*laughs in your general direction*
Make it indian and that's me.
I'm on suicide watch rn, the only girl I've ever the guts to ask out rejected me and literally fucked a 6'2" ripped black guy like the next day (wish I was cuckposting), just fucking end it all. I'd have to make $250k more than everyone else just to compensate for my height even though I have a good face. FUCK THE HEIGHTPILL AND THE BBC MEME.
That's a fine height for an Indian though, meanwhile whites are expected to be 6'0"+ Chads with 7/10 faces if they want to score a 6/10+ white woman. And black guys only have to be 5'8" with a 6/10 to score the same.
I have a 4.0 GPA at a top 20 U.S. university and strong connections on Wall Street, I can get any finance job I want but that still won't be enough to compensate for my height. What the fuck is the point for a guy like? It was over before it started.
I'm white and 5'8" and a lot of girls have been interested in me just don't be a fucking faggot and worry all the time literally stop fucking caring
Yeah I have Asian and Indian chicks interested in me which is cool I guess but attractive white girls want absolutely nothing to do with me even though I have a 7/10 face.
>5'4" and mutt American
Might as well just fucking off myself
What type of mutt? If you're part black you should still be scoring with white chicks.
White girls would choose a 6/10 5'4" half-black guy over a 6/10 5'8" white guy in the year 2018.
I look like a Latino but my family says there's no Mexican blood in me, never took a dna test but ive been told we're gypsies, Italian, German, Russian, sycillian, and we're supposedly maybe Jewish
My brother is an 8/10 6'+ mutt, I'm a 5/10 in my own opinion
If you have a decent face and frame you can easily run BBC game bro. In fact I bet you already do. There's no such thing as a black incel >=5'8" + decent face/frame.
Get a DNA test. Also how tall is your dad? And will 5'4" be your maximum height? If so it seems incredibly unfair that your brother is 6'+.
My dad was pretty short himself, around 5'7" maybe. My mother's side of the family though is mostly tall men so that explains it.
The doctor told me when I was around 15 years old that I would be staying at 5'4", and he was right.
Someone please delete this post.
Stfu. Porn, pro-sports, hollywood, rap are all on your side. There's no such thing as a black incel.
I just don't have a hood nigga mentality so the girls really don't like that. when girls date one of us they don't want a nigga that plays vidya and shit they want a rap star basically
Time for you to transition little girl
>neet/anime/vidya everyday
>despite all this, this chick calls me daily/nightly and gets upset when I ignore her for video games with my bros
I think you might be doing something wrong because I am far from a Tyrone and she still wants my attention
Better get somewhat jacked. Your shortness looks worst when you're scrawny. At least with a wide frame & muscle mass, you don't look as pathetic
Why did it matter that he was black? You still would've gotten cucked if it was an ultra built Chad.
I get nudes and shit and attention and all but only from out of state/country girls. in virginia im just out of fucking luck dude.
The black part just added salt to the wound because it turned out this girl was a literal BBC fetishist and it just hurts to know that no matter what I fucking do I can't be a 6'2" ripped black guy. No amount of money can buy it, no surgery can bring me there, etc.
It's really weird reading all of this drivel as a mixed Afro Latino mutt, because no matter where I go, girls of every race pretty much act like they're completely disgusted by my mere existence.
Are you white?
Then you still have a chance
Be 5'8 and black/brown/yellow
Now get out the noose.
>making multiple threads bitching about height
Ban yourself due to a lack in moderation.
I'm working on that. I also posture-maxx, grow my hair out, and wear 1" shoe-lifts to cope just a bit. Honestly I'm not even too below-average with these coping mechanisms in place, but I'm still sub-par in women's eyes (on the height front).
I'm white. Anglo, Celtic, German and Ashkenazi ancestry.
I only made one on this board... and I'm also not just bitching about height but the combo of being below-average height AND white in the year 2018.
And I've already procured sexual activities (not full sex tho) but only due to possessing drugs and/or with girls who were below my looksmatch.
True. We were born just to watch it all fall apart.
Goodbye, cruel word.
This is a blessing
Just get a fucking Asian gf lmao. You just have to exist and one will come crawling to you.
I know, but my oneitis is a short white girl and I think I might have a chance with her. I'm gonna ask her out after winter break. If she's a no then I'll just ask out one of the asian/hapa girls who has flirted with me.
In many ways, sure, but being cucked by black men who are objectively less attractive than you almost cancels out all the benefits.
Although even the Asian girls are demanding Chad these days, and I'm no Chad. I'm a Chad-lite at best, but a sub-6' let alone sub-5'10" guy can't possibly be a Chad, period.
try to get at my level, im 5ft4 and mexican living in a white country, you dont how easy you have it just being white is already way better than being a shitskin
Making it about being white is even worse you mouth breather.
