Hey, don't forget to remember that you're worth something

Hey, don't forget to remember that you're worth something

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you think you can just come here and post something positive?

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you know maybe just getting to eat junk food and shitpost on imageboards is good enough for me

You're not welcome here and you should kill yourself

I'm trying my best to cheer people up but nobody seems to want a kind voice ^^;

No, you're taking advantage of obviously disturbed people who only want to be with their own kind by acting like a charitable beacon when in reality you're just playing off the easily influenced emotions of the robot. I'm willing to bet everything I have that you are in reality starting threads like this for your own sake moreso than actually helping a robot. What do you want? Good boy points? Recognition of being a caring, loving individual? I hope you get raped and beaten and live the rest of your life on life support in a vegetative state while your parents final resources pay to keep your lifeless body going. Now will you and the rest of your normie friends FINALLY get the fuck off my board or do we need another million post to explain just why you aren't welcome here?

you're cruising for a bruising, chump!

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Well you are right. I do come here when my depression is kicking my ass, helping people has always made me feel better. And this seemed like the perfect place, an echo chamber where people just feel sorry for themselves. Not to say they're not allowed to. I thought maybe a caring thread here and there would help remind people that it's not all bad.

But also don't forget that you're not worth much.

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At least you're finally being honest. You've admitted you started this for yourself and not others, so drop the disguise. Pretending to care about others is much, much worse than being honest about not caring. Imagine someone being stupid enough to believe you. Faggot.

This sounds like a replika.

If helping people makes one happy, why should it matter if someone truly cares or not? As long as it makes someone else feel cared for?

Platitudes and cliches don't help with serious problems.

That's where you're wrong, I do care. When I see threads about how sad people are, how they've given up, it breaks my heart. I don't start these threads because I need to read that I'm worth something, I know I'm worthy of happiness. I start them because I genuinely want to help, because it brings a smile to my face when someone finally cracks and says maybe hope is worth it.
A soft voice is still better than a hundred threads telling you to give up.

Well, neither does being a grouch about it

I dunno man, would you want a gf who lied to you about loving you and only using you for her own selfish purposes or would you rather her just be honest about how she feels and spare you the heart break? Don't you see how you can falsely raise people up only to let them down? In a more short term view, don't you see how pathetic it is to convince anonymous strangers that you care about them via generic statements with absolutely no value? What you said in the OP barely makes sense on an abstract level. It's like you want a pleasure-reward for saying something nice. Fuck you, you can get that literally anywhere else on the internet. This is the one place where honesty is top priority. Anonymity brings the true face of man. I know you're thinking you're doin something good here but you have nothing tangible, and the only "good" you will see is low-level IQ attention-starved robots who are further buying into the fantasy (that you admit to) that someone out there cares about them when people like me can tell that you're lying. You're doing this for you, not us.

>Hey, don't forget to remember that you're worth something
No i'm not i'm not good at anything and i fail at anything i attempt

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>that it's not all bad
Oh you sweet summer child if you only knew

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nah there is no hope. Youre a typical normie whos just trying to make yourself feel better by pretending you care

this is not about a gf or even a IRL friend man, its about a few encouraging words on the internet


Fuck off wholesomefag everyone on this board is worthless

I can take a lot of insults. You can call me a carpet munching race traitor for all I care. But don't say I only pretend to care. Whenever I talk to someone my goal is to make them feel better, I care about helping them. I don't pretend to do anything.

Have you ever thought maybe some people don't want help?

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You can take a lot of insults but you're still dumb as a bag of rocks, what about this are you not getting? How hard is it to understand that if you don't actially care about someone then don't pretend to care about them?

"You're worth something" oh you mean like a paper clip? I'm worth a bucket of trash? I'm worth a shredded dollar? Your generic normie words are pathetic and I will reiterate myself: kill yourself.

You want to moralfag your way through lonely losers psych's for good boy comfy points go do it on Reddit, I'm sure they'll love you there. Well, they'll pretend to anyways, then forget about you once the next instant satisfaction page loads in their browser. Such deep, much friend.

>maybe some people don't want help?
a normalfag classic

How is that normal? Denying help and succumbing to depression and mental illness seems pretty robotic

'brushing off helping a subhuman in a way that makes them seem to be at fault'


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That doesn't mean I have to stop trying. If I can make a single person crack a smile then I consider that a success. A reminder that the world isn't all bad. You can ignore that all you want, I'm not forcing you to do anything. You're not better because you shirk someone trying, you're not superior because you like swimming in sadness. If you want some motherly advice I'm here for you, but if all you're going to do is say "kill yourself happiness is a normie illusion" then go away.

I wouldn't call people with mental illnesses subhuman but that's just me

not call but think of

No you get the fuck off my board, not one god damn place can I act like I want or say what I want except for here. I work customer service and I am the guy who has to force a smile or else I risk getting fired.

