zombies tobeveryhonest
This. I always say that the only way we'd ever attain world peace is if humans went extinct.
wise words user.
very fucking original
>Heil Ted
Fascism, as a form of authoritarianism, basically represents everything Ted stood against.
I know your meme ideology from Twitter, all this bullshit you guys are spilling over Ted's teachings is delusional.
Fuck off retarded. Nature is inherently fascist.
Not sure if bait with that pic of Vikernes now, but anyways I want you to elaborate a reasonable argument to reconcile the Kaczynskian definition of 'freedom' with the political ideology of fascism. If you give me a good reasoning I will pass your claim as valid.
I'll leave you this here below so that you can quote it in your argumentation if you needed:
>By "freedom" we mean the opportunity to go through the power process, with real goals not the artificial goals of surrogate activities, and without interference, manipulation or supervision from anyone, especially from any large organization. Freedom means being in control (either as an individual or as a member of a SMALL group) of the life-and- death issues of one's existence; food, clothing, shelter and defense against whatever threats there may be in one's environment. Freedom means having power; not the power to control other people but the power to control the circumstances of one's own life. ...(ISAIF)