>be white and 5'10"
>walk around the rich part of manhattan
>literal white teenage girls walking around in flat don't seem to be shorter than 6' as a general rule
>go in line to starbucks
>two white teenage girls end up behind me and start talking about height amongst themselves and how their brothers are all 6'4" and up
>hop on the train back to working class section of brooklyn where genetic subhumans like me belong
lads it never even began
Im white and 6.2 foot, in my school it seemed almost every white guy was over 6.0 with a handful of exceptions. I never considered myself tall, just slightly above average.
Fuck I want to start my career in Manhattan, maybe I'll just settle for Indian and Asian chicks, I find a lot them attractive anyway and they tend to be quite short. Do you work in finance?
The white guys at my upper class prep school averaged around 5'11"-6'0" I would say. I don't what the fuck other parents gave their kids that mine didn't give but they sure fucked me over. One of my friends was literally put on HGH when he was 15-16, I wish I had parents who were that cutthroat and blackpilled. But they're bluepilled boomers who say "just ask a nice girl out! teehee"
Maybe I'm not even white, I mean my ancestry is predominantly Hiberno-Norman, Anglo and Jewish. Maybe I'm destined to be a betabuxxing manlet jew. I guess there are worse things.
>tfw slav/german/scandi mutt
>somewhere between 68-70 inches
>instead of getting the tallfag genes I got the bigfoot genes and wear a size 13.5 US
Actually considering you were in the "rich part" of Manhattan (upper east side) I assume those kids are literally genetically engineered super-humans. Think about it, the elite already have access to these technologies, of course they're going to use them to make their kids HeightMOG, LooksMOG, and IQMOG us into OBLIVION. NEVER BEGAN FOR 20thCenturyCels!!!
Why are we here? Just to suffer? Atleast i will always have the love of my mother.
I T ' S
To serve the genetically-engineered Anglo-Jewish elite of the Upper East Side. That's it, keep the financial machine running as long as possible, nothing more.
My fathers side of the family are from ireland and most of of the older men and myself are 5'7 to 5'9 whereas my fucking cousins are 6 foot
Same thing here. No adult male in my family has been >5'8". Irish genes are trash for height. At least I seem to be able to bulk-up/build strength more quickly (in part due to height, in part due to Irish genetics?)
Meanwhile all my Anglo cousins are 6'0"+ gigachads, Cromwell should've genocided subhuman Irishmen, we might as well be ethnics.
I know this feel to well, fucking sucks,
>both grandfather's we're above six foot giants
>Both married short women
>Mom's side of the family are all short now
>Dad's side of the family was a mix as some were six foot and above while others were only 5'9
>Dad is 5'9 and mom is 5'2
>Brother comes out 5'10 and I end up at 5'7
Aye im pretty bulky and dont lift that much. Probably all of the hard work done by our great-grand parents out in the potato fields
Cope more ricecel. Asian girls are so thirsty for white cock that they even give me attention as a 5'8" manlet, meanwhile every Asian guy in my dorm is a truecel. They just finish their engineering homework and then play video games all day lmao. Never began for ricecels.
>two white teenage girls end up behind me and start talking about height amongst themselves and how their brothers are all 6'4" and up
wealthy white teenage girls always love to do this shit oh so "spontaneously" in my experience, it honestly makes me afraid to go out in public much as another fellow 5'8" white manlet. the genetic elite need to start being careful, they are really starting to rub our noses in it these days in a very shameless way.
My family was even part of the "elite" of Ireland (one of the Tribes of Galway) but that didn't help me at all in terms of height, only IQ and moneymaxxing tendencies.
I'm going to work in finance for a decade, inherit some money, make some smart investments and then roll all the money into an arms-dealing business than will focus on distributing guns to the urban proletariat for the Anti-WASP/Jew elite revolution of 2040-2050. As a manlet I have more in common with poor Latinos than my "fellow" rich white men.
Some day it will be OVER for the neoliberal capitalist genetic elite. We will NOT allow you to build a fucking Elysium, your heads will be on SPIKES. I will impale 100+ 6'0" WASP heads before I die.
just avoid the upper east side entirely fellow nyc user, last time I was there I even saw loads of Indian and Chinese chads who stood at 6'3" minimum I'm 5'7" and it's legit the first time in my life I saw Indians who were taller than me
Fuck UES is where the rich jews I want to network with live, and they are manlets (5'6"-5'9"). Where are all those Changs and Chadpreets coming from? I though the UES was for Jewish manlets? WHERE WILL I EVER BE ABLE TO FIT IN!!!
i honestly feel the same way half of the time not gonna lie but I still have some Jow Forums tendencies nevertheless (mostly because black kids were pretty shitty to me as a poor urban white growing up but whatever)
i would have this philosophy but my mom died when i was 6 lol
I grew up a millionaire but I'm a class traitor just like FDR. I will gain more pleasure from stripping the privileged WASPs and Jews of their wealth than I ever would from trying to "join" them. They made the wrong fucking enemy.