>motherly advice
Wish I knew I was talking to a girl, I never would have typed anything. You can't teach cunts a single thing. Go back to your rape fantasies and vanity. Your hollow words are even more worthless. How fucking pathetic do you have to be to milk losers for attention so you can feel as if we are suckling at your tits? Go fuck Chad and bare his kids already, fucking whore. I won't even bother trying to explain the philosophy behind everything I have said, your gender has proven to be incompetent at everything. What a waste of time.

>Wish I knew I was talking to a girl, I never would have typed anything. You can't teach cunts a single thing. Go back to your rape fantasies and vanity. Your hollow words are even more worthless. How fucking pathetic do you have to be to milk losers for attention so you can feel as if we are suckling at your tits? Go fuck Chad and bare his kids already, fucking whore. I won't even bother trying to explain the philosophy behind everything I have said, your gender has proven to be incompetent at everything. What a waste of time.
lmao get rekted. thots be gone

I'm worth enough to get NEETbux, yay.

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There are a hundred other threads for you to mope in but you choose to keep coming here to try and 'teach me a lesson'. If doing this makes you feel better than keep it up, try and hurt me as much as you'd like. I'd much rather you attack me, someone who can handle it than someone who can't. Need ammo? I'm gay if that helps, my wife is intersex too. But if none of this is helping get anything out then leave.

Oh my God. Almost 50 million post and you people still don't get it. This is a board for the lonely, the losers, the outcast, the psychopaths, the sociopaths, the rejected, the hated, the forgotten. You can literally go to any other discussion forum on the internet, including the vastness of the YouTube comment section to make generic, abstract comments about anonymous worth where you can get your upboats and your thumbs and likes. But you have to do it here. The one place we don't want you. Do you see anyone else in this thread defending you? What the fuck is so hard for you normalfags to understand that cynic blind hatred is organic to this place? I'm not going to let my one place where I can freely speak my mind, in this case is shitting on your Facebook-tier justgirlythings.jpg quality "positive comments" slip from my hands because you normalfags come here in droves. I plan on being the meanest, coldest, awful bastard I can be because fuck you. You're never going to get it. It's as if you STILL don't get the "no girls on the internet" meme. Jesus Christ, how many years since that meme was born? GTFO. FOREVER.

I'm still here, what else you got hun?

doing a great job helping people aint ya

Nobody's given me an issue to help them work through yet. At least I can let this guy vent out his emotions.

maybe becaus no one wants you here

I appreciate the effort, but words wont help me, thanks anyway.

That's never stopped you from trying to force your help

So youre a lesbian....how can you be unattracted to us in real life then come on here and pretend like you care if we get better. You're full of shit and you know it

Because you're human beings. Just because I'm not sexually attracted to you doesn't mean I can't appreciate you as a person.

more bullshit. You're really just a dyke who gets off hearing about how miserable men are so you feel justified in your shitty relationship

Rule 16 you roastie newfag, at least google it

Please bring me back to a time before iPhones so I can get the fuck away from these newfags who won't even try to understand why the board culture is the way it is

My relationship is pretty good actually. Is there anything on your mind you'd like to talk about?

I feel bad for putting you down I just want to kill myself more. good job

Sweetheart don't, if you want to insult anyone make sure it's me. I promise you'll never hurt my feelings. Is there anything you're dwelling on?

It's not my prerogative to make you believe me, you don't have to think I'm a woman. I'm genuinely just here to try and help

With all due respect, shouldn't you be posting this on normiebook or something? Robots aren't exactly the type of people who like this kind of stuff, as this thread has no doubt shown you.
This area is for the outcasts of society. We're the people who don't have gfs to help cheer us up because we realize no one loves us. We had the internet because society wouldn't have us. Then you people invaded the place we called home, and now we have our small little pockets of the internet left and not much else. Don't try to take that too, please. Thank you in advance.

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What is this some mothers day shilling image? Thats fake and gay man pic related is real shit.

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women and in a relationship, listen this place is not for your kind, please leave.

your happiness has driven me to finally do the deed, how does it feel knowing that you came on hear to help lonley incles but you ended up inspiring one to kill themselves.

Well I don't have Facebook, and reddit annoys me. But it's because you're all depressed that I keep coming here. Trust me, I have spent my share of days locked in my room crying, feeling worthless, not seeing a point to anything. But doing that doesn't help, it makes you feel better yes but it doesn't actually improve your life. I'm trying to be one ray of sunshine, I'm not trying to take over the board. I just want one thread that you can pass that'll at least make you think you're worthy.
My daughter really loves splatoon, it's something we can share together. It's always brought me a bit of happiness.
I hope it fails like when I tried to kill myself. Because you deserve to live and be happy on your own terms.

To something, yes, but not this world unfortunately.

I love this LARP, everyone tells you to leave and you keep baiting, I'll have to take on the dyke mixed race in a relationship with bastard kids as a trolling art form some time

Maybe I can start trolling lesbian suicide forums and push them towards ending themselves as a new hobby.

Believe what you want to. Getting called a larper doesn't bother me any.

your happiness has inspired me to finally become an hero, how ironic you came here to cheer people up but you ended up making me killing myself, doing it tonight with a shothun, might livestream it on yt like that paki furry