Not wanting an African wife with a big old natural who makes you egusi soup and jollof with chicken

>not wanting an African wife with a big old natural who makes you egusi soup and jollof with chicken
What are you, a faggot? In her country, they'd execute you for being a gay.

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Sure, get me an African wife, but not one tainted by Western ideals and fashion like the pic in OP

>In her country, they'd execute you for being a gay.
Which country? I wanna go.

So you either want an elderly woman or a woman from a tribe in the middle of the desert, far away from civilization?
The whole continent isn't the most hospitable to homosexuals, but she's Nigerian.

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This girl looks 14. You finna bring chocolate in at least make sure it's ready.

Close. She's 19 and fresh.

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Is she's your type, go for it
But if you are going for nice and thicc chocolate momma seems something like this is much better.

Also USUALLY people from africa are rather thin. If you are looking for the impressive natural girls you need to gun for a mix western&african like african american or afro european.

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>wake up to more low quality racebait from nick
sorry that Brooke cucked you but you need to get over it kys

>In her country, they'd execute you for being a gay.
Can confirm.
t. Zimbabwean

Attached: every fucking day.png (944x389, 582K)

>USUALLY people from Africa are rather thin
I follow a ton of African women on Instagram. They're thicc but they're a healthy thicc. African American women are obese, their fat is just in the right places. African women look more like African American women pre-00s when ass injections and obesity became attractive.

Only if she was a tran girl

I mean Trad as in traditional black girl, not a fagoot

sure you did you cock sucking fagot

You could have at least posted a hot one.

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>Stop it user why you be playin tho

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>tfw no supa thick Boone gf who makes you cornbread and pork chops
>tfw no Boone gf with a fro to grab onto while you slap that giant ass

That's not an African, she's Jamaican.

>tfw no Jamaican gf to make me patties

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I also wouldn't marry a woman anything like the two whores you posted. "Blonde" black women are the second worst African ethnic group, right behind skin bleachers.

>tfw no erudite, militant SJW girl who can't seem to get enough BWC

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she looks so much better with dark hair

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>Nicki Minaj plastic surgery
>looks the exact same in both pictures

that was the most flattering pre surgery photo I saw on Google.

Attached: emgn-plastic-surgeries-pic-3.jpg (750x500, 202K)

She doesn't seem to have had any work done to her face. She looks exactly the same, just cleaner and older.

her nose had a bit of work but not much but she's done a lot of skin bleaching

the idea of a wife that like traditionally cooks for me like an indentured servant sounds so cringy and outdated.

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why do you care so much faggot