Today I found this little plushie in my local supermarket. It has a name (Maja) and a telephone number on its label. So I took it home and called. Turns out it was the favourite kitten of a little girl. So I met her older brother near my house and gave them back the plushie. Received fancy chocolate. I feel really good about this, I'm really anxious with people, but I managed to call and all that stuff.
Today I found this little plushie in my local supermarket. It has a name (Maja) and a telephone number on its label...
that was a nice deed op
AWW. thats so cute. bless you op
this made me happy OP, thank you :')
so the supermarket somehow got a used toy and decided to sell it? but good job op, hope your good deed comes back to you one day
Good for you OP. I'm sure that little girl was devastated when she lost it.
thats such a cute plushie, i know the owner was so happy to get her back. you did a small miracle op!
Too much cute for me.
a personal plushie is basically your Horcrux
Thank you so much guys, I dont' have anyone here to tell them about this, so I really appreciate your replies.
The whole story is giving me Christmas vibes, I feel like Scrooge now.
>tfw you remember losing your favourite teddy bear you had since birth
You did good OP, you performed a christmas miracle for this little girl and warmed the cold hearts of many Anons
It's almost like a little sidequest in a game.
Good job OP
The small deeds are the ones that count usually
Good job, OP.
That's wonderful.
Merry Christmas
Have a (you) and and an original star
That'll do, OP.
No it's too easy.
>tfw never fixed the broken sword
This gives me faith in humanity, thanks OP
you made someone happy today op, keep this day in mind. it may help you on your darkest moments
Ok but did you cum on it first?
No. I brushed it cause it looked a little messy.
Thank you all. I hope it will make my Christmas a little better. Merry Christmas guys.