Is sex really important?
Is sex really important?
Not really, it gets boring real quick
Yes. Because as living beings. We're meant to reproduce.
It works well for procreation.
Havent had sex in a few years now
I dont see it as important honestly
Should society that healthy regular sex life is basic human need just as eating healthy food or having a place to live? Should we promote sex positivity in that direction?
Nope. I'll be having sex tonight though so some bias there I suppose.
Having a best friend you spend a lot of time with cuddling and enjoying one another's company is more important for mental health. Sex is just another activity you get up to.
>is physical intimacy important
>is having someone you can touch, and be physically intimate with important
gee I wonder...
yes. love doesn't exist without sex. there is no other activity that causes the brain to release enough oxytocin at once to form that bond.
if you have a relationship without sex you get things like
>you're nice but i want a sperm donor, user
>have you considered being a cuckold?
>we're just friends
No because too much sex builds love-tolerance, especially in women. Less rapidly in men. We had a pretty fucking good thing going for thousands of fucking years that encouraged stable relationships. It was called monogamy without promiscuity.
"Critical theorists" (people who think, and only think, without considering evidence or any scientific method besides self-evaluations and other social ``science`` bullshit) who think they are so smart they can stumble upon the ultimate truth just by pondering with their clearly amazing brains just had to fuck it up.
Do you just like not get horny or
Sauce? Whats her name?
Do you want to stay single forever?
If yes, then it does not matter.
Sauce for the pic porfayvor
It is healthy, fun, satisfying and at least half of any decent relationship.
No not really. What I really wanted was the validation and intimacy most people get during there teenage years from sex. Of I were to have sex now, it would mean nothing because I'm just broken.
For mental health yes. But a shit relationship can ruin good sex. Talking of experience.
It is the biggest let down.
Let me explain why. You want it so much for weeks/months/years then when you finally get it, it's even better than expected at first but each time you keep having it, it's less satisfying than the last time and eventually it becomes a mundane thing. It reshapes your life and you realize that sex can only get so good no matter what sex position or techniques you use to improve or excite yourself.. it is limited. So you start to realize that you can get more fun and meaning in other things and develops skills and talents (or get into successful career but that is also limited). I'm really lost right now because I feel as I have tried everything that life has to offer and bored of everything now. Yes sex is good but it gets boring eventually. It's like a good coffee in the morning, you need it but there is not much more to it than that..
No, i just want someone to care about my meaningless existence.
you tell me, look at all the posts, half of them are about sex or the lack thereof
Its the only meaning to life, so yes
to incels it is
More like it just feels better if i just jerk of desu senpai
Only for reproduction. Thats literally what this body is built for. Apart from that the consciousness can do some pretty sick stuff besides sex.
The act of putting your penis in a vagina and ejaculating - no.
Having your brain's neural pathways rewire themselves as you gain validation, human intimacy and some level of self confidence - probably yes
>each time you keep having it, it's less satisfying than the last time and eventually it becomes a mundane thing
If that ever happens, then just go without sex (including no-fap) for a week or so. Get yourself to the point where you start getting that frantic feeling from having all that built-up semen putting pressure on your prostate, giving you a massive boner 10 times every day. The next time you have sex, it won't be mundane.
Pro tip: Don't have sex during her period, because those 6 days of abstinence during her period can "reset" your sex drive back to maximum again.
you need to get it regularly otherwise you end up like the virgins here. But you really don't need it that much.
I've been with my gf for 3 or 4 years now. The first few months we were fucking like 5 times a week. Now we live together and do it like once a week. And that's not because she's withholding it, it's just because I don't really feel like it as much.
Gina Valentina. Don't know the vid. Would definitely not pull out with her if I had the chance
Yes. As a guy who is enganged, don't let any resident dumbfuck tell you otherwise. It's part of Maslow's needs. If you think you can turn the energy into something else(like motivation or something else) then that's fine. If you can't, then it is still important for your well being psychologically. People sometimes cheat because their partners aren't satisfying that need(I'm not condoning this behavior in any shape or form).
I'm a virgin but I'm not really concerned with sex at all, but intimacy is what's important to me and what I crave, and sex is I suppose is a necessary part of that. If offered casual sex or the chance to, I'd say no and I have before in the past a few times and I'm not interested in pursuing it just for it's own sake.
mate, have you any sauce for me on that pic? probably the most valuable in here(if its a female(male)
sex doesnt even feel as good as using hands. especially the pussy, they feel good if you havent jerked of for a week, but then you usually cum too fast. otherwise they are way too loose, the mouth is meh as you allways feel the teth against your cock.
still i think it creates a sense of intimacy and intercourse is simply on a different level from other sexual practices, which is why i wonder how lesbians do it. not having the ability to penetrate with your primary sexual organs is probably really unfullfillying.
Not getting heterosex as a male means you're basically a social bottom feeder, a.k.a. a loser.
Bascially there's a social heriachy ladder and people try to clime up that ladder for more and better pussy.
Pussy and it's quality is literally the correlation between vale and/or statue.
The reason people work on themselves is because there's supposibly a future promise of pussy, but if you're a neet autist that goes on Jow Forums you won't even get pussy if you bench 3 plates and have abs because you're not a normie and have no social skills.
I just really want to know what it feels like, not only the physical sensation, but the knowledge that a woman accepted me as a human being and wanted to do it with me.
But also the physical sensation of my penis inside her tight warm, wet vagina. What does it even feel like? I can only imagine, but I imagine it feels perfect.
Yeah women need it
Nope, I was very disappointed when I first had sex lol, its okay but I guarantee if you masturbate everyday pussy wont ever live up to what u imagined
still would like to experience that disappointment for myself so that I can know I'm not missing out
Hey man go for it, Im rooting for you
>the knowledge that a woman accepted me as a human being and wanted to do it with me.
That's the best part
>if you masturbate everyday pussy wont ever live up to what u imagined
Also true and it can make your dick not get hard/able to cum (experience with the latter, noporn works).
>tfw 5x5
how to fucking cope
Fuck yoou kid
Losing your virginity is important to a male's psychosexual development
So you are saying I am psychologically undeveloped?
Yeah. When you and yours fight, it's something to look back on as a reason to keep them around.
Without sex, she's basically just your friend, user.
Yes, you are basically a grown child.