Women deserve equal rights to men regardless of promiscuity

Women deserve equal rights to men regardless of promiscuity.
Prove me wrong robots.

Their loose morals have no effect on their ability to produce goods and services
They pay taxes (everyone does it's taken from your paycheck and purchases)
They rent and buy into the economy.

>Hurrr durre betaa buy for vagoo
Then by virtue of existing they encourage weak males to buy into the economy and support businesses that employment thousands of people.

You've got no leverage. Women deserve the same rights as men and deserve to live any way they want.

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agreed. do they not have the same rights as men?

They do, it's just I wanted to see if anyone disagreed.
I went at it with the angle that any objecting arguments can be turned against the objectors.

They already do have rights, more rights than any female in history has ever had. We can judge people for whatever we want, including promiscuity.

oh. ya it was a lot of words, and i agree with the ending point.

Judging is fine but there's no valid reason to remove rights.

There is a difference between legality and morality. Equal rights under the law doesn't change the moral requirement to shame promiscious women. In short, actions have consequences and this applies also to women.

They dont actually want equal rights though.

ya, they want that dual mating strategy, alpha fucks, beta bux

>Their loose morals have no effect on their ability to produce goods and services

They make everything more difficult by flooding the workplace with more workers and doubling the labor pool.

They destroy fertility and marriage rates by valuing their career over relationships.

They become single mothers who produce fucked up children who create a drain on the economy.

They deplete the population through hypergamy which requires immigrant labor for the economy to survive.

>They make everything more difficult by flooding the workplace with more workers and doubling the labor pool.

The job market is designed to be difficult so as to push people to work harder.

>They destroy fertility and marriage rates by valuing their career over relationships.
That is fine, just import more people.

>They become single mothers who produce fucked up children who create a drain on the economy.
Those drains are your low wage workers that serve a viatle roll in doing jobs we don't want to.
Otherwise they end up in jail and feed prison workers.

>They deplete the population through hypergamy which requires immigrant labor for the economy to survive
Men support hypergamy as well. Most men here believe that they are Superior in some way. That they have a standing above other men that makes it reasonable for them to drown in pussy.
Hypergamy is a fact of life since time emoral.

>import more people
That worked great for Swedenistan, the rape capital of the world.

In the US they have the same rights but still complain

More work for cops. The economy keeps chugging along.

>More work for cops
You say that as if it were a good thing

Cops pay taxes, the fines and prison sentences provide revenue to private entities.
It's only business. Everyone is making money.

What I understood here is that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Only those at the top would benefit from this

The poor occupy wealthy businesses. They get money from the rich.
If they owned businesses they'd be rich too.

>Men support hypergamy as well.

Yeah, rich men who no longer have to compete, which is why women are gaining the advantages they're currently enjoying. Rich males have no problem with elevating more women who will only want to fuck them.

And the only way men here think they're superior is if the old guard of r9k killed themselves already, which is looking increasingly likely judging from the change this place has undergone.

Anyway, you're whole worldview depends on hoping low class males suffer in silence and die alone. The entire basis for civilization for thousands of years was to ensure low class men weren't working as members of a eunuch underclass because they refuse to work that way due to how that impacts them psychologically and emotionally.

However, the trend is going your way. I guess we'll have to see if the hypergamous whores working under the Marie Antionette "let the betas eat cake" model works out for you.

I thought they had more rights in the US?

It will be what's best for you.