Post your
>job working now
>work history
>how many references you have
Lets see how many of you are actual functioning members of society.
Post your
>job working now
>work history
>how many references you have
Lets see how many of you are actual functioning members of society.
She forgot
>almost 25
>work retail
>I have like two pages of resume
>I have a friend who will put in a good word for me, pretty much why I got this job recently after working in a pizza place for a bit
Booferass bitch nigger
>job working now
>work history
>how many references you have
>"look at that street"
dis urban retarded or what?
>self-employed/part time fed
>Masters degree and part time fed work all through college
>6 off the top of my head
100% serious, I've never worked and I've never really lived.
>job working now
run my own SaaS business
>work history
Publix in high school
>how many references you have
Zero. Fuck a boss.
>seasonal bakery job
>26 in a few weeks
>Chief analytics officer at a startup company
>been at this company for over 3 years
>before that was a waiter and did manual farm labor while in school
>probably 5-6 professional references and lots of personal ones.
working part time on campus
>work history
had a summer job at a grocery store when i was 17
i dunno. maybe my managers if I asked or a professor or two. haven't tried to build up any relationships.
Kill all urbans
Get a load of all these young faggots
>5 years as a retail wage slave
>maybe 1
>mfw designated shitting streets takes on a whole new meaning now
I swear, there's a new slang term created every minute. What the fuck is "boofer"?
boofer deez nutz
>too many job, switch jobs constantly
>1. I got info from some person about the job. I don't know that person.
this is the thing I hate more than anything else
I fell right into that one. God damn...
>23 (wow time really does fly)
>neet. I make 5000 dollards approximately a month.
>I worked in a circus part time.hated it.