Hey sissy time for you to take estrogen and become a slutty girl
i notice wealthy white chads like you are usually okay, I don't really harbor too much animosity towards you as a group but it's always the wealthy white roasties who are brutal in that way
I honestly might gaymaxx, I find a lot of guys to be quite cute and fuckable. But gay guys have such high standards and I don't want to come out as bi.
That's darn bullshit and you know it.
Another fellow nyc user here from Staten island here. Last time I walked through the UES a gaggle of wealthy white chads who towered over me audibly chuckled as I walked by them. I'm 5'5" and half white half black. I thought it all in my head as it happened but yeah. The expensive parts of this city are really something else, just avoid them entirely unless you're a literal billionaire and/or male model. They employ actual models as waitresses even in the shitty bars/restaurants out there it's really something else. I work in midtown and occasionally grab a drink and every foid bartender I see out there is a literal genetic 10/10 (bartenders are always somewhat good looking in nyc but in the expensive parts they take it to a whole other level).
>tfw 5'2
Free bpyfriend here. please take me
no i'm a literal union construction worker. it's an okay wage for me plus i get 3 month non paid vacations a year because of lay offs.
How do you think a 5'8"/5'9", 7/10 face, fit, wealthy white guy working a 6-figure finance job in his early 20s would fair in NYC? Does the height thing doom me? Sounds like you would have to be Patrick Bateman or Christian Grey to not commit suicide in NYC from your description.
my brother is like 6'1" and i'm 5'10" because my parents signed him up for every sport under the book when he was a kid while i just played vidya, playing sports as a kid is important to help spur growth
Hating sports (in particular hating coaches) is probably what doomed my height. Not wanting to follow the orders of failed middle aged fat white guys is why I'm 3-4" short of 2018 minimum male height. Fucking lol.
I guess I didn't take any sports and he was a lot more active than me but that was a whole three fucking inches. Fucking unfair.
Well uhhhh honestly I don't know, by your description you shouldn't be be completely excluded from the dating pool but you're gonna have to work for it, to really have women throw themselves at you in this city you probably have to be 6'2" minimum. The overall issue is that every wealthy chad and Saudi prince flocks to this city to live the high life, you're literally competing with the genetic and financial elite of the entire globe. Truthfully you shouldn't have THAT much trouble compared to me because at least you're rich. Dudes like me though are pretty much entirely excluded from the dating pool.
>b-but you're black! Muh white wimmunz!
I'm only half black and don't fit well with black people at all and the truth about the black community anyway is that it has the highest rates of haremization in the united States, in any black ghetto 75% of the dudes are incels and all of the women only fuck a small handful of giga nigga alpha black drug dealers. That's the truth.
It never began for us non-sportcels. Playing Lacrosse, Football and Basketball is the minimum requirement to be a Chad in the 2010s. At least we didn't get the fucking brain damage lol. Can't wait for all these Chads to become braindead vegetables with broken joints.
Take the pink pill and let real men fuck your bussy
I was joking about the BBC posting above. NYC is one the places where being black seems to be a disadvantage if anything because everyone is so money and status-driven, and no offense but that's usually not what black guys bring to the table.
I've already procured sexual favors myself by running drug dealer game, it's the only solution for sub-8, sub-6'0" upper tier normies in the year 2018. But I'm not going to become a fucking foid, I'd rather die a celibate male than be a foid.
My Puerto Rican does this. Got all these white foids in Williamsburg addicted to coke on purpose for the sole purpose of fucking them from time to time. I considered him a piece of shit when he told me about it initially but now I cheer him on.
Yeah non taken. When you're right you're right.
>have drugs on hand
>roasties want the drugs but don't have enough cash
>get a blowjob
>no longer an incel
Foids really are that easy to crack. It's sad, really.
He is redpilled as fuck. I might run drug dealer game with my extra cash when I live in NYC in order to compete with GigaChaddam, GigaChad and GigaGoldschlong.
No one will suspect a jewish-looking white nerd manlet of running drug dealer game lmao.
it's hard to break into the drug dealing game especially coke you need familial connections to do it. you're only considered a prospect if your father was involved in it it seems. you can't just drop off an application with your local small time drug running gang.
if thats the case i don't think its because of your race, its probably because you're too ugly or something