Just join the military bro

>just join the military bro

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You're a moron if you told the military about your mental health, You Always Lie about Your Medical/Mental Historty

I knew a guy who had severe depression and got halfway through his contract before being diagnosed and now gets medical pension

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>You Always Lie about Your Medical/Mental Historty

this, just lie. try act like normal person

I have self harm scars all over my body. Is there any way I could lie about it?

I waited for a fucking year to join the military, did all the shit, took the ASVAB, went to MEPS, etc etc, they fucking strung me on for a year before denying me because I had asthmatic symptoms when I was 6 years old and haven't and have not since had any more symptoms. Fuck them, wasted my time for a fucking year

Also do you think the French foreign legion would take me?

Do you speak French? gfgf

I can always learn it

no since they make you get naked and duck walk to test joints
if you aren't from a slavic country and/or a third world shithole not likely

Well, if you learn French and simultaneously lift and run for like a year consistently and have no mental issues that would be blatantly obvious and you're strongwilled, why not?

they will check this if they assume that you have mental illness

yeah say they're from abnormal homosexual activities

promise not to go on a shooting spree after the military has crushed your soul and made you completely unable to function in society

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Something about this tells me it won't work
I'll stick to welding

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Welding is a great career.
Based and redpilled.

lying about medical history = good
lying about criminal history = bad
They WILL ask you about any scars you have, I had a 3mm scar on my knee and they asked a few questions about it, mostly because of the possibility it was from a surgery.

>Why are you covered in scars, Mr user?
>I f-fell, h-haha

or car crash

Yeah... you're supposed to lie about that dude.

Well this recruiter knows me and knew me before i had mental health treatment. The recruiter himself, not a meps doctor,is telling me to get fucked. Guess I have to go get fucked

Pretty sure they have very intense requirements for joining. Not something any person in shape can do

>just lie about mental or physical health problems when joining an orginization completely releant on you not having mental or physical health